changeset 1 fe660c52c48f
child 16 64e0d3d4cf14
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:902822492a68 1:fe660c52c48f
     1 <?php
     3 /*
     4  * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
     5  * Version 1.0 (Banshee)
     6  * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
     7  * search.php - algorithm used to search pages
     8  *
     9  * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    11  *
    12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    13  * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
    14  */
    16 /**
    17  * Implementation of array_merge() that preserves key names. $arr2 takes precedence over $arr1.
    18  * @param array $arr1
    19  * @param array $arr2
    20  * @return array
    21  */
    23 function enano_safe_array_merge($arr1, $arr2)
    24 {
    25   $arr3 = $arr1;
    26   foreach($arr2 as $k => $v)
    27   {
    28     $arr3[$k] = $v;
    29   }
    30   return $arr3;
    31 }
    33 /**
    34  * Algorithm to actually do the searching. This system usually works pretty fast (tested and developed on a site with 22 pages) but one
    35  * caveat of this algorithm is that it has to load the entire index into memory. It also requires manual parsing of the search query
    36  * which can be quite CPU-intensive. On the flip side this algorithm is extremely flexible and can be adapted for other uses very easily.
    37  * 
    38  * Most of the time, this system is disabled. It is only used when MySQL can't or won't allow FULLTEXT indices.
    39  *
    40  * @package Enano
    41  * @subpackage Page management frontend
    42  * @license GNU General Public License
    43  */
    45 class Searcher
    46 {
    48   var $results;
    49   var $index;
    50   var $warnings;
    51   var $match_case = false;
    53   function __construct()
    54   {
    55     $this->warnings = Array();
    56   }
    58   function Searcher()
    59   {
    60     $this->__construct();
    61   }
    63   function warn($t)
    64   {
    65     if(!in_array($t, $this->warnings)) $this->warnings[] = $t;
    66   }
    68   function convertCase($text)
    69   {
    70     return ( $this->match_case ) ? $text : strtolower($text);
    71   }
    73   function buildIndex($texts)
    74   {
    75     $this->index = Array();
    77     foreach($texts as $i => $l)
    78     {
    79       $seed = md5(microtime(true) . mt_rand());
    80       $texts[$i] = str_replace("'", 'xxxApoS'.$seed.'xxx', $texts[$i]);
    81       $texts[$i] = preg_replace('#([\W_]+)#i', ' ', $texts[$i]);
    82       $texts[$i] = preg_replace('#([ ]+?)#', ' ', $texts[$i]);
    83       $texts[$i] = preg_replace('#([\']*){2,}#s', '', $texts[$i]);
    84       $texts[$i] = str_replace('xxxApoS'.$seed.'xxx', "'", $texts[$i]);
    85       $l = $texts[$i];
    86       $words = Array();
    87       $good_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\' ';
    88       $good_chars = enano_str_split($good_chars, 1);
    89       $letters = enano_str_split($l, 1);
    90       foreach($letters as $x => $t)
    91       {
    92         if(!in_array($t, $good_chars))
    93           unset($letters[$x]);
    94       }
    95       $letters = implode('', $letters);
    96       $words = explode(' ', $letters);
    97       foreach($words as $c => $w)
    98       {
    99         if(strlen($w) < 4)
   100           unset($words[$c]);
   101         else
   102           $words[$c] = $w;
   103       }
   104       $words = array_values($words);
   105       foreach($words as $c => $w)
   106       {
   107         if(isset($this->index[$w]))
   108         {
   109           if(!in_array($i, $this->index[$w]))
   110             $this->index[$w][] = $i;
   111         }
   112         else
   113         {
   114           $this->index[$w] = Array();
   115           $this->index[$w][] = $i;
   116         }
   117       }
   118     }
   119     foreach($this->index as $k => $v)
   120     {
   121       $this->index[$k] = implode(',', $this->index[$k]);
   122     }
   123   }
   125   function search($query, $texts)
   126   {
   128     // OK, let's establish some basics here. Here is the procedure for performing the search:
   129     //   * search for items that matches all the terms in the correct order.
   130     //   * search for items that match in any order
   131     //   * eliminate one term and do the loop all over
   133     $this->results = Array();
   134     $query = $this->parseQuery($query);
   135     $querybak = $query;
   136     for($i = sizeof($query['any'])-1; $i >= 0; $i--)
   137     {
   138       $res = $this->performCoreSearch($query, $texts, true);
   139       $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   140       $res = $this->performCoreSearch($query, $texts, false);
   141       $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   142       unset($query['any'][$i]);
   143     }
   145     // Last resort - search for any of the terms instead of all of 'em
   146     $res = $this->performCoreSearch($querybak, $texts, false, true);
   147     $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   149     $this->highlightResults($querybak);
   150   }
   152   // $texts should be a textual MySQL query!
   153   // @todo document
   154   function searchMySQL($query, $texts)
   155   {
   156     global $db;
   157     // OK, let's establish some basics here. Here is the procedure for performing the search:
   158     //   * search for items that matches all the terms in the correct order.
