[QA] User CP: rearranged some things to fix overly tall cells and/or sidescrolling
+ − Enano CMS
+ − Version 1.1.6
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Thanks for downloading Enano! If you're looking for an installation guide,
+ − you can find it at <http://docs.enanocms.org/Help:2.1>.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Enano CMS
+ − Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly granted
+ − by the included license agreement reserved.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − We strongly believe in the idea of Free Software. Enano is released under the
+ − GNU General Public License; see the file GPL included with this release for
+ − details.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ − the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ − Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ − version.
+ −
+ − This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ − WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ − PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ −
+ − You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ − this program; if not, write to:
+ −
+ − Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ − 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
+ − Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Most of the PHP code in Enano was written by Dan Fuhry. Some parts were borrowed
+ − from other projects that are also released under Free licenses; see the various
+ − files under the licenses/ directory included with this release for details.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Please note that the Enano team does not provide any support for modified or
+ − "modded" releases. So if you modify the Enano sources at all, you will not
+ − receive any support from official sources. If you distribute your modified
+ − versions, providing support is entirely up to you. You also must remove any
+ − links to official Enano support channels contained in the source code if you
+ − distribute any modified version of Enano. We also respectfully request that you
+ − not call any modified distributions "Enano" or any deviation thereof; while the
+ − term "Enano" is not a registered trademark, we do ask that you respect it.
+ −
+ − Please note that the official Enano artwork is copyrighted and not under the
+ − GPL. If you distribute any modified version of Enano, you must change the
+ − artwork. (If you're seeking to include Enano as part of a larger software
+ − distribution, such as GNU/Linux or BSD, e-mail Dan for special terms.)
+ −
+ − As permitted by the GPL, you may charge for the service of downloading Enano
+ − from your server; however, you may not prevent others from distributing Enano
+ − or any modified version.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Please see <http://enanocms.org/Release_notes/1.1.5> for a list of changes in
+ − this release.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This archive includes a script that can migrate an Enano 1.0.x installation to
+ − Enano 1.1. Before running the migration script, you should always be sure to
+ − upgrade to the latest version of Enano 1.0.x (1.0.4 "Ellyyllon" at the time of
+ − this writing). Migration is NOT REVERSIBLE. This is alpha-quality code. DO NOT
+ −
+ − As of Enano 1.1.2, upgrades from previous 1.1.x versions are supported. The API
+ − is considered fairly stable as of 1.1.4, but the interface is still a work in
+ − progress except for the installer UI core, which is quite close to final.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This is the only the fifth formal release of Enano that is localized. Right
+ − now since this is an alpha, you probably don't want to do any translation
+ − because you'll be doing a TON more strings at every release. HOWEVER, we're
+ − looking for people to sign up and volunteer for translation efforts later on.
+ − If you have a native or very good knowledge of a language, drop us an e-mail
+ − and we'll get you onto the translator list and eventually onto a mailing list
+ − specifically for l10n.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − There is a gallery of plugins for Enano at
+ − <http://enanocms.org/Category:Plugins>. It's not very full right now because
+ − not every plugin has a page on the website yet, and some plugins still have
+ − yet to be ported to work with some of the newer API changes. Being an alpha
+ − release you'll probably need to look in the Mercurial repositories at
+ − <http://hg.enanocms.org/> for the latest versions of plugins that are designed
+ − to work under both 1.0.x and 1.1.x.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − You can find more themes for Enano at <http://enanocms.org/Category:Themes>.
+ − Again, we're still working on packaging up themes and creating pages for them,
+ − so try to be patient. We have quite a few themes in the works. You can create
+ − your own themes too; for more information, see Chapter V of the Enano
+ − Administrator's handbook, at <http://docs.enanocms.org/Help:5>. Unless
+ − specifically marked, themes on the Enano website are compatible with 1.0.x.
+ − While you can use 1.0.x themes under 1.1.x, some features (namely viewing IPs
+ − on comments and the default "Inherit" option in the ACL editor) will be missing
+ − unless you copy over comment.tpl and acledit.tpl respectively from Oxygen or
+ − one of the other themes included with this 1.1.x package.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − The plugin API in Enano 1.1 has been dramatically revamped from 1.0. Some
+ − effort has been made to allow 1.0.x plugins that don't hook very deeply to
+ − continue to work; however with all of the new functionality (localization
+ − especially) we recommend that developers take the time to learn how to use the
+ − new plugin management platform. This system is fully documented in the large
+ − comment block in plugins/admin/PluginManager.php.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This is an alpha release. No support of any kind will be provided, but proper
+ − bug reports are appreciated. See the Enano forums at
+ − <http://forum.enanocms.org/> for more information.
+ −
+ − Have fun with Enano!
+ −
+ − - The Enano team
+ − Dan Fuhry <dan@enanocms.org>
+ − Neal Gompa <neal@enanocms.org>
+ − Manoj Maddali <manoj@enanocms.org>
+ − ThGeneral8 <the.true.general@googlemail.com>
+ −