Got the installer working. Fixed a few bugs including a nasty-to-debug issue where the lang_id was being hardcoded during installation, resulting in strings being inserted with the wrong lang_id causing an infinfinite loop with fetch() throwing a "no strings" error and using template (which calls fetch()) to complain
<?php/* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between * Version 1.1.4 (Caoineag alpha 4) * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. */function db_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = false, $errline = false, $errcontext = Array() ){ if ( !defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) return; $e = error_reporting(0); error_reporting($e); if ( $e < $errno ) return; $errtype = 'Notice'; switch ( $errno ) { case E_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: $errtype = 'Error'; break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: $errtype = 'Warning'; break; } $debug = debug_backtrace(); if ( !isset($debug[0]['file']) ) return false; $debug = $debug[0]['file'] . ', line ' . $debug[0]['line']; echo "<b>$errtype:</b> $errstr<br />Error source:<pre>$debug</pre>";}global $db_sql_parse_time;$db_sql_parse_time = 0;class mysql { var $num_queries, $query_backtrace, $query_times, $query_sources, $latest_result, $latest_query, $_conn, $sql_stack_fields, $sql_stack_values, $debug; var $row = array(); var $rowset = array(); var $errhandler; function enable_errorhandler() { if ( !defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) return true; // echo "DBAL: enabling error handler<br />"; if ( function_exists('debug_backtrace') ) { $this->errhandler = set_error_handler('db_error_handler'); } } function disable_errorhandler() { if ( !defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) return true; // echo "DBAL: disabling error handler<br />"; if ( $this->errhandler ) { set_error_handler($this->errhandler); } else { restore_error_handler(); } } function sql_backtrace() { return implode("\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n", $this->query_backtrace); } function ensure_connection() { if(!$this->_conn) { $this->connect(); } } function _die($t = '') { if(defined('ENANO_HEADERS_SENT')) { ob_clean(); } header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); $bt = $this->latest_query; // $this->sql_backtrace(); $e = htmlspecialchars(mysql_error()); if($e=='') $e='<none>'; $t = ( !empty($t) ) ? $t : '<No error description provided>'; global $email; $email_info = ( defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED') && is_object($email) ) ? ', at <' . $email->jscode() . $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email')) . '>' : ''; $internal_text = '<h3>The site was unable to finish serving your request.</h3> <p>We apologize for the inconveience, but an error occurred in the Enano database layer. Please report the full text of this page to the administrator of this site' . $email_info . '.</p> <p>Description or location of error: '.$t.'<br /> Error returned by MySQL extension: ' . $e . '<br /> Most recent SQL query:</p> <pre>'.$bt.'</pre>'; if(defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED')) die_semicritical('Database error', $internal_text); else grinding_halt('Database error', $internal_text); exit; } function die_json($loc = false) { $e = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(mysql_error())); $q = str_replace("\n", "\\n", addslashes($this->latest_query)); $loc = ( $loc ) ? addslashes("\n\nDescription or location of error: $loc") : ""; $loc .= "\n\nPlease report the full text of this error to the administrator of the site. If you believe that this is a bug with the software, please contact"; $loc = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $loc); $t = "{\"mode\":\"error\",\"error\":\"An error occurred during database query.\\nQuery was:\\n $q\\n\\nError returned by MySQL: $e$loc\"}"; die($t); } function get_error($t = '') { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); $bt = $this->sql_backtrace(); $e = htmlspecialchars(mysql_error()); if($e=='') $e='<none>'; global $email; $email_info = ( defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED') && is_object($email) ) ? ', at <' . $email->jscode() . $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email')) . '>' : ''; $internal_text = '<h3>The site was unable to finish serving your request.</h3> <p>We apologize for the inconveience, but an error occurred in the Enano database layer. Please report the full text of this page to the administrator of this site' . $email_info . '.</p> <p>Description or location of error: '.$t.'<br /> Error returned by MySQL extension: ' . $e . '<br /> Most recent SQL query:</p> <pre>'.$bt.'