AJAX core library: possible breaking change, readystatechange functions are now called with the XHR instance as the first parameter, to allow requests to run in parallel. This means much better stability but may break some applets (compatibility hack is included)
* $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 42 2006-08-08 14:32:24Z spocke $
* @author Moxiecode - based on work by Andrew Tetlaw
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2006, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
function init() {
var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor;
var dom = inst.dom;
var elm = inst.selection.getNode();
var f = document.forms[0];
var onclick = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onclick');
setFormValue('title', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'title'));
setFormValue('id', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'id'));
setFormValue('style', dom.getAttrib(elm, "style"));
setFormValue('dir', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'dir'));
setFormValue('lang', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'lang'));
setFormValue('tabindex', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'tabindex', typeof(elm.tabindex) != "undefined" ? elm.tabindex : ""));
setFormValue('accesskey', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'accesskey', typeof(elm.accesskey) != "undefined" ? elm.accesskey : ""));
setFormValue('onfocus', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onfocus'));
setFormValue('onblur', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onblur'));
setFormValue('onclick', onclick);
setFormValue('ondblclick', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'ondblclick'));
setFormValue('onmousedown', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmousedown'));
setFormValue('onmouseup', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseup'));
setFormValue('onmouseover', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseover'));
setFormValue('onmousemove', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmousemove'));
setFormValue('onmouseout', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseout'));
setFormValue('onkeypress', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeypress'));
setFormValue('onkeydown', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeydown'));
setFormValue('onkeyup', dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeyup'));
className = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'class');
addClassesToList('classlist', 'advlink_styles');
selectByValue(f, 'classlist', className, true);
function setFormValue(name, value) {
if(value && document.forms[0].elements[name]){
document.forms[0].elements[name].value = value;
function insertAction() {
var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor;
var elm = inst.selection.getNode();
function setAttrib(elm, attrib, value) {
var formObj = document.forms[0];
var valueElm = formObj.elements[attrib.toLowerCase()];
var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor;
var dom = inst.dom;
if (typeof(value) == "undefined" || value == null) {
value = "";
if (valueElm)
value = valueElm.value;
if (value != "") {
dom.setAttrib(elm, attrib.toLowerCase(), value);
if (attrib == "style")
attrib = "style.cssText";
if (attrib.substring(0, 2) == 'on')
value = 'return true;' + value;
if (attrib == "class")
attrib = "className";
} else
function setAllAttribs(elm) {
var f = document.forms[0];
setAttrib(elm, 'title');
setAttrib(elm, 'id');
setAttrib(elm, 'style');
setAttrib(elm, 'class', getSelectValue(f, 'classlist'));
setAttrib(elm, 'dir');
setAttrib(elm, 'lang');
setAttrib(elm, 'tabindex');
setAttrib(elm, 'accesskey');
setAttrib(elm, 'onfocus');
setAttrib(elm, 'onblur');
setAttrib(elm, 'onclick');
setAttrib(elm, 'ondblclick');
setAttrib(elm, 'onmousedown');
setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseup');
setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseover');
setAttrib(elm, 'onmousemove');
setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseout');
setAttrib(elm, 'onkeypress');
setAttrib(elm, 'onkeydown');
setAttrib(elm, 'onkeyup');
// Refresh in old MSIE
// if (tinyMCE.isMSIE5)
// elm.outerHTML = elm.outerHTML;
function insertAttribute() {