changeset 0 3906ca745819
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3906ca745819
     1 <?php
     3 /**
     4  * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block
     5  *
     6  * Compiles the {block}{/block} tags
     7  *
     8  * @package Smarty
     9  * @subpackage Compiler
    10  * @author Uwe Tews
    11  */
    13 /**
    14  * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class
    15  *
    16  * @package Smarty
    17  * @subpackage Compiler
    18  */
    19 class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
    21     /**
    22      * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
    23      *
    24      * @var array
    25      * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
    26      */
    27     public $required_attributes = array('name');
    29     /**
    30      * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
    31      *
    32      * @var array
    33      * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
    34      */
    35     public $shorttag_order = array('name', 'hide');
    37     /**
    38      * Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
    39      *
    40      * @var array
    41      * @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
    42      */
    43     public $optional_attributes = array('hide');
    45     /**
    46      * Compiles code for the {block} tag
    47      *
    48      * @param array  $args     array with attributes from parser
    49      * @param object $compiler compiler object
    50      * @return boolean true
    51      */
    52     public function compile($args, $compiler) {
    53         // check and get attributes
    54         $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
    55         $save = array($_attr, $compiler->parser->current_buffer, $compiler->nocache, $compiler->smarty->merge_compiled_includes, $compiler->merged_templates, $compiler->smarty->merged_templates_func, $compiler->template->properties, $compiler->template->has_nocache_code);
    56         $this->openTag($compiler, 'block', $save);
    57         if ($_attr['nocache'] == true) {
    58             $compiler->nocache = true;
    59         }
    60         // set flag for {block} tag
    61         $compiler->inheritance = true;
    62         // must merge includes
    63         $compiler->smarty->merge_compiled_includes = true;
    65         $compiler->parser->current_buffer = new _smarty_template_buffer($compiler->parser);
    66         $compiler->has_code = false;
    67         return true;
    68     }
    70     /**
    71      * Save or replace child block source by block name during parsing
    72      *
    73      * @param string $block_content     block source content
    74      * @param string $block_tag         opening block tag
    75      * @param object $template          template object
    76      * @param string $filepath          filepath of template source
    77      */
    78     public static function saveBlockData($block_content, $block_tag, $template, $filepath) {
    79         $_rdl = preg_quote($template->smarty->right_delimiter);
    80         $_ldl = preg_quote($template->smarty->left_delimiter);
    81         if (!$template->smarty->auto_literal) {
    82             $al = '\s*';
    83         } else {
    84             $al = '';
    85         }
    86         if (0 == preg_match("!({$_ldl}{$al}block\s+)(name=)?(\w+|'.*'|\".*\")(\s*?)?((append|prepend|nocache)?(\s*)?(hide)?)?(\s*{$_rdl})!", $block_tag, $_match)) {
    87             $error_text = 'Syntax Error in template "' . $template->source->filepath . '"   "' . htmlspecialchars($block_tag) . '" illegal options';
    88             throw new SmartyCompilerException($error_text);
    89         } else {
    90             $_name = trim($_match[3], '\'"');
    91             if ($_match[8] != 'hide' || isset($template->block_data[$_name])) {        // replace {$smarty.block.child}
    92                 // do we have {$smart.block.child} in nested {block} tags?
