author Dan
Sun, 04 May 2008 21:57:48 -0400
changeset 541 acb7e23b6ffa
parent 536 218a627eb53e
child 685 17ebe24cdf85
permissions -rw-r--r--
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.1.4 (Caoineag alpha 4)
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

 * Parse structured wiki text and render into arbitrary formats such as XHTML.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   Text
 * @package    Text_Wiki
 * @author     Paul M. Jones <>
 * @license
 * @version    CVS: $Id: Wiki.php,v 1.44 2006/03/02 04:04:59 justinpatrin Exp $
 * @link
 * This code was modified for use in Enano. The Text_Wiki engine is licensed
 * under the GNU Lesser General Public License; see
 * for details.

require_once ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/wikiengine/Parse.php';
require_once ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/wikiengine/Render.php';

class Text_Wiki {

  var $rules = array(

    var $disable = array(

    var $parseConf = array();

    var $renderConf = array(
        'Docbook' => array(),
        'Latex' => array(),
        'Pdf' => array(),
        'Plain' => array(),
        'Rtf' => array(),
        'Xhtml' => array()

    var $formatConf = array(
        'Docbook' => array(),
        'Latex' => array(),
        'Pdf' => array(),
        'Plain' => array(),
        'Rtf' => array(),
        'Xhtml' => array()
    var $delim = "\xFF";
    var $tokens = array();
    var $_countRulesTokens = array();
    var $source = '';
    var $parseObj = array();
    var $renderObj = array();
    var $formatObj = array();
    var $path = array(
        'parse' => array(),
        'render' => array()
    var $_dirSep = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    function Text_Wiki($rules = null)
        if (is_array($rules)) {
            $this->rules = $rules;
        global $plugins;
        // This code can be run from the installer, so in some cases $plugins
        // isn't initted. (Bug in 1.1.2, fixed for 1.1.3)
        if ( is_object($plugins) )
          $code = $plugins->setHook('text_wiki_construct');
          foreach ( $code as $cmd )

            $this->fixPath(ENANO_ROOT) . 'includes/wikiengine/Parse/Default/'
            $this->fixPath(ENANO_ROOT) . 'includes/wikiengine/Render/'


    public static function singleton($parser = 'Default', $rules = null)
        static $only = array();
        if (!isset($only[$parser])) {
            $ret = Text_Wiki::factory($parser, $rules);
            if (!$ret) {
                return $ret;
            $only[$parser] =& $ret;
        return $only[$parser];

    public static function factory($parser = 'Default', $rules = null)
        $class = 'Text_Wiki_' . $parser;
        $c2 = $parser;
        $file = ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/wikiengine/' . str_replace('_', '/', $c2).'.php';
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            $fp = @fopen($file, 'r', true);
            if ($fp === false) {
                die_semicritical('Wiki formatting engine error', '<p>Could not find file '.$file.' in include_path</p>');
            if (!class_exists($class)) {
                die_semicritical('Wiki formatting engine error', '<p>Class '.$class.' does not exist after including '.$file.'</p>');

        $obj = new $class($rules);
        return $obj;

    function setParseConf($rule, $arg1, $arg2 = null)
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));

        if (! isset($this->parseConf[$rule])) {
            $this->parseConf[$rule] = array();

                                if (is_array($arg1)) {
            $this->parseConf[$rule] = $arg1;
        } else {
            $this->parseConf[$rule][$arg1] = $arg2;

    function getParseConf($rule, $key = null)
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));

                if (! isset($this->parseConf[$rule])) {
            return null;

                if (is_null($key)) {
            return $this->parseConf[$rule];

                if (isset($this->parseConf[$rule][$key])) {
                        return $this->parseConf[$rule][$key];
        } else {
                        return null;

    function setRenderConf($format, $rule, $arg1, $arg2 = null)
        $format = ucwords(strtolower($format));
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));

        if (! isset($this->renderConf[$format])) {
            $this->renderConf[$format] = array();

        if (! isset($this->renderConf[$format][$rule])) {
            $this->renderConf[$format][$rule] = array();

