2008-12-23 |
Dan |
Added dynamic reload-less re-auth to admin panel, so that if a session is lost it can be recovered without a reload. Support for hooking into form submits will be added in the future.
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2008-12-21 |
Dan |
Merged WINDOWS_MOD_REWRITE_WORKAROUNDS changes from stable.
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2008-12-21 |
Dan |
Fixed timezone preference setting not fully implemented; added ability for users to select their own rank from a list of possible ranks based on group membership and user level
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2008-11-21 |
Dan |
Added makeSwitchable Dynano method for textareas; enabled support for makeSwitchable in comment runtime
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2008-11-15 |
Dan |
Added ability to have alternate main page for members
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2008-08-18 |
Dan |
Revamped page deletion interface; fixed bug where page_meta cache was not being cleared upon restoration of deleted page.
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2008-08-13 |
Dan |
Changed namespace properties (including core identifier) for external pages that load the Enano API to be a uniform "API" namespace and "SystemAPI:" prefix.
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2008-08-12 |
Dan |
Rebranded as 1.1.5 (Caoineag alpha 5) and fixed a couple bugs related to CDN support in template_nodb and installerUI. Updated readme.
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2008-07-20 |
Dan |
Added CDN support: a URL to a CDN can now be specified and Enano will load all images, CSS, and javascript (except TinyMCE) from that server
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2008-07-10 |
Dan |
Fixed missing require() on search.php in rebuild_page_index()
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2008-07-10 |
Dan |
Got the installer working. Fixed a few bugs including a nasty-to-debug issue where the lang_id was being hardcoded during installation, resulting in strings being inserted with the wrong lang_id causing an infinfinite loop with fetch() throwing a "no strings" error and using template (which calls fetch()) to complain
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2008-07-09 |
Dan |
Completed work (we hope) on CacheManager admin page
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2008-07-07 |
Dan |
First stab at cache management backend. Everything seems to have been tested and working so far, but a number of things require a more specialized cache and can't go through the framework (e.g. user ranks which use references to map usernames to user IDs)
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2008-07-07 |
Dan |
First draft of new CacheManager admin page. Backend is yet to be implemented.
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2008-07-03 |
Dan |
More optimization work. Moved special page init functions to common instead of common_post hook. Allowed paths to cache page metadata on filesystem. Phased out the redundancy in $paths->pages that paired a number with every urlname as foreach loops are allowed now (and have been for some time). Fixed missing includes for several functions. Rewrote str_replace_once to be a lot more efficient.
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2008-07-02 |
Dan |
Another sweep from the optimization monster.
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2008-06-30 |
Dan |
Several optimization changes including getting rid of a few eval()s. Added placeholder functions for the theme manager, which should be working now
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2008-06-15 |
Dan |
Got ACL scope logic working again and began enforcing it. Breaking API change: assigning page title with $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] will no longer work, use $template->assign_vars(). Workaround may be added later. Test for assign_vars method if compatibility needed. Added namespace processor API (non-breaking change). Several other things tweaked around as well.
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2008-06-10 |
Dan |
Actually made the "prevent search indexing" switch work. Needs to be merged with stable.
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2008-05-16 |
Dan |
Added user preference for disabling visual effects in Javascript applets; added re-import button to installed plugins
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2008-05-05 |
Dan |
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
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2008-04-26 |
Dan |
Added but didn't set up custom_user_title ACL; fixed rebuild_page_index() to use word_lcase
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2008-04-14 |
Dan |
Rebrand as 1.1.4 (Caoineag alpha 4)
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2008-04-01 |
Dan |
Fixed bad URL interpretation on CGI and Apache wrongly supplying PATH_INFO when directory index requested
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2008-03-26 |
Dan |
Fixed some bugs in the installer that prevented it from working without mod_rewrite and/or with a table_prefix present
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2008-03-18 |
Dan |
Fixed some stray version numbers (again!); added support for Diffie-Hellman logins in the normal login form (not AJAX) - even works in IE
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2008-03-16 |
Dan |
Added icons for the administration panel
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2008-03-15 |
Dan |
Fixed some bugs with PostgreSQL and added a word_lcase column to the search_index table because collation is not working under MySQL. TODO: Trigger search index rebuild on upgrade to 1.1.4.
