Major redesign of rendering pipeline that separates pages saved with MCE from pages saved with the plaintext editor (full description in long commit message)
- Pages are now stored with an extra metadata field called page_format which is "wikitext" or "xhtml"
- New $flags parameter + RENDER_* constants added that control RenderMan::render() behavior
- Several other changes:
* Added a sprite API for Javascript and made editor use sprites when possible
* Removed a number of config options from the default install schema, replaced with second parameter to getConfig() calls
* MessageBox in editor mostly replaced with miniPrompt
* A few bugfixes related to password changes (registration didn't even work)
* Rewrote the bitfield compression algorithm used to serialize allowed MIME types
* Fixed some typos in language files and strings
* Fixed a Text_Wiki bug in Heading parser
* Midget - an open source wiki-like CMS
* Copyright (C) 2006 Dan Fuhry
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
* Some code found in this script is not licensed under the GNU General Public License; however, it is believed that the license terms shown
* below are GPL-compatible. If you believe that this is not the case, please drop a note to
* Title: Tigra Tree
* Description: See the demo at url
* URL:
* Version: 1.1
* Date: 11-12-2002 (mm-dd-yyyy)
* Notes: This script is free. Visit official site for further details.
* There is no license fee or royalty fee to be paid at any time for using the Tigra Tree Menu v1.x
* You may include the source code or modified source code within your own projects for either personal or commercial use but excluding the restrictions outlined below. The following restrictions apply to all parts of the component, including all source code, samples and documentation.
* - Header block of script file (tree.js) CAN NOT be modified or removed.
* - The above items CAN NOT be sold as are, either individually or together.
* - The above items CAN NOT be modified and then sold as a library component, either individually or together.
function tree (a_items, a_template) {
this.a_tpl = a_template;
this.a_config = a_items;
this.o_root = this;
this.a_index = [];
this.o_selected = null;
this.n_depth = -1;
var o_icone = new Image(),
o_iconl = new Image();
o_icone.src = a_template['icon_e'];
o_iconl.src = a_template['icon_l'];
a_template['im_e'] = o_icone;
a_template['im_l'] = o_iconl;
for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (a_template['icon_' + i]) {
var o_icon = new Image();
a_template['im_' + i] = o_icon;
o_icon.src = a_template['icon_' + i];
this.toggle = function (n_id) { var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; }; = function (n_id) { return this.a_index[n_id].select(); };
this.mout = function (n_id) { this.a_index[n_id].upstatus(true) };
this.mover = function (n_id) { this.a_index[n_id].upstatus() };
this.a_children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a_items.length; i++)
new tree_item(this, i);
this.n_id = trees.length;
trees[this.n_id] = this;
for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++) {
function tree_item (o_parent, n_order) {
this.n_depth = o_parent.n_depth + 1;
this.a_config = o_parent.a_config[n_order + (this.n_depth ? 2 : 0)];
if (!this.a_config) return;
this.o_root = o_parent.o_root;
this.o_parent = o_parent;
this.n_order = n_order;
this.b_opened = !this.n_depth;
this.n_id = this.o_root.a_index.length;
this.o_root.a_index[this.n_id] = this;
o_parent.a_children[n_order] = this;
this.a_children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.a_config.length - 2; i++)
new tree_item(this, i);
this.get_icon = item_get_icon; = item_open; = item_select;
this.init = item_init;
this.upstatus = item_upstatus;
this.is_last = function () { return this.n_order == this.o_parent.a_children.length - 1 };
function item_open (b_close) {
var o_idiv = get_element('i_div' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id);
if (!o_idiv) return;
if (!o_idiv.innerHTML) {
var a_children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++)
a_children[i]= this.a_children[i].init();
o_idiv.innerHTML = a_children.join('');
} = (b_close ? 'none' : 'block');
this.b_opened = !b_close;
var o_jicon = document.images['j_img' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id],
o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id];
if (o_jicon) o_jicon.src = this.get_icon(true);
if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();
function item_select (b_deselect) {
if (!b_deselect) {
var o_olditem = this.o_root.o_selected;
this.o_root.o_selected = this;
if (o_olditem);
var o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id];
if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();
get_element('i_txt' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id).style.fontWeight = b_deselect ? 'normal' : 'bold';
return Boolean(this.a_config[1]);
function item_upstatus (b_clear) {
window.setTimeout('window.status="' + (b_clear ? '' : this.a_config[0] + (this.a_config[1] ? ' ('+ this.a_config[1] + ')' : '')) + '"', 10);
function item_init () {
var a_offset = [],
o_current_item = this.o_parent;
for (var i = this.n_depth; i > 1; i--) {
a_offset[i] = '<img src="' + this.o_root.a_tpl[o_current_item.is_last() ? 'icon_e' : 'icon_l'] + '" border="0" align="absbottom">';
o_current_item = o_current_item.o_parent;
return '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td nowrap>' + (this.n_depth ? a_offset.join('') + (this.a_children.length
? '<a href="javascript: trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')"><img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="j_img' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '"></a>'
: '<img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom">') : '')
// removed:
// + '<a href="' + this.a_config[1] + '" target="' + this.o_root.a_tpl['target'] + '" onclick="return trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].select(' + this.n_id + ')" ondblclick="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'i" id="i_txt' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '"><img src="' + this.get_icon() + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="i_img' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'im">' + this.a_config[0] + '</a></td></tr></table>' + (this.a_children.length ? '<div id="i_div' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '" style="display:none"></div>' : '');
// added:
+ '<a href="' + this.a_config[1] + '" target="' + this.o_root.a_tpl['target'] + '" onclick="return trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].select(' + this.n_id + ')" ondblclick="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'i" id="i_txt' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '">' + this.a_config[0] + '</a></td></tr></table>' + (this.a_children.length ? '<div id="i_div' + this.o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + '" style="display:none"></div>' : '');
function item_get_icon (b_junction) {
return this.o_root.a_tpl['icon_' + ((this.n_depth ? 0 : 32) + (this.a_children.length ? 16 : 0) + (this.a_children.length && this.b_opened ? 8 : 0) + (!b_junction && this.o_root.o_selected == this ? 4 : 0) + (b_junction ? 2 : 0) + (b_junction && this.is_last() ? 1 : 0))];
var trees = [];
get_element = document.all ?
function (s_id) { return document.all[s_id] } :
function (s_id) { return document.getElementById(s_id) };