Fixed some upgrade bugs; added support for choosing one's own date/time formats; rebrand as 1.1.7
<?php/* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. */class Namespace_Special extends Namespace_Default{ public function __construct($page_id, $namespace, $revision_id = 0) { global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects $this->page_id = sanitize_page_id($page_id); $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->build_cdata(); $this->revision_id = intval($revision_id); $this->page_protected = true; $this->wiki_mode = 0; } public function build_cdata() { global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects global $lang; $this->exists = function_exists("page_{$this->namespace}_{$this->page_id}"); if ( isset($paths->pages[ $paths->get_pathskey($this->page_id, $this->namespace) ]) ) { $page_name = $paths->pages[ $paths->get_pathskey($this->page_id, $this->namespace) ]['name']; } else { $page_name = "{$paths->nslist[ $this->namespace ]}{$this->page_id}"; if ( ($_ = $lang->get('specialpage_' . strtolower($this->page_id))) !== 'specialpage_' . strtolower($this->page_id) ) { $page_name = $_; } } $this->cdata = array( 'name' => $page_name, 'urlname' => $this->page_id, 'namespace' => $this->namespace, 'special' => 0, 'visible' => 0, 'comments_on' => 0, 'protected' => 0, 'delvotes' => 0, 'delvote_ips' => '', 'wiki_mode' => 2, 'page_exists' => false, 'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext') ); $this->cdata = Namespace_Default::bake_cdata($this->cdata); $this->title =& $this->cdata['name']; } function send() { global $output; if ( $this->exists ) { call_user_func("page_{$this->namespace}_{$this->page_id}"); } else { $output->header(); $this->error_404(); $output->footer(); } } // We add the unused variable $userpage here to silence "declaration should be compatible" errors function error_404($userpage = false) { global $lang, $output; $func_name = "page_{$this->namespace}_{$this->page_id}"; if ( $this->namespace == 'Admin' ) die_semicritical($lang->get('page_msg_admin_404_title'), $lang->get('page_msg_admin_404_body', array('func_name' => $func_name)), true); $title = $lang->get('page_err_custompage_function_missing_title'); $message = $lang->get('page_err_custompage_function_missing_body', array( 'function_name' => $func_name )); $output->set_title($title); $output->header(); echo "<p>$message</p>"; $output->footer(); } function set_conds() { parent::set_conds(); $this->conds['printable'] = false; $this->conds['adminpage'] = false; }}