</pre>'; return $internal_text; } function connect($manual_credentials = false, $dbhost = false, $dbuser = false, $dbpasswd = false, $dbname = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if ( !defined('ENANO_SQL_CONSTANTS') ) { define('ENANO_SQL_CONSTANTS', ''); define('ENANO_DBLAYER', 'MYSQL'); define('ENANO_SQLFUNC_LOWERCASE', 'lcase'); define('ENANO_SQL_MULTISTRING_PRFIX', ''); define('ENANO_SQL_BOOLEAN_TRUE', 'true'); define('ENANO_SQL_BOOLEAN_FALSE', 'false'); } if ( !$manual_credentials ) { if ( defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') && !defined('IN_ENANO_UPGRADE') ) { @include(ENANO_ROOT.'/'); } else { @include(ENANO_ROOT.'/config.php'); } if ( isset($crypto_key) ) unset($crypto_key); // Get this sucker out of memory fast if ( !defined('ENANO_INSTALLED') && !defined('MIDGET_INSTALLED') && !defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') ) { // scriptPath isn't set yet - we need to autodetect it to avoid infinite redirects if ( !defined('scriptPath') ) { if ( isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && !preg_match('/index\.php$/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace(';' . preg_quote($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) . '$;', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ( !preg_match('/\.php$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ) { // user requested http://foo/enano as opposed to http://foo/enano/index.php $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '/index.php'; } $sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = ''; define('scriptPath', $sp); define('contentPath', "$sp/index.php?title="); } $loc = scriptPath . '/install/index.php'; define('IN_ENANO_INSTALL', 1); $GLOBALS['lang'] = new Language('eng'); global $lang; $lang->load_file('./language/english/core.json'); $lang->load_file('./language/english/install.json'); // header("Location: $loc"); redirect($loc, 'Enano not installed', 'We can\'t seem to find an Enano installation (valid config file). You will be transferred to the installation wizard momentarily...', 0); exit; } } $this->_conn = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd); unset($dbuser); unset($dbpasswd); // Security if ( !$this->_conn && !$manual_credentials ) { grinding_halt('Enano is having a problem', '<p>Error: couldn\'t connect to MySQL.<br />'.mysql_error().'</p>'); } else if ( !$this->_conn && $manual_credentials ) { return false; } // Reset some variables $this->query_backtrace = array(); $this->query_times = array(); $this->query_sources = array(); $this->num_queries = 0; $this->debug = ( defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ); $q = $this->sql_query('USE `'.$dbname.'`;'); if ( !$q ) { if ( $manual_credentials ) return false; $this->_die('The database could not be selected.'); } // We're in! $this->disable_errorhandler(); return true; } function sql_query($q, $log_query = true) { if ( $log_query || defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) $this->enable_errorhandler(); if ( $this->debug && function_exists('debug_backtrace') ) { $backtrace = @debug_backtrace(); if ( is_array($backtrace) ) { $bt = $backtrace[0]; if ( isset($backtrace[1]['class']) ) { if ( $backtrace[1]['class'] == 'sessionManager' ) { $bt = $backtrace[1]; } } $this->query_sources[$q] = substr($bt['file'], strlen(ENANO_ROOT) + 1) . ', line ' . $bt['line']; } unset($backtrace); } $this->num_queries++; if ( $log_query || defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) { $this->query_backtrace[] = $q; $this->latest_query = $q; } // First make sure we have a connection if ( !$this->_conn ) { $this->_die('A database connection has not yet been established.'); } // Start the timer if ( $log_query || defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) $time_start = microtime_float(); // Does this query look malicious? if ( $log_query || defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) { if ( !$this->check_query($q) ) { $this->report_query($q); grinding_halt('SQL Injection attempt', '<p>Enano has caught and prevented an SQL injection attempt. Your IP address has been recorded and the administrator has been notified.</p><p>Query was:</p><pre>'.htmlspecialchars($q).'</pre>'); } } $r = pg_query($q, $this->_conn); if ( $log_query ) $this->query_times[$q] = microtime_float() - $time_start; $this->latest_result = $r; if ( $log_query ) $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $r; } function sql_unbuffered_query($q, $log_query = true) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); $this->num_queries++; if ( $log_query || defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ) $this->query_backtrace[] = '(UNBUFFERED) ' . $q; $this->latest_query = $q; // First make sure we have a connection if ( !$this->_conn ) { $this->_die('A database connection has not yet been established.'); } // Does this query look malicious? if ( !$this->check_query($q) ) { $this->report_query($q); grinding_halt('SQL Injection attempt', '<p>Enano has caught and prevented an SQL injection attempt. Your IP address has been recorded and the administrator has been notified.