                                if (is_array($arg1)) {
            $this->renderConf[$format][$rule] = $arg1;
        } else {
            $this->renderConf[$format][$rule][$arg1] = $arg2;

    function getRenderConf($format, $rule, $key = null)
        $format = ucwords(strtolower($format));
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));

        if (! isset($this->renderConf[$format]) ||
            ! isset($this->renderConf[$format][$rule])) {
          return null;

        if (is_null($key)) {
          return $this->renderConf[$format][$rule];

        if (isset($this->renderConf[$format][$rule][$key])) {
          return $this->renderConf[$format][$rule][$key];
        } else {
          return null;


    function setFormatConf($format, $arg1, $arg2 = null)
      if (! is_array($this->formatConf[$format])) {
        $this->formatConf[$format] = array();

      if (is_array($arg1)) {
        $this->formatConf[$format] = $arg1;
      } else {
        $this->formatConf[$format][$arg1] = $arg2;

    function getFormatConf($format, $key = null)
      if (! isset($this->formatConf[$format])) {
        return null;

      if (is_null($key)) {
        return $this->formatConf[$format];

      if (isset($this->formatConf[$format][$key])) {
        return $this->formatConf[$format][$key];
      } else {
        return null;

    function insertRule($name, $tgt = null)
      $name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
      if (! is_null($tgt)) {
        $tgt = ucwords(strtolower($tgt));
      if (in_array($name, $this->rules)) {
        return null;

      if (! is_null($tgt) && $tgt != '' &&
        ! in_array($tgt, $this->rules)) {
        return false;

      if (is_null($tgt)) {
        $this->rules[] = $name;
        return true;

      if ($tgt == '') {
        array_unshift($this->rules, $name);
        return true;

      $tmp = $this->rules;
      $this->rules = array();

      foreach ($tmp as $val) {
        $this->rules[] = $val;
        if ($val == $tgt) {
          $this->rules[] = $name;

      return true;

    function deleteRule($name)
      $name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
      $key = array_search($name, $this->rules);
      if ($key !== false) {

    function changeRule($old, $new)
      $old = ucwords(strtolower($old));
      $new = ucwords(strtolower($new));
      $key = array_search($old, $this->rules);
      if ($key !== false) {
        $this->rules[$key] = $new;

    function enableRule($name)
      $name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
      $key = array_search($name, $this->disable);
      if ($key !== false) {

    function disableRule($name)
      $name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
      $key = array_search($name, $this->disable);
      if ($key === false) {
        $this->disable[] = $name;

    function transform($text, $format = 'Xhtml')
      return $this->render($format);

    function parse($text)
      $this->source = $text;

      $this->tokens = array();
      $this->_countRulesTokens = array();

      foreach ($this->rules as $name) {
        if (! in_array($name, $this->disable)) {

          if (is_object($this->parseObj[$name])) {
          // For debugging
          // echo('<p>' . $name . ':</p><pre>'.htmlspecialchars($this->source).'</pre>');

    function render($format = 'Xhtml')
      $format = ucwords(strtolower($format));

      $output = '';

      $in_delim = false;

      $key = '';

      $result = $this->loadFormatObj($format);
      if ($this->isError($result)) {
        return $result;
      if (is_object($this->formatObj[$format])) {
        $output .= $this->formatObj[$format]->pre();

      foreach (array_keys($this->_countRulesTokens) as $rule) {
        $this->loadRenderObj($format, $rule);
      $k = strlen($this->source);
      for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) {

        $char = $this->source{$i};

        if ($in_delim) {

          if ($char == $this->delim) {

            $key = (int)$key;
            $rule = $this->tokens[$key][0];
            $opts = $this->tokens[$key][1];
            $output .= $this->renderObj[$rule]->token($opts);
            $in_delim = false;

