Changed namespace properties (including core identifier) for external pages that load the Enano API to be a uniform "API" namespace and "SystemAPI:" prefix.
-- Enano CMS-- Upgrade schema: 1.1.2 - 1.1.3-- Storing obscenely huge integers as strings since that's how php processes them.CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}diffiehellman ( key_id SERIAL, private_key text, public_key text, PRIMARY KEY ( key_id ));ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes DROP group_policy, ADD COLUMN group_policy varchar(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'allow_all', ADD CHECK ( group_policy IN ('allow_all', 'whitelist', 'blacklist') );ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}session_keys ALTER COLUMN source_ip TYPE varchar(39), ADD CHECK ( source_ip IS NOT NULL ), ALTER COLUMN source_ip SET DEFAULT '';