</p><p>Query was:</p><pre>'.htmlspecialchars($q).'</pre>'); } $time_start = microtime_float(); $r = mysql_unbuffered_query($q, $this->_conn); $this->query_times[$q] = microtime_float() - $time_start; $this->latest_result = $r; $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $r; } /** * Performs heuristic analysis on a SQL query to check for known attack patterns. * @param string $q the query to check * @return bool true if query passed check, otherwise false */ function check_query($q, $debug = false) { global $db_sql_parse_time; $ts = microtime_float(); // remove properly escaped quotes $q = str_replace(array("\\\"", "\\'"), '', $q); // make sure quotes match foreach ( array("'", '"') as $quote ) { if ( get_char_count($q, $quote) % 2 == 1 ) { // mismatched quotes return false; } // this quote is now confirmed to be matching; we can safely move all quoted strings out and replace with a token $q = preg_replace("/$quote(.*?)$quote/s", 'SAFE_QUOTE', $q); } $q = preg_replace("/(SAFE_QUOTE)+/", 'SAFE_QUOTE', $q); // quotes are now matched out. does this string have a comment marker in it? if ( strstr($q, '--') ) { return false; } if ( preg_match('/[\s]+(SAFE_QUOTE|[\S]+)=\\1($|[\s]+)/', $q, $match) ) { if ( $debug ) echo 'Found always-true test in query, injection attempt caught, match:<br />' . '<pre>' . print_r($match, true) . '</pre>'; return false; } $ts = microtime_float() - $ts; $db_sql_parse_time += $ts; return true; } /** * Set the internal result pointer to X * @param int $pos The number of the row * @param resource $result The MySQL result resource - if not given, the latest cached query is assumed * @return true on success, false on failure */ function sql_data_seek($pos, $result = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$result) $result = $this->latest_result; if(!$result) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return false; } if(mysql_data_seek($result, $pos)) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return true; } else { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return false; } } /** * Reports a bad query to the admin * @param string $query the naughty query * @access private */ function report_query($query) { global $session; if(is_object($session) && defined('ENANO_MAINSTREAM')) $username = $session->username; else $username = 'Unavailable'; $query = $this->escape($query); $q = $this->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'logs(log_type, action, time_id, date_string, page_text, author, edit_summary) VALUES(\'security\', \'sql_inject\', '.time().', \'\', \''.$query.'\', \''.$username.'\', \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\');'); } /** * Returns the ID of the row last inserted. * @return int */ function insert_id() { return @mysql_insert_id(); } function fetchrow($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $row; } function fetchrow_num($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $row; } function numrows($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $n = mysql_num_rows($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $n; } function escape($str) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $str; } function free_result($result = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$result) $result = $this->latest_result; if(!$result) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return null; } @mysql_free_result($result); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return null; } function close() { @mysql_close($this->_conn); unset($this->_conn); } // phpBB DBAL compatibility function sql_fetchrow($r = false) { return $this->fetchrow($r); } function sql_freeresult($r = false) { if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); @mysql_free_result($r); } function sql_numrows($r = false) { if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); return mysql_num_rows($r); } function sql_affectedrows($r = false, $f, $n) { if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); return mysql_affected_rows(); } function sql_type_cast(&$value) { if ( is_float($value) ) { return doubleval($value); } if ( is_integer($value) || is_bool($value) ) { return intval($value); } if ( is_string($value) || empty($value) ) { return '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string($value) . '\''; } // uncastable var : let's do a basic protection on it to prevent sql injection attempt return '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($value)) . '\''; } function sql_statement(&$fields, $fields_inc='') { // init result $this->sql_fields = $this->sql_values = $this->sql_update = ''; if ( empty($fields) && empty($fields_inc) ) { return; } // process if ( !empty($fields) ) { $first = true; foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) { // field must contain a field name if ( !empty($field) && is_string($field) ) { $value = $this->sql_type_cast($value); $this->sql_fields .