Added Offline Mode - automatically turned on and off based on connectivity to server. Version bumped to 0.1a5.
<?php/** * Greyhound - real web management for Amarok * Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. */// rebooting doesn't work at this pointdefine('REBOOT_SUPPORT', false);function greyhound_config($httpd, $socket){ global $use_auth; // validate the session if ( !session_check() ) { $httpd->header('HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect'); $httpd->header('Location: /login'); return; } $tried = false; $success = false; $needpass = false; $error = false; // if a config password is set, make sure it matches. $authed = false; if ( empty($GLOBALS['configpass']) ) { $authed = true; } else { $needpass = true; if ( isset($_POST['configpass']) && sha1($_POST['configpass']) === $GLOBALS['configpass'] ) { $authed = true; $tried = true; } else if ( isset($_POST['configpass']) ) { $error = 'You didn\'t enter the right configuration password, so the changes weren\'t saved.'; $tried = true; } } if ( $authed && isset($_POST['submit']) ) { $tried = true; $need_reboot = ( isset($_POST['public']) !== $GLOBALS['public'] || isset($_POST['ipv6']) !== $GLOBALS['enable_ipv6'] || isset($_POST['allow_fork']) !== $GLOBALS['allow_fork']); // compile the new config file $public = ( isset($_POST['public']) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $allowcontrol = ( isset($_POST['allowcontrol']) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $allow_fork = ( isset($_POST['allow_fork']) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $use_auth = ( isset($_POST['use_auth']) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $ipv6_settings = ( isset($_POST['ipv6']) ) ? '$GLOBALS[\'enable_ipv4\'] = false;$GLOBALS[\'enable_ipv6\'] = true;' : '$GLOBALS[\'enable_ipv4\'] = true;$GLOBALS[\'enable_ipv6\'] = false;'; $GLOBALS['enable_ipv6'] = isset($_POST['ipv6']); // for auth_data, we're going to merge the data from POST with the current auth_data array. $auth_data = $GLOBALS['auth_data']; $auth_changed = false; if ( isset($_POST['users']) ) { foreach ( $auth_data as $user => $pass ) { if ( !in_array($user, $_POST['users']) ) { $auth_changed = true; unset($auth_data[$user]); } } } else { if ( !empty($auth_data) ) { $auth_data = array(); $auth_changed = true; $use_auth = false; } } if ( isset($_POST['users_add']) ) { foreach ( $_POST['users_add'] as $user => $pass ) { $auth_changed = true; $auth_data[$user] = $pass; } } $auth_data = var_export_string($auth_data); $new_configpass = ( isset($_POST['newconfigpass']) && is_string($_POST['newconfigpass']) && $_POST['newconfigpass'] != '____________________' ) ? sha1($_POST['newconfigpass']) : $GLOBALS['configpass']; if ( isset($_POST['newconfigpass']) && $_POST['newconfigpass'] === true ) $new_configpass = ''; $needpass = ( $new_configpass != '' ); $config_file = <<<EOF<?php//// GREYHOUND CONFIGURATION//// Listen on all interfaces. If this is false, it will only listen on// (the loopback interface)\$GLOBALS['public'] = $public;// Allow control of playback. By default this is turned on but if you// set this to false, it will only display the playlist.\$GLOBALS['allowcontrol'] = $allowcontrol;// The default theme. This should be a name of a directory in ./themes.\$GLOBALS['theme'] = 'grey';// Allow forking when an HTTP request is received. This has advantages// and disadvantages. If this experimental option is enabled, it will// result in faster responses and load times but more memory usage.\$GLOBALS['allow_fork'] = $allow_fork;// set to true to enable authentication// this uses cookies, so make sure they're enabled in your browser\$GLOBALS['use_auth'] = $use_auth;// valid users and passwords\$GLOBALS['auth_data'] = $auth_data;// password for site configuration\$GLOBALS['configpass'] = '$new_configpass';// IPv4 and IPv6$ipv6_settingsEOF; $error = 'Couldn\'t write to the config file (./greyhound-config.php).'; $fp = @fopen('./greyhound-config.php', 'w'); if ( $fp ) { fwrite($fp, $config_file); fclose($fp); $passblurb = $auth_changed ? "\n<small>If you changed your own password, you've been logged out so you'll need to log back in again.</small>" : ''; if ( REBOOT_SUPPORT ) { $rebootblurb = $need_reboot ? "\n<small>Since you changed some core configuration values, the Greyhound server has been restarted.</small>\n<small>If Greyhound doesn't respond, wait 20 seconds and then restart it using Amarok's script manager.</small>" : ''; } else { $rebootblurb = $need_reboot ? "\n<small>Please restart Greyhound using Amarok's script manager for public IP, multithreading, and IPv6 options to take effect.</small>" : ''; } $success = "Configuration changes successful.{$passblurb}{$rebootblurb}"; if ( $httpd->threader->is_child() ) { $httpd->threader->ipc_send(array('action' => 'reloadconfig', 'propagate' => true)); } else { grey_reload_config(); } if ( $need_reboot && REBOOT_SUPPORT ) { if ( $GLOBALS['enable_ipv6'] ) { $addr = isset($_POST['public']) ? '::' : '::1'; } else { $addr = isset($_POST['public']) ? '' : ''; } $fork = isset($_POST['allow_fork']); $httpd->reboot($addr, null, $fork); } } } $message = false; // Rebuild options $pathinfo = @substr(@substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1), @strpos(@substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1), '/')+1); switch($pathinfo) { case 'rebuild/artwork': global $amarok_home; $artwork_dir = "$amarok_home/albumcovers"; if ( $dp = opendir($artwork_dir) ) { while ( $dh = @readdir($dp) ) { if ( preg_match('/^collage_[0-9]+\.(?:map|png)$/', $dh) ) { unlink("$artwork_dir/$dh"); } } closedir($dp); } $message = 'Successfully cleared album art cache'; break; case 'rebuild/playlist': rebuild_playlist(true); $message = 'Successfully rebuilt playlist cache'; break; } global $theme; $iphone = ( ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone') || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPod') || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'BlackBerry') || isset($_GET['m']) ) && !isset($_GET['f']) ); $theme_id = ( $iphone ) ? 'iphone' : $theme; $smarty = load_theme($theme_id); $smarty->assign('theme', $theme_id); $smarty->assign('greyhound_version', GREY_VERSION); $smarty->assign('tried', $tried); $smarty->assign('success', $success); $smarty->assign('message', $message); $smarty->assign('needpass', $needpass); $smarty->assign('use_auth', $use_auth); $smarty->assign('public', $GLOBALS['public']); $smarty->assign('ipv6', $GLOBALS['enable_ipv6']); $smarty->assign('allowcontrol', $GLOBALS['allowcontrol']); $smarty->assign('allow_fork', $GLOBALS['allow_fork']); $smarty->assign('use_auth', $GLOBALS['use_auth']); $smarty->assign('users', $GLOBALS['auth_data']); $smarty->assign('reboot_support', REBOOT_SUPPORT); $smarty->assign('error', $error); $smarty->display('config.tpl');}