Rewrote sidebar compilation code, caching is more stable now and things were cleaned up/separated into more functions/made plugin-expandable. In theory, plugins can add new sidebar block types now. I'd personally like to see a fully plugin-based sidebar editor that completely overhauls what Enano has now sometime now that this framework is in place.
-- Enano CMS-- Upgrade schema - Enano 1.1.1 - 1.1.2ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}logs ADD COLUMN log_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, ADD PRIMARY KEY ( log_id );ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}logs ADD COLUMN is_draft tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users ADD COLUMN user_rank int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users ADD COLUMN user_timezone int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}tags CHANGE user user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes ADD COLUMN group_list text DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN group_policy ENUM('allow', 'deny') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'deny';CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}ranks( rank_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, rank_title varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', rank_style varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ( rank_id )) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}captcha( code_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', code varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', session_data text, source_ip varchar(39), user_id int(12), PRIMARY KEY ( code_id )) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}ranks(rank_id, rank_title, rank_style) VALUES (1, 'user_rank_member', ''), (2, 'user_rank_mod', 'font-weight: bold; color: #00AA00;'), (3, 'user_rank_admin', 'font-weight: bold; color: #AA0000;');