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $field; $this->sql_values .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $value; $this->sql_update .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $field . ' = ' . $value; $first = false; } } } if ( !empty($fields_inc) ) { foreach ( $fields_inc as $field => $indent ) { if ( $indent != 0 ) { $this->sql_update .= (empty($this->sql_update) ? '' : ', ') . $field . ' = ' . $field . ($indent < 0 ? ' - ' : ' + ') . abs($indent); } } } } function sql_stack_reset($id='') { if ( empty($id) ) { $this->sql_stack_fields = array(); $this->sql_stack_values = array(); } else { $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] = array(); $this->sql_stack_values[$id] = array(); } } function sql_stack_statement(&$fields, $id='') { $this->sql_statement($fields); if ( empty($id) ) { $this->sql_stack_fields = $this->sql_fields; $this->sql_stack_values[] = '(' . $this->sql_values . ')'; } else { $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] = $this->sql_fields; $this->sql_stack_values[$id][] = '(' . $this->sql_values . ')'; } } function sql_stack_insert($table, $transaction=false, $line='', $file='', $break_on_error=true, $id='') { if ( (empty($id) && empty($this->sql_stack_values)) || (!empty($id) && empty($this->sql_stack_values[$id])) ) { return false; } switch( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysql4': if ( empty($id) ) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields . ') VALUES ' . implode(",\n", $this->sql_stack_values); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] . ') VALUES ' . implode(",\n", $this->sql_stack_values[$id]); } $this->sql_stack_reset($id); return $this->sql_query($sql, $transaction, $line, $file, $break_on_error); break; default: $count_sql_stack_values = empty($id) ? count($this->sql_stack_values) : count($this->sql_stack_values[$id]); $result = !empty($count_sql_stack_values); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count_sql_stack_values; $i++ ) { if ( empty($id) ) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields . ') VALUES ' . $this->sql_stack_values[$i]; } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] . ') VALUES ' . $this->sql_stack_values[$id][$i]; } $result &= $this->sql_query($sql, $transaction, $line, $file, $break_on_error); } $this->sql_stack_reset($id); return $result; break; } } function sql_subquery($field, $sql, $line='', $file='', $break_on_error=true, $type=TYPE_INT) { // sub-queries doable $this->sql_get_version(); if ( !in_array(SQL_LAYER, array('mysql', 'mysql4')) || (($this->sql_version[0] + ($this->sql_version[1] / 100)) >= 4.01) ) { return $sql; } // no sub-queries $ids = array(); $result = $this->sql_query(trim($sql), false, $line, $file, $break_on_error); while ( $row = $this->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $ids[] = $type == TYPE_INT ? intval($row[$field]) : '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string($row[$field]) . '\''; } $this->sql_freeresult($result); return empty($ids) ? 'NULL' : implode(', ', $ids); } function sql_col_id($expr, $alias) { $this->sql_get_version(); return in_array(SQL_LAYER, array('mysql', 'mysql4')) && (($this->sql_version[0] + ($this->sql_version[1] / 100)) <= 4.01) ? $alias : $expr; } function sql_get_version() { if ( empty($this->sql_version) ) { $this->sql_version = array(0, 0, 0); switch ( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysql4': if ( function_exists('mysql_get_server_info') ) { $lo_version = explode('-', mysql_get_server_info()); $this->sql_version = explode('.', $lo_version[0]); $this->sql_version = array(intval($this->sql_version[0]), intval($this->sql_version[1]), intval($this->sql_version[2]), $lo_version[1]); } break; case 'postgresql': case 'mssql': case 'mssql-odbc': default: break; } } return $this->sql_version; } function sql_error() { return mysql_error(); } function sql_escape_string($t) { return mysql_real_escape_string($t); } function sql_close() { $this->close(); } function sql_fetchrowset($query_id = 0) { if( !$query_id ) { $query_id = $this->query_result; } if( $query_id ) { unset($this->rowset[$query_id]); unset($this->row[$query_id]); while($this->rowset[$query_id] = mysql_fetch_array($query_id, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $result[] = $this->rowset[$query_id]; } return $result; } else { return false; } } /** * Generates and outputs a report of all the SQL queries made during execution. Should only be called after everything's over with. */ function sql_report() { global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects if ( !$session->get_permissions('mod_misc') ) { die_friendly('Access denied', '<p>You are not authorized to generate a SQL backtrace.