          } else {

            $key .= $char;


        } else {

          if ($char == $this->delim) {
            $key = '';
            $in_delim = true;
          } else {
            $output .= $char;

      if (is_object($this->formatObj[$format])) {
        $output .= $this->formatObj[$format]->post();

      return $output;

    function getSource()
      return $this->source;

    function getTokens($rules = null)
        if (is_null($rules)) {
            return $this->tokens;
        } else {
            settype($rules, 'array');
            $result = array();
            foreach ($this->tokens as $key => $val) {
                if (in_array($val[0], $rules)) {
                    $result[$key] = $val;
            return $result;

    function addToken($rule, $options = array(), $id_only = false)
                                static $id;
        if (! isset($id)) {
            $id = 0;
        } else {
            $id ++;

                settype($options, 'array');

                $this->tokens[$id] = array(
            0 => $rule,
            1 => $options
        if (!isset($this->_countRulesTokens[$rule])) {
            $this->_countRulesTokens[$rule] = 1;
        } else {

                if ($id_only) {
                        return $id;
        } else {
                        return $this->delim . $id . $this->delim;

    function setToken($id, $rule, $options = array())
        $oldRule = $this->tokens[$id][0];
                $this->tokens[$id] = array(
            0 => $rule,
            1 => $options
        if ($rule != $oldRule) {
            if (!($this->_countRulesTokens[$oldRule]--)) {
            if (!isset($this->_countRulesTokens[$rule])) {
                $this->_countRulesTokens[$rule] = 1;
            } else {

    function loadParseObj($rule)
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));
        $file = $rule . '.php';
        $class = "Text_Wiki_Parse_$rule";

        if (! class_exists($class)) {
            $loc = $this->findFile('parse', $file);
            if ($loc) {
                                include_once $loc;
            } else {
                                $this->parseObj[$rule] = null;
                                return $this->error(
                    "Parse rule '$rule' not found"

        $this->parseObj[$rule] = new $class($this);


    function loadRenderObj($format, $rule)
        $format = ucwords(strtolower($format));
        $rule = ucwords(strtolower($rule));
        $file = "$format/$rule.php";
        $class = "Text_Wiki_Render_$format" . "_$rule";

        if (! class_exists($class)) {
                        $loc = $this->findFile('render', $file);
            if ($loc) {
                                include_once $loc;
            } else {
                return $this->error(
                    "Render rule '$rule' in format '$format' not found"

        $this->renderObj[$rule] = new $class($this);

    function loadFormatObj($format)
        $format = ucwords(strtolower($format));
        $file = $format . '.php';
        $class = "Text_Wiki_Render_$format";

        if (! class_exists($class)) {
            $loc = $this->findFile('render', $file);
            if ($loc) {
                include_once $loc;
            } else {
                return $this->error(
                    "Rendering format class '$class' not found"

        $this->formatObj[$format] = new $class($this);

    function addPath($type, $dir)
        $dir = $this->fixPath($dir);
        if (! isset($this->path[$type])) {
            $this->path[$type] = array($dir);
        } else {
            array_unshift($this->path[$type], $dir);

    function getPath($type = null)
        if (is_null($type)) {
            return $this->path;
        } elseif (! isset($this->path[$type])) {
            return array();
        } else {
            return $this->path[$type];

    function findFile($type, $file)
      $set = $this->getPath($type);

      foreach ($set as $path) {
            $fullname = $path . $file;
            if (file_exists($fullname) && is_readable($fullname)) {
                return $fullname;

      return false;

    function fixPath($path)
        $len = strlen($this->_dirSep);

        if (! empty($path) &&
            substr($path, -1 * $len, $len) != $this->_dirSep)    {
            return $path . $this->_dirSep;
        } else {
            return $path;

    function &error($message)

    function isError(&$obj)
        return ( @get_class($obj) == 'PEAR_Error' );
