+ − === Thanks for helping to test Enano. ===
+ −
+ − If you're reading this, you just installed the beta version of [http://enanocms.org/Caoineag Enano 1.2.0], the next-generation release of Enano. Congratulations!
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+ − If you find any bugs, we'd really like it if you let us know either via the [http://forum.enanocms.org/ forum] or [irc://irc.freenode.net/#enano IRC]. Enano's a big project, so tracking down bugs is hard and we need your help to do it.
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+ − === Support (or lack thereof) ===
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+ − Because this is a beta release, we can't provide any mainstream support for you. We can publish workarounds for bugs, but we can't help you figure out why a plugin doesn't work or why your server's generating a 403 error. If you need help getting started with Enano, use [http://enanocms.org/download?series=1.0 a stable release].
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+ − === Take the Enano tutorial ===
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+ − Enano is tremendously easy to get started with. The first thing you should do is use the username and password you entered when you installed Enano to [[Special:Login/Creating_and_editing_pages|log in to start the tutorial]]. You'll learn how to create and edit pages, set up basic security settings, install plugins, and much more.