</p>'); } // Create copies of variables that may be changed after header is called $backtrace = $this->query_backtrace; $times = $this->query_times; $template->header(); echo '<h3>SQL query log and timetable</h3>'; echo '<div class="tblholder"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">'; $i = 0; foreach ( $backtrace as $query ) { $i++; $unbuffered = false; if ( substr($query, 0, 13) == '(UNBUFFERED) ' ) { $query = substr($query, 13); $unbuffered = true; } if ( $i == 1 ) { echo '<tr> <th colspan="2">SQL backtrace for a normal page load of ' . htmlspecialchars($paths->cpage['urlname']) . '</th> </tr>'; } else { echo '<tr> <th class="subhead" colspan="2"> </th> </tr>'; } echo '<tr> <td class="row2">Query:</td> <td class="row1"><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</pre></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Time:</td> <td class="row1">' . number_format($this->query_times[$query], 6) . ' seconds</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Unbuffered:</td> <td class="row1">' . ( $unbuffered ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . '</td> </tr>'; if ( isset($this->query_sources[$query]) ) { echo '<tr> <td class="row2">Called from:</td> <td class="row1">' . $this->query_sources[$query] . '</td> </tr>'; } } if ( function_exists('array_sum') ) { $query_time_total = array_sum($this->query_times); echo '<tr> <th class="subhead" colspan="2"> Total time taken for SQL queries: ' . round( $query_time_total, 6 ) . ' seconds </th> </tr>'; } echo ' </table> </div>'; $template->footer(); }}class postgresql { var $num_queries, $query_backtrace, $query_times, $query_sources, $latest_result, $latest_query, $_conn, $sql_stack_fields, $sql_stack_values, $debug; var $row = array(); var $rowset = array(); var $errhandler; function enable_errorhandler() { // echo "DBAL: enabling error handler<br />"; if ( function_exists('debug_backtrace') ) { $this->errhandler = set_error_handler('db_error_handler'); } } function disable_errorhandler() { // echo "DBAL: disabling error handler<br />"; if ( $this->errhandler ) { set_error_handler($this->errhandler); } else { restore_error_handler(); } } function sql_backtrace() { return implode("\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n", $this->query_backtrace); } function ensure_connection() { if(!$this->_conn) { $this->connect(); } } function _die($t = '') { if(defined('ENANO_HEADERS_SENT')) { ob_clean(); } header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); $bt = $this->latest_query; // $this->sql_backtrace(); $e = htmlspecialchars(pg_last_error()); if($e=='') $e='<none>'; $t = ( !empty($t) ) ? $t : '<No error description provided>'; global $email; $email_info = ( defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED') && is_object($email) ) ? ', at <' . $email->jscode() . $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email')) . '>' : ''; $internal_text = '<h3>The site was unable to finish serving your request.</h3> <p>We apologize for the inconveience, but an error occurred in the Enano database layer. Please report the full text of this page to the administrator of this site' . $email_info . '.</p> <p>Description or location of error: '.$t.'<br /> Error returned by PostgreSQL extension: ' . $e . '<br /> Most recent SQL query:</p> <pre>'.$bt.'</pre>'; if(defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED')) die_semicritical('Database error', $internal_text); else grinding_halt('Database error', $internal_text); exit; } function die_json() { $e = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(pg_last_error())); $q = addslashes($this->latest_query); $t = "{'mode':'error','error':'An error occurred during database query.\nQuery was:\n $q\n\nError returned by PostgreSQL: $e'}"; die($t); } function get_error($t = '') { @header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); $bt = $this->sql_backtrace(); $e = htmlspecialchars(pg_last_error()); if($e=='') $e='<none>'; global $email; $email_info = ( defined('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED') && is_object($email) ) ? ', at <' . $email->jscode() . $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email')) . '>' : ''; $internal_text = '<h3>The site was unable to finish serving your request.</h3> <p>We apologize for the inconveience, but an error occurred in the Enano database layer. Please report the full text of this page to the administrator of this site' . $email_info . '.</p> <p>Description or location of error: '.$t.'<br /> Error returned by MySQL extension: ' . $e . '<br /> Most recent SQL query:</p> <pre>'.$bt.'</pre>'; return $internal_text; } function connect($manual_credentials = false, $dbhost = false, $dbuser = false, $dbpasswd = false, $dbname = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if ( !defined('ENANO_SQL_CONSTANTS') ) { define('ENANO_SQL_CONSTANTS', ''); define('ENANO_DBLAYER', 'PGSQL'); define('ENANO_SQLFUNC_LOWERCASE', 'lower'); define('ENANO_SQL_MULTISTRING_PRFIX', 'E'); define('ENANO_SQL_BOOLEAN_TRUE', '1'); define('ENANO_SQL_BOOLEAN_FALSE', '0'); } if ( !