descriptionOpen source module installer for Enano CMS on BitNami stacks. Windows version.
ownerNeal Gompa <>
last changeSat, 21 Aug 2010 18:20:18 -0400 (2010-08-21)
2010-08-21 Dan Fuhry Merged from accidental split default tip
2010-08-21 Dan Fuhry Changed behavior of the entire database selection process. A real "upgrade"/"don't touch the database" option was added, and the old options unconditionally delete the database.
2009-12-19 Neal Gompa Adding uninstall commands for shortcuts, we don't want unnecessary stuff floating around after the uninstallation...
2009-12-19 Neal Gompa Commenting out plugin component blocks. We aren't using them for anything, and they are currently empty anyway...
2009-12-17 Dan Updated version numbering to be more easily controllable from the Makefile
2009-12-08 Dan A couple minor fixes: more flexible version numbering; added a CreateDirectory before uninstaller generation (whoops)
2009-08-16 Dan Moved around some ExperienceUI directives; fixed missing $XPUI_ABORTED check in StackSelectLeave
2009-07-11 Dan Got some basic uninstaller code in
2009-07-11 Dan Added Makefile
2009-05-27 Dan Added LockWindow calls to all custom page exit paths to smooth transitions
2010-08-21 default