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2008-02-27 |
Dan |
Fixed some bugs with $paths->getParam() and $paths->get_pageid_from_url() when slashes are in the namespace prefix. Result of testing on Windows Vista + Apache 2.2. Using TortoiseHG
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2008-02-24 |
Dan |
Fixed a number of IE6 bugs
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2008-02-22 |
Dan |
Merging fixes and updates from stable branch
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2008-02-01 |
Dan |
Fixed special pages being returned with subpage information inappropriately from $paths->get_pageid_from_url()
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2008-02-02 |
Dan |
Fixed splitting bug (really the same issue from stable) in get_pageid_from_url(); upgraded TinyMCE to version 3.0-stable
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2008-01-30 |
Dan |
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
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2008-01-29 |
Dan |
Rebranded source code as 1.1.1; added TinyMCE ACL rule as per Vadi's request: http://forum.enanocms.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=54
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2008-01-28 |
Dan |
Updated acledit and comment templates on themes, as they weren't in sync with Oxygen; fixed some undefined index errors in SpecialAdmin and paths
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2008-01-26 |
Dan |
Removed stray debugging info from ACL editor success notification; added ability for guests to set language on URI (?lang=eng); added html_in_pages ACL type and separated from php_in_pages so HTML can be embedded but not PHP; rewote portions of the path manager to better abstract URL input; added Zend Framework into list of BSD-licensed libraries; localized some remaining strings; got the migration script working, but just barely; fixed display bug in Special:Contributions; localized Main Page button in admin panel
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2008-01-25 |
Dan |
A number of scattered changes. Profiler added and only enabled in debug mode (currently on), but awfully useful for fixing performance in the future. Started work on Admin:LangManager
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2008-01-21 |
Dan |
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
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2008-01-18 |
Dan |
Initlogs stage of installer now working
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2008-01-03 |
Dan |
WiP commit for admin panel localization. All modules up to Admin:UserManager (working down the list) are localized except Admin:ThemeManager, which is due for a rewrite
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2007-12-30 |
Dan |
Localized the first parts of the admin panel. As a consequence, also wrote a brand new Admin:PageManager that doesn't suck like the old one did.
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2007-12-26 |
Dan |
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
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2007-12-20 |
Dan |
Redid merge, the previous one had a few problems
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2007-12-19 |
Dan |
Fixed: $paths->page_id not set when the page doesn't exist; finally fixed garbled page names for IP addresses
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2007-12-19 |
Dan |
Many changes. Installer with PostgreSQL is broken badly and will be for some time.
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2007-12-15 |
Dan |
SURPRISE! Preliminary PostgreSQL support added. The required schema file is not present in this commit and will be included at a later date. No installer support is implemented. Also in this commit: several fixes including <!-- SYSMSG ... --> was broken in template compiler; set fixed width on included images to prevent the thumbnail box from getting huge; added a much more friendly interface to AJAX responses that are invalid JSON
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2007-12-13 |
Dan |
Rebrand as 1.0.3 (Dyrad)
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2007-12-07 |
Dan |
Merging in changes from stable
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2007-12-03 |
Dan |
Improved physical pages: they support comments and have their own dedicated namespace now. Still some consistency fixes to make.
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2007-12-03 |
Dan |
Deprecated debugConsole and removed all calls to it. Added a lot of comments to common.php. Added support for "anonymous pages" that are created when the Enano API is loaded from an external script. Fixed missing border-bottom on Type 2 sidebar blocks in Oxygen.