$manual_credentials ) { if ( defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') && !defined('IN_ENANO_UPGRADE') ) { @include(ENANO_ROOT.'/'); } else { @include(ENANO_ROOT.'/config.php'); } if ( isset($crypto_key) ) unset($crypto_key); // Get this sucker out of memory fast if ( !defined('ENANO_INSTALLED') && !defined('MIDGET_INSTALLED') && !defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') ) { // scriptPath isn't set yet - we need to autodetect it to avoid infinite redirects if ( !defined('scriptPath') ) { if ( isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && !preg_match('/index\.php$/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace(';' . preg_quote($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) . '$;', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ( !preg_match('/\.php$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ) { // user requested http://foo/enano as opposed to http://foo/enano/index.php $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '/index.php'; } $sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = ''; define('scriptPath', $sp); define('contentPath', "$sp/index.php?title="); } $loc = scriptPath . '/install.php'; // header("Location: $loc"); redirect($loc, 'Enano not installed', 'We can\'t seem to find an Enano installation (valid config file). You will be transferred to the installation wizard momentarily...', 3); exit; } } $this->_conn = @pg_connect("host=$dbhost port=5432 dbname=$dbname user=$dbuser password=$dbpasswd"); unset($dbuser); unset($dbpasswd); // Security if ( !$this->_conn && !$manual_credentials ) { grinding_halt('Enano is having a problem', '<p>Error: couldn\'t connect to PostgreSQL.<br />'.pg_last_error().'</p>'); } else if ( !$this->_conn && $manual_credentials ) { return false; } // Reset some variables $this->query_backtrace = array(); $this->query_times = array(); $this->query_sources = array(); $this->num_queries = 0; $this->debug = ( defined('ENANO_DEBUG') ); // We're in! $this->disable_errorhandler(); return true; } function sql_query($q) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if ( $this->debug && function_exists('debug_backtrace') ) { $backtrace = @debug_backtrace(); if ( is_array($backtrace) ) { $bt = $backtrace[0]; if ( isset($backtrace[1]['class']) ) { if ( $backtrace[1]['class'] == 'sessionManager' ) { $bt = $backtrace[1]; } } $this->query_sources[$q] = substr($bt['file'], strlen(ENANO_ROOT) + 1) . ', line ' . $bt['line']; } unset($backtrace); } $this->num_queries++; $this->query_backtrace[] = $q; $this->latest_query = $q; // First make sure we have a connection if ( !$this->_conn ) { $this->_die('A database connection has not yet been established.'); } // Does this query look malicious? if ( !$this->check_query($q) ) { $this->report_query($q); grinding_halt('SQL Injection attempt', '<p>Enano has caught and prevented an SQL injection attempt. Your IP address has been recorded and the administrator has been notified.</p><p>Query was:</p><pre>'.htmlspecialchars($q).'</pre>'); } $time_start = microtime_float(); $r = pg_query($q); $this->query_times[$q] = microtime_float() - $time_start; $this->latest_result = $r; $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $r; } function sql_unbuffered_query($q) { return $this->sql_query($q); } /** * Checks a SQL query for possible signs of injection attempts * @param string $q the query to check * @return bool true if query passed check, otherwise false */ function check_query($q, $debug = false) { global $db_sql_parse_time; $ts = microtime_float(); // remove properly escaped quotes $q = str_replace(array("\\\"", "\\'"), '', $q); // make sure quotes match foreach ( array("'", '"') as $quote ) { if ( get_char_count($q, $quote) % 2 == 1 ) { // mismatched quotes return false; } // this quote is now confirmed to be matching; we can safely move all quoted strings out and replace with a token $q = preg_replace("/$quote(.*?)$quote/s", 'SAFE_QUOTE', $q); } $q = preg_replace("/(SAFE_QUOTE)+/", 'SAFE_QUOTE', $q); // quotes are now matched out. does this string have a comment marker in it? if ( strstr($q, '--') ) { return false; } if ( preg_match('/[\s]+(SAFE_QUOTE|[\S]+)=\\1($|[\s]+)/', $q, $match) ) { if ( $debug ) echo 'Found always-true test in query, injection attempt caught, match:<br />' . '<pre>' . print_r($match, true) . '</pre>'; return false; } $ts = microtime_float() - $ts; $db_sql_parse_time += $ts; return true; } /** * Set the internal result pointer to X * @param int $pos The number of the row * @param resource $result The MySQL result resource - if not given, the latest cached query is assumed * @return true on success, false on failure */ function sql_data_seek($pos, $result = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$result) $result = $this->latest_result; if(!