    93                 if (0 != preg_match_all("!({$_ldl}{$al}block\s+)(name=)?(\w+|'.*'|\".*\")([\s\S]*?)(hide)?(\s*{$_rdl})([\s\S]*?)({$_ldl}{$al}\\\$smarty\.block\.child\s*{$_rdl})([\s\S]*?{$_ldl}{$al}/block\s*{$_rdl})!", $block_content, $_match2)) {
    94                     foreach ($_match2[3] as $key => $name) {
    95                         // get it's replacement
    96                         $_name2 = trim($name, '\'"');
    97                         if ($_match2[5][$key] != 'hide' || isset($template->block_data[$_name2])) {
    98                             if (isset($template->block_data[$_name2])) {
    99                                 $replacement = $template->block_data[$_name2]['source'];
   100                             } else {
   101                                 $replacement = '';
   102                             }
   103                             // replace {$smarty.block.child} tag
   104                             $search = array("!({$_ldl}{$al}block[\s\S]*?{$name}[\s\S]*?{$_rdl})([\s\S]*?)({$_ldl}{$al}\\\$smarty\.block\.child\s*{$_rdl})([\s\S]*?)({$_ldl}{$al}/block\s*{$_rdl})!", "/§§§child§§§/");
   105                             $replace = array('\2§§§child§§§\4', $replacement);
   106                             $block_content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $block_content);
   107                         } else {
   108                             // remove hidden blocks
   109                             $block_content = preg_replace("!({$_ldl}{$al}block[\s\S]*?{$name}[\s\S]*?{$_rdl}[\s\S]*?{$_ldl}{$al}/block\s*{$_rdl})!", '', $block_content);
   110                         }
   111                     }
   112                 }
   113                 // do we have not nested {$smart.block.child}
   114                 if (0 != preg_match("!({$_ldl}{$al}\\\$smarty\.block\.child\s*{$_rdl})!", $block_content, $_match2)) {
   115                     // get child replacement for this block
   116                     if (isset($template->block_data[$_name])) {
   117                         $replacement = $template->block_data[$_name]['source'];
   118                         unset($template->block_data[$_name]);
   119                     } else {
   120                         $replacement = '';
   121                     }
   122                     $block_content = preg_replace("!({$_ldl}{$al}\\\$smarty\.block\.child\s*{$_rdl})!", $replacement, $block_content);
   123                 }
   124                 if (isset($template->block_data[$_name])) {
   125                     if (strpos($template->block_data[$_name]['source'], '%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%') !== false) {
   126                         $template->block_data[$_name]['source'] =
   127                                 str_replace('%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%', $block_content, $template->block_data[$_name]['source']);
   128                     } elseif ($template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
   129                         $template->block_data[$_name]['source'] .= $block_content;
   130                     } elseif ($template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'append') {
   131                         $template->block_data[$_name]['source'] = $block_content . $template->block_data[$_name]['source'];
   132                     }
   133                 } else {
   134                     $template->block_data[$_name]['source'] = $block_content;
   135                     $template->block_data[$_name]['file'] = $filepath;
   136                 }
   137                 if ($_match[6] == 'append') {
   138                     $template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'append';
   139                 } elseif ($_match[6] == 'prepend') {
   140                     $template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'prepend';
   141                 } else {
   142                     $template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'replace';
   143                 }
   144             }
   145         }
   146     }
   148     /**
   149      * Compile saved child block source
   150      *
   151      * @param object $compiler  compiler object
   152      * @param string $_name     optional name of child block
   153      * @return string   compiled code of schild block
   154      */
   155     public static function compileChildBlock($compiler, $_name = null) {
   156         $_output = '';
   157         // if called by {$smarty.block.child} we must search the name of enclosing {block}
   158         if ($_name == null) {
   159             $stack_count = count($compiler->_tag_stack);
   160             while (--$stack_count >= 0) {
   161                 if ($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][0] == 'block') {
   162                     $_name = trim($compiler->_tag_stack[$stack_count][1][0]['name'], "'\"");
   163                     break;
   164                 }
   165             }
   166             // flag that child is already compile by {$smarty.block.child} inclusion
   167             $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] = true;
   168         }
   169         if ($_name == null) {
   170             $compiler->trigger_template_error('{$smarty.block.child} used out of context', $compiler->lex->taglineno);
   171         }
   172         // undefined child?
