Let's hope it worked this time.
Sat, 06 Oct 2007 20:51:22 -0400 (2007-10-07)
changeset 173 632db5fb4d09
parent 172 f637ebcafbf5 (current diff)
parent 170 250aeb408ed7 (diff)
child 177 492510dddc34
Let's hope it worked this time.
--- a/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js	Sat Oct 06 20:50:25 2007 -0400
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js	Sat Oct 06 20:51:22 2007 -0400
@@ -1142,7 +1142,6 @@
       keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000);
     var span = document.getElementById('keepalivestat');
     span.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Turn off keep-alive';
-    ajaxPingServer();
@@ -1155,6 +1154,6 @@
 function aboutKeepAlive()
-  new messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'About the keep-alive feature', 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.<br /><br />For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.<br /><br />Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".');
+  new messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'About the keep-alive feature', 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.<br /><br />For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.<br /><br />Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".<br /><br /><b>For more information:</b><br /><a href="http://docs.enanocms.org/Help:Appendix_B" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Overview of Enano'+"'"+'s security model');
--- a/plugins/SpecialSearch.php	Sat Oct 06 20:50:25 2007 -0400
+++ b/plugins/SpecialSearch.php	Sat Oct 06 20:51:22 2007 -0400
@@ -100,18 +100,21 @@
     // See if any pages directly match the title
-    for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $paths->pages ) / 2; $i++ )
+    if ( strlen($q) >= 4 )
-      $pg =& $paths->pages[$i];
-      $q_lc = strtolower( str_replace(' ', '_', $q) );
-      $q_tl = strtolower( str_replace('_', ' ', $q) );
-      $p_lc = strtolower($pg['urlname']);
-      $p_tl = strtolower($pg['name']);
-      if ( strstr($p_tl, $q_tl) || strstr($p_lc, $q_lc) && $pg['visible'] == 1 )
+      for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $paths->pages ) / 2; $i++ )
-        echo '<div class="usermessage">Perhaps you were looking for <b><a href="' . makeUrl($pg['urlname'], false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($pg['name']) . '</a></b>?</div>';
-        break;
+        $pg =& $paths->pages[$i];
+        $q_lc = strtolower( str_replace(' ', '_', $q) );
+        $q_tl = strtolower( str_replace('_', ' ', $q) );
+        $p_lc = strtolower($pg['urlname']);
+        $p_tl = strtolower($pg['name']);
+        if ( strstr($p_tl, $q_tl) || strstr($p_lc, $q_lc) && $pg['visible'] == 1 )
+        {
+          echo '<div class="usermessage">Perhaps you were looking for <b><a href="' . makeUrl($pg['urlname'], false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($pg['name']) . '</a></b>?</div>';
+          break;
+        }