$result) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return false; } if(pg_result_seek($result, $pos)) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return true; } else { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return false; } } /** * Reports a bad query to the admin * @param string $query the naughty query * @access private */ function report_query($query) { global $session; if(is_object($session) && defined('ENANO_MAINSTREAM')) $username = $session->username; else $username = 'Unavailable'; $query = $this->escape($query); $q = $this->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'logs(log_type, action, time_id, date_string, page_text, author, edit_summary) VALUES(\'security\', \'sql_inject\', '.time().', \'\', \''.$query.'\', \''.$username.'\', \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\');'); } /** * Returns the ID of the row last inserted. * @return int */ function insert_id() { return @pg_last_oid(); } function fetchrow($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $row = pg_fetch_assoc($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $row; } function fetchrow_num($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $row = pg_fetch_row($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $row; } function numrows($r = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $n = pg_num_rows($r); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $n; } function escape($str) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); $str = pg_escape_string($str); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return $str; } function free_result($result = false) { $this->enable_errorhandler(); if(!$result) $result = $this->latest_result; if(!$result) { $this->disable_errorhandler(); return null; } @pg_free_result($result); $this->disable_errorhandler(); return null; } function close() { @pg_close($this->_conn); unset($this->_conn); } // phpBB DBAL compatibility function sql_fetchrow($r = false) { return $this->fetchrow($r); } function sql_freeresult($r = false) { if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); $this->free_result($r); } function sql_numrows($r = false) { return $this->numrows(); } function sql_affectedrows($r = false, $f, $n) { if(!$this->_conn) return false; if(!$r) $r = $this->latest_result; if(!$r) $this->_die('$db->fetchrow(): an invalid MySQL resource was passed.'); return pg_affected_rows(); } function sql_type_cast(&$value) { if ( is_float($value) ) { return doubleval($value); } if ( is_integer($value) || is_bool($value) ) { return intval($value); } if ( is_string($value) || empty($value) ) { return '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string($value) . '\''; } // uncastable var : let's do a basic protection on it to prevent sql injection attempt return '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($value)) . '\''; } function sql_statement(&$fields, $fields_inc='') { // init result $this->sql_fields = $this->sql_values = $this->sql_update = ''; if ( empty($fields) && empty($fields_inc) ) { return; } // process if ( !empty($fields) ) { $first = true; foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) { // field must contain a field name if ( !empty($field) && is_string($field) ) { $value = $this->sql_type_cast($value); $this->sql_fields .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $field; $this->sql_values .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $value; $this->sql_update .= ( $first ? '' : ', ' ) . $field . ' = ' . $value; $first = false; } } } if ( !empty($fields_inc) ) { foreach ( $fields_inc as $field => $indent ) { if ( $indent != 0 ) { $this->sql_update .= (empty($this->sql_update) ? '' : ', ') . $field . ' = ' . $field . ($indent < 0 ? ' - ' : ' + ') . abs($indent); } } } } function sql_stack_reset($id='') { if ( empty($id) ) { $this->sql_stack_fields = array(); $this->sql_stack_values = array(); } else { $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] = array(); $this->sql_stack_values[$id] = array(); } } function sql_stack_statement(&$fields, $id='') { $this->sql_statement($fields); if ( empty($id) ) { $this->sql_stack_fields = $this->sql_fields; $this->sql_stack_values[] = '(' . $this->sql_values . ')'; } else { $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] = $this->sql_fields; $this->sql_stack_values[$id][] = '(' . $this->sql_values . ')'; } } function sql_stack_insert($table, $transaction=false, $line='', $file='', $break_on_error=true, $id='') { if ( (empty($id) && empty($this->sql_stack_values)) || (!empty($id) && empty($this->sql_stack_values[$id])) ) { return false; } switch( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysql4': if ( empty($id) ) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields . ') VALUES ' . implode(",\n", $this->sql_stack_values); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] . ') VALUES ' . implode(",\n", $this->sql_stack_values[$id]); } $this->sql_stack_reset($id); return $this->sql_query($sql, $transaction, $line, $file, $break_on_error); break; default: $count_sql_stack_values = empty($id) ? count($this->sql_stack_values) : count($this->sql_stack_values[$id]); $result = !empty($count_sql_stack_values); for ( $i = 0; $i < $count_sql_stack_values; $i++ ) { if ( empty($id) ) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields . ') VALUES ' . $this->sql_stack_values[$i]; } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $this->sql_stack_fields[$id] . ') VALUES ' . $this->sql_stack_values[$id][$i]; } $result &= $this->sql_query($sql, $transaction, $line, $file, $break_on_error); } $this->sql_stack_reset($id); return $result; break; } } function sql_subquery($field, $sql, $line='', $file='', $break_on_error=true, $type=TYPE_INT) { // sub-queries doable $this->sql_get_version(); if ( !in_array(SQL_LAYER, array('mysql', 'mysql4')) || (($this->sql_version[0] + ($this->sql_version[1] / 100)) >= 4.01) ) { return $sql; } // no sub-queries $ids = array(); $result = $this->sql_query(trim($sql), false, $line, $file, $break_on_error); while ( $row = $this->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $ids[] = $type == TYPE_INT ? intval($row[$field]) : '\'' . $this->sql_escape_string($row[$field]) . '\''; } $this->sql_freeresult($result); return empty($ids) ? 'NULL' : implode(', ', $ids); } function sql_col_id($expr, $alias) { $this->sql_get_version(); return in_array(SQL_LAYER, array('mysql', 'mysql4')) && (($this->sql_version[0] + ($this->sql_version[1] / 100)) <= 4.01) ? $alias : $expr; } function sql_get_version() { if ( empty($this->sql_version) ) { $this->sql_version = array(0, 0, 0); switch ( SQL_LAYER ) { case 'mysql': case 'mysql4': if ( function_exists('mysql_get_server_info') ) { $lo_version = explode('-', mysql_get_server_info()); $this->sql_version = explode('.', $lo_version[0]); $this->sql_version = array(intval($this->sql_version[0]), intval($this->sql_version[1]), intval($this->sql_version[2]), $lo_version[1]); } break; case 'postgresql': case 'mssql': case 'mssql-odbc': default: break; } } return $this->sql_version; } function sql_error() { if ( $this->_conn ) { return pg_last_error(); } else { return ( defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') ) ? $GLOBALS["lang"]->get('dbpgsql_msg_err_auth') : 'Access to the database was denied. Ensure that your database exists and that your username and password are correct.'; } } function sql_escape_string($t) { return mysql_real_escape_string($t); } function sql_close() { $this->close(); } function sql_fetchrowset($query_id = 0) { if( !$query_id ) { $query_id = $this->query_result; } if( $query_id ) { unset($this->rowset[$query_id]); unset($this->row[$query_id]); while($this->rowset[$query_id] = mysql_fetch_array($query_id, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $result[] = $this->rowset[$query_id]; } return $result; } else { return false; } } /** * Generates and outputs a report of all the SQL queries made during execution. Should only be called after everything's over with. */ function sql_report() { global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects if ( !$session->get_permissions('mod_misc') ) { die_friendly('Access denied', '<p>You are not authorized to generate a SQL backtrace.</p>'); } // Create copies of variables that may be changed after header is called $backtrace = $this->query_backtrace; $times = $this->query_times; $template->header(); echo '<h3>SQL query log and timetable</h3>'; echo '<div class="tblholder"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">'; $i = 0; foreach ( $backtrace as $query ) { $i++; $unbuffered = false; if ( substr($query, 0, 13) == '(UNBUFFERED) ' ) { $query = substr($query, 13); $unbuffered = true; } if ( $i == 1 ) { echo '<tr> <th colspan="2">SQL backtrace for a normal page load of ' . htmlspecialchars($paths->cpage['urlname']) . '</th> </tr>'; } else { echo '<tr> <th class="subhead" colspan="2"> </th> </tr>'; } echo '<tr> <td class="row2">Query:</td> <td class="row1"><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</pre></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Time:</td> <td class="row1">' . number_format($this->query_times[$query], 6) . ' seconds</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Unbuffered:</td> <td class="row1">' . ( $unbuffered ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . '</td> </tr>'; if ( isset($this->query_sources[$query]) ) { echo '<tr> <td class="row2">Called from:</td> <td class="row1">' . $this->query_sources[$query] . '</td> </tr>'; } } if ( function_exists('array_sum') ) { $query_time_total = array_sum($this->query_times); echo '<tr> <th class="subhead" colspan="2"> Total time taken for SQL queries: ' . round( $query_time_total, 6 ) . ' seconds </th> </tr>'; } echo ' </table> </div>'; $template->footer(); }}?>