Major redesign of rendering pipeline that separates pages saved with MCE from pages saved with the plaintext editor (full description in long commit message)
- Pages are now stored with an extra metadata field called page_format which is "wikitext" or "xhtml"
- New $flags parameter + RENDER_* constants added that control RenderMan::render() behavior
- Several other changes:
* Added a sprite API for Javascript and made editor use sprites when possible
* Removed a number of config options from the default install schema, replaced with second parameter to getConfig() calls
* MessageBox in editor mostly replaced with miniPrompt
* A few bugfixes related to password changes (registration didn't even work)
* Rewrote the bitfield compression algorithm used to serialize allowed MIME types
* Fixed some typos in language files and strings
* Fixed a Text_Wiki bug in Heading parser
// The "Dynano" Javascript framework. Similar in syntax to JQuery but highly Enano-specific (TinyMCE, etc).var $ = function(id){ return new DNobj(id);}var $dynano = $;function DNobj(id){ if ( id == undefined ) { return {}; } this.object = ( typeof(id) == 'object' ) ? id : document.getElementById(id); if ( !this.object ) { console.warn('Dynano: requested object is bad. id parameter follows.'); console.debug(id); this.object = false; return this; } if ( this.object.Dynano ) { return this.object.Dynano; } this.object.Dynano = this; this.height = __DNObjGetHeight(this.object); this.width = __DNObjGetWidth(this.object); if ( this.object.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' && ( typeof(tinyMCE) == 'object' || typeof(tinyMCE_GZ) == 'object' ) ) { this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no'; this.switchToMCE = DN_switchToMCE; this.destroyMCE = DN_destroyMCE; this.getContent = DN_mceFetchContent; this.setContent = DN_mceSetContent; this.makeSwitchable = DN_makeSwitchableTA; this.isMCE = DN_isMCE; }}function __DNObjGetHeight(o) { return o.offsetHeight;}function __DNObjGetWidth(o) { return o.offsetWidth;}function addClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; var space = ( (cnt + '').length > 0 ) ? ' ' : ''; var cls = cnt + space + clsname; obj.className = cls;}function rmClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; if ( cnt == clsname ) { obj.className = ''; } else { cnt = cnt.replace(clsname, ''); cnt = trim(cnt); obj.className = cnt; }}function hasClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; if ( !cnt ) return false; if ( cnt == clsname ) return true; cnt = cnt.split(' '); for ( var i in cnt ) if ( cnt[i] == clsname ) return true; return false;}function __DNObjGetLeft(obj) { var left_offset = obj.offsetLeft; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) { left_offset += obj.offsetLeft; } return left_offset;}function __DNObjGetTop(obj) { var left_offset = obj.offsetTop; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) { left_offset += obj.offsetTop; } return left_offset;}function DN_switchToMCE(performWikiTransform){ if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); // Updated for TinyMCE 3.x if ( performWikiTransform ) { this.object.value = DN_WikitextToXHTML(this.object.value); } // If tinyMCE init hasn't been called yet, do it now. if ( !tinymce_initted ) {'$dynano().switchToMCE(): doing "exact"-type MCE init'); enano_tinymce_options.mode = 'exact'; enano_tinymce_options.elements =; initTinyMCE(); this.object.dnIsMCE = 'yes'; return true; } else {'$dynano().switchToMCE(): tinyMCE already loaded, calling mceAddControl'); tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand("mceAddControl", true,; this.object.dnIsMCE = 'yes'; } return this;}function DN_destroyMCE(performWikiTransform){ //if ( !this.object.dn_is_mce ) // return this; if ( ) { // TinyMCE 2.x // tinymce.EditorManager.removeMCEControl(; // TinyMCE 3.x var ed = tinymce.EditorManager.getInstanceById(; if ( ed ) { if ( !tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand("mceRemoveEditor", false, ) alert('could not destroy editor'); if ( performWikiTransform ) { this.object.value = DN_XHTMLToWikitext(this.object.value); } } } this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no'; return this;}function DN_isMCE(){ return ( this.object.dnIsMCE == 'yes' );}function DN_mceFetchContent(){ if ( ) { var text = this.object.value; if ( tinymce.EditorManager.get( ) { var editor = tinymce.EditorManager.get(; text = editor.getContent(); } return text; } else { return this.object.value; }}function DN_mceSetContent(text){ if ( ) { this.object.value = text; if ( tinymce.EditorManager.get( ) { var editor = tinymce.EditorManager.get(; editor.setContent(text); } } else { this.object.value = text; }}var P_BOTTOM = 1;var P_TOP = 2;function DN_makeSwitchableTA(pos){ if ( this.toggler ) return false; if ( !pos ) pos = P_BOTTOM; load_component('l10n'); var cookiename = 'enano_editor_mode'; var toggler = document.createElement('div'); toggler.dynano = this; this.toggler = toggler; if ( ! ) = 'dynano_auto_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); toggler.s_mode_text = $lang.get('editor_btn_wikitext'); toggler.s_mode_graphical = $lang.get('editor_btn_graphical'); toggler.set_text = function() { if ( this.dynano.object.dnIsMCE == 'yes' ) this.dynano.destroyMCE(); this.innerHTML = ''; this.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.s_mode_text + ' | ')); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = '#'; link.onclick = function() { this.parentNode.set_graphical(); return false; } link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.s_mode_graphical)); this.appendChild(link); createCookie('enano_editor_mode', 'text', 365); } toggler.set_graphical = function() { this.dynano.switchToMCE(); this.innerHTML = ''; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = '#'; link.onclick = function() { this.parentNode.set_text(); return false; } link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.s_mode_text)); this.appendChild(link); this.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' | ' + this.s_mode_graphical)); createCookie('enano_editor_mode', 'tinymce', 365); } = 'right'; = 'right'; if ( pos == P_BOTTOM ) { insertAfter(this.object.parentNode, toggler, this.object); } else { this.object.parentNode.insertBefore(toggler, this.object); } if ( readCookie(cookiename) == 'tinymce' ) { toggler.set_graphical(); } else { toggler.set_text(); }}function DN_WikitextToXHTML(text){ return DN_AjaxGetTransformedText(text, 'xhtml');}function DN_XHTMLToWikitext(text){ return DN_AjaxGetTransformedText(text, 'wikitext');}// AJAX to the server to transform textfunction DN_AjaxGetTransformedText(text, to){ // get an XHR instance var ajax = ajaxMakeXHR(); var uri = stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=transform&to=' + to; var parms = 'text=' + ajaxEscape(text); try {'POST', uri, false); ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // Setting Content-length in Safari triggers a warning if ( !is_Safari ) { ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-length", parms.length); } ajax.send(parms); // async request, so if status != 200 at this point then we're screwed if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) { var response = String(ajax.responseText + ''); if ( !check_json_response(response) ) { handle_invalid_json(response); return text; } response = parseJSON(response); if ( response.mode == 'error' ) { alert(response.error); return text; } return response.text; } } catch(e) { console.warn('DN_AjaxGetTransformedText: XHR failed'); } return text;}DNobj.prototype.addClass = function(clsname) { addClass(this.object, clsname); return this; };DNobj.prototype.rmClass = function(clsname) { rmClass( this.object, clsname); return this; };DNobj.prototype.hasClass = function(clsname) { return hasClass(this.object, clsname); };DNobj.prototype.Height = function() { return __DNObjGetHeight(this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Width = function() { return __DNObjGetWidth( this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Left = function() { /* return this.object.offsetLeft; */ return __DNObjGetLeft(this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Top = function() { /* return this.object.offsetTop; */ return __DNObjGetTop( this.object); }