2007-08-09 Dan Snapr now works with Enano's HTML/gzip optimization switches (1.0 compatibility broken, need 1.0.1 now)
2007-07-26 Dan Added sample image (Snapr logo) to the gallery on a clean installation
2007-07-26 Dan Readme said GPLv2 only, Snapr is supposed to be v2 or later at the user's option
2007-07-26 Dan Included XCFs and SVGs for most images, which probably count as "corresponding source" under the GPL
2007-07-26 Dan Added the Random Image sidebar block
2007-07-26 Dan A few minor bugfixes and visual enhancements for admins
2007-07-25 Dan Added check in upload wizard to prevent folders from being added to one of their children or to themselves (fatal error: maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded anyone?)
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