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2007-12-02 |
Dan |
Merging in the newly stable Coblynau
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2007-11-25 |
Dan |
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
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2007-11-24 |
Dan |
Fixed a number of issues with SQL query readability and some undefined index-ish errors; consequently the SQL report feature was added
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2007-11-22 |
Dan |
Merging in updates and improvements from stable
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2007-11-21 |
Dan |
Searching sucks, and Enano's search algorithm was complete bullcrap. So I rewrote it. No, it does not use Google search technology. Like they have a patent for using the Arial font on search result pages anyway.
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2007-11-18 |
Dan |
Merging in fixes from stable
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2007-11-15 |
Dan |
Merging in all changes from revision 185 (90b7a52bea45)
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2007-11-06 |
Dan |
Merge in new installer framework from stable
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2007-11-05 |
Dan |
Renaming config.php and .htaccess to *.new to allow tarbombing an Enano installation with no adverse effects; first attempt, may not work right.
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2007-10-30 |
Dan |
Javascripted ACL editor interface localized
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2007-10-28 |
Dan |
Completely localized admin tree menu and page toolbar
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2007-10-07 |
Dan |
Rebrand as 1.1.1; everything should now be bumped to "unstable" status
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2007-10-01 |
Dan |
Feature add: new page group type: regular expression match (PCRE)
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2007-09-30 |
Dan |
Added a new Javascript variable, aclDisableTransitionFX, that will switch off effects on message boxes and the ACL editor when set to true
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2007-09-24 |
Dan |
Rebrand as 1.0.2 (Coblynau); internal links are now parsed by RenderMan::parse_internal_links()
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2007-09-19 |
Dan |
SECURITY: Fix unescaped SQL in paths.php rebuild_page_index()
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2007-09-07 |
Dan |
Added keep-alive function to admin panel (had been planned for some time) and a new hook, template_var_init_end
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2007-09-07 |
Dan |
Made most special pages "visible"; fixup for non-existent special page redirect in paths.php; rewrote Special:AllPages to have pagination (WiP, Special:SpecialPages is possibly next, depending on whether paginate_array works or not)
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2007-08-30 |
Dan |
Added a ton of new log points for administrator actions; restructured security log view and enabled pagination for security logs; string change in ajax.php for RDNS operation failure
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2007-08-17 |
Dan |
Redirections to the main page use the redirect() function now
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2007-08-01 |
Dan |
Improved and enabled HTML optimization algorithm; enabled gzip compression; added but did not test at all the tag cloud class in includes/tagcloud.php, this is still very preliminary and not ready for any type of production use
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2007-07-28 |
Dan |
Work started on page tags, still aways to go, but syncing to Nighthawk
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2007-07-25 |
Dan |
Various bugfixes and cleanups, too much to remember... see the diffs for what got changed :-)
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2007-07-21 |
Dan |
Made the move to Loch Ness, and got some basic page grouping functionality working. TODO: fix some UI issues in Javascript ACL editor and change non-JS ACL editor to work with page groups too
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2007-07-09 |
Dan |
Fixed problems with $paths->getParam() on Win2k Server/IIS
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2007-07-03 |
Dan |
Fixed a lot of bugs with Safari and Konqueror; improved Opera compatibility
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2007-06-28 |
Dan |
COPPA support added
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2007-06-27 |
Dan |
At last, I fixed all those phased-out enano.homelinux.org links!
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2007-06-26 |
Dan |
Updated all version numbers back to Banshee; a few preliminary steps towards full UTF-8 support in page URLs
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2007-06-23 |
Dan |
Emergency version change to 1.0rc3 to fix XSS vulnerabilities
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2007-06-23 |
Dan |
Fixed complicated SQL injection vulnerability in URL handler, updated license info for Tigra Tree Menu, and killed one XSS vulnerability
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2007-06-21 |
Dan |
Finalized permissions on files and directories; adding PHP shutoff button (actual shutoff not implemented)
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2007-06-13 |
dan |
Adding /includes
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