   173         if (!isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'])) {
   174             return '';
   175         }
   176         $_tpl = new Smarty_Internal_template('string:' . $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'], $compiler->smarty, $compiler->template, $compiler->template->cache_id,
   177                         $compiler->template->compile_id = null, $compiler->template->caching, $compiler->template->cache_lifetime);
   178         $_tpl->variable_filters = $compiler->template->variable_filters;
   179         $_tpl->properties['nocache_hash'] = $compiler->template->properties['nocache_hash'];
   180         $_tpl->source->filepath = $compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['file'];
   181         $_tpl->allow_relative_path = true;
   182         if ($compiler->nocache) {
   183             $_tpl->compiler->forceNocache = 2;
   184         } else {
   185             $_tpl->compiler->forceNocache = 1;
   186         }
   187         $_tpl->compiler->suppressHeader = true;
   188         $_tpl->compiler->suppressTemplatePropertyHeader = true;
   189         $_tpl->compiler->suppressMergedTemplates = true;
   190         if (strpos($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'], '%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%') !== false) {
   191             $_output = str_replace('%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%', $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php(), $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl));
   192         } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'prepend') {
   193             $_output = $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl) . $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php();
   194         } elseif ($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'append') {
   195             $_output = $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php() . $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl);
   196         } elseif (!empty($compiler->template->block_data[$_name])) {
   197             $_output = $_tpl->compiler->compileTemplate($_tpl);
   198         }
   199         $compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($compiler->template->properties['file_dependency'], $_tpl->properties['file_dependency']);
   200         $compiler->template->properties['function'] = array_merge($compiler->template->properties['function'], $_tpl->properties['function']);
   201         $compiler->merged_templates = array_merge($compiler->merged_templates, $_tpl->compiler->merged_templates);
   202         $compiler->template->variable_filters = $_tpl->variable_filters;
   203         if ($_tpl->has_nocache_code) {
   204             $compiler->template->has_nocache_code = true;
   205         }
   206         foreach ($_tpl->required_plugins as $key => $tmp1) {
   207             if ($compiler->nocache && $compiler->template->caching) {
   208                 $code = 'nocache';
   209             } else {
   210                 $code = $key;
   211             }
   212             foreach ($tmp1 as $name => $tmp) {
   213                 foreach ($tmp as $type => $data) {
   214                     $compiler->template->required_plugins[$code][$name][$type] = $data;
   215                 }
   216             }
   217         }
   218         unset($_tpl);
   219         return $_output;
   220     }
   222 }
   224 /**
   225  * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class
   226  *
   227  * @package Smarty
   228  * @subpackage Compiler
   229  */
   230 class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
   232     /**
   233      * Compiles code for the {/block} tag
   234      *
   235      * @param array  $args     array with attributes from parser
   236      * @param object $compiler compiler object
   237      * @return string compiled code
   238      */
   239     public function compile($args, $compiler) {
   240         $compiler->has_code = true;
   241         // check and get attributes
   242         $_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
   243         $saved_data = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('block'));
   244         $_name = trim($saved_data[0]['name'], "\"'");
   245         if (isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]) && !isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled'])) {
   246             // restore to status before {block} tag as new subtemplate code of parent {block} is not needed
   247             // TODO: Below code was disabled in 3.1.8 because of problems with {include} in nested {block} tags in child templates
   248             //       combined with append/prepend or $smarty.block.parent
   249             //       For later versions it should be checked under which conditions it could run for optimisation
   250             //
   251             //$compiler->merged_templates = $saved_data[4];
   252             //$compiler->smarty->merged_templates_func = $saved_data[5];
   253             //$compiler->template->properties = $saved_data[6];
   254             //$compiler->template->has_nocache_code = $saved_data[7];
   255             $_output = Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block::compileChildBlock($compiler, $_name);
   256         } else {
   257             if (isset($saved_data[0]['hide']) && !isset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['source'])) {
   258                 $_output = '';
   259             } else {
   260                 $_output = $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php();
   261             }
   262             unset($compiler->template->block_data[$_name]['compiled']);
   263         }
   264         // reset flags
   265         $compiler->parser->current_buffer = $saved_data[1];
   266         $compiler->nocache = $saved_data[2];
   267         $compiler->smarty->merge_compiled_includes = $saved_data[3];
   268         // reset flag for {block} tag
   269         $compiler->inheritance = false;
   270         // $_output content has already nocache code processed
   271         $compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
   272         return $_output;
   273     }
   275 }
   277 ?>