Logins: if the error message string doesn't look like a langstring id, don't prepend "user_err_" to it (some auth plugins are not localized at all, this lets them be without ugly cosmetic bugs)
function init() {
var ed, tcont;
ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor;
// Give FF some time
window.setTimeout(insertHelpIFrame, 10);
tcont = document.getElementById('plugintablecontainer');
document.getElementById('plugins_tab').style.display = 'none';
var html = "";
html += '<table id="plugintable">';
html += '<thead>';
html += '<tr>';
html += '<td>' + ed.getLang('advanced_dlg.about_plugin') + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + ed.getLang('advanced_dlg.about_author') + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + ed.getLang('advanced_dlg.about_version') + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</thead>';
html += '<tbody>';
tinymce.each(ed.plugins, function(p, n) {
var info;
if (!p.getInfo)
html += '<tr>';
info = p.getInfo();
if (info.infourl != null && info.infourl != '')
html += '<td width="50%" title="' + n + '"><a href="' + info.infourl + '" target="_blank">' + info.longname + '</a></td>';
html += '<td width="50%" title="' + n + '">' + info.longname + '</td>';
if (info.authorurl != null && info.authorurl != '')
html += '<td width="35%"><a href="' + info.authorurl + '" target="_blank">' + info.author + '</a></td>';
html += '<td width="35%">' + info.author + '</td>';
html += '<td width="15%">' + info.version + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
document.getElementById('plugins_tab').style.display = '';
html += '</tbody>';
html += '</table>';
tcont.innerHTML = html;
tinyMCEPopup.dom.get('version').innerHTML = tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion;
tinyMCEPopup.dom.get('date').innerHTML = tinymce.releaseDate;
function insertHelpIFrame() {
var html;
if (tinyMCEPopup.getParam('docs_url')) {
html = '<iframe width="100%" height="300" src="' + tinyMCEPopup.editor.baseURI.toAbsolute(tinyMCEPopup.getParam('docs_url')) + '"></iframe>';
document.getElementById('iframecontainer').innerHTML = html;
document.getElementById('help_tab').style.display = 'block';