   159     //   * search for items that match in any order
   160     //   * eliminate one term and do the loop all over
   162     $this->results = Array();
   163     $query = $this->parseQuery($query);
   164     $querytmp = $query;
   165     $querybak = $query;
   166     for($i = sizeof($querytmp['any'])-1; $i >= 0; $i--)
   167     {
   168       $res = $this->performCoreSearchMySQL($querytmp, $texts, true);
   169       $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   170       $res = $this->performCoreSearchMySQL($querytmp, $texts, false);
   171       $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   172       unset($querytmp['any'][$i]);
   173     }
   175     // Last resort - search for any of the terms instead of all of 'em
   176     $res = $this->performCoreSearchMySQL($querybak, $texts, false, true);
   177     $this->results = enano_safe_array_merge($this->results, $res);
   179     $this->highlightResults($querybak);
   180   }
   182   /**
   183    * This method assumes that $query is already parsed and $texts is an (associative) array of possible results
   184    * @param array $query A search query parsed with Searcher::parseQuery()
   185    * @param array $texts The list of possible results
   186    * @param bool $exact_order If true, only matches results with the terms in the same order as the terms in the query
   187    * @return array An associative array of results
   188    * @access private
   189    */
   190   function performCoreSearch($query, $texts, $exact_order = false, $any = false)
   191   {
   192     $textkeys = array_keys($texts);
   193     $results = Array();
   194     if($exact_order)
   195     {
   196       $query = $this->concatQueryTerms($query);
   197     }
   198     $query['trm'] = array_merge($query['any'], $query['req']);
   199     # Find all remotely possible results first
   200     // Single-word terms
   201     foreach($this->index as $term => $keys)
   202     {
   203       foreach($query['trm'] as $userterm)
   204       {
   205         if($this->convertCase($userterm) == $this->convertCase($term))
   206         {
   207           $k = explode(',', $keys);
   208           foreach($k as $idxkey)
   209           {
   210             if(isset($texts[$idxkey])) 
   211             {
   212               $results[$idxkey] = $texts[$idxkey];
   213             }
   214             else
   215             {
   216               if(preg_match('#^([0-9]+)$#', $idxkey))
   217               {
   218                 $idxkey = intval($idxkey);
   219                 if(isset($texts[$idxkey])) $results[$idxkey] = $texts[$idxkey];
   220               }
   221             }
   222           }
   223         }
   224       }
   225     }
   226     // Quoted terms
   227     foreach($query['trm'] as $userterm)
   228     {
   229       if(!preg_match('/[\s"\'~`!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\{\}:;<>,.\/\?_-]/', $userterm)) continue;
   230       foreach($texts as $k => $t)
   231       {
   232         if(strstr($this->convertCase($t), $this->convertCase($userterm)))
   233         {
   234           // We have a match!
   235           if(!isset($results[$k])) $results[$k] = $t;
   236         }
   237       }
   238     }
   239     // Remove excluded terms
   240     foreach($results as $k => $r)
   241     {
   242       foreach($query['not'] as $not)
   243       {
   244         if(strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($not))) unset($results[$k]);
   245       }
   246     }
   247     if(!$any)
   248     {
   249       // Remove results not containing all terms
   250       foreach($results as $k => $r)
   251       {
   252         foreach($query['any'] as $term)
   253         {
   254           if(!strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($term))) unset($results[$k]);
   255         }
   256       }
   257     }
   258     // Remove results not containing all required terms
   259     foreach($results as $k => $r)
   260     {
   261       foreach($query['req'] as $term)
   262       {
   263         if(!strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($term))) unset($results[$k]);
   264       }
   265     }
   266     return $results;
   267   }
   269   /**
   270    * This is the same as performCoreSearch, but $texts should be a MySQL result resource. This can save tremendous amounts of memory on large sites.
   271    * @param array $query A search query parsed with Searcher::parseQuery()
   272    * @param string $texts A text MySQL query that selects the text as the first column and the index key as the second column
   273    * @param bool $exact_order If true, only matches results with the terms in the same order as the terms in the query
   274    * @return array An associative array of results
   275    * @access private
   276    */
   277   function performCoreSearchMySQL($query, $texts, $exact_order = false, $any = false)
   278   {
   279     global $db;
   280     $results = Array();
   281     if($exact_order)
   282     {
   283       $query = $this->concatQueryTerms($query);
   284     }
   285     $query['trm'] = array_merge($query['any'], $query['req']);
   286     # Find all remotely possible results first
   287     $texts = $db->sql_query($texts);
   288     if ( !$texts )
   289       $db->_die('The error is in the search engine.');
   290     if ( $r = $db->fetchrow_num($texts) )
   291     {
   292       do
   293       {
   294         foreach($this->index as $term => $keys)
   295         {
   296           foreach($query['trm'] as $userterm)
   297           {
   298             if($this->convertCase($userterm) == $this->convertCase($term))
   299             {
   300               $k = explode(',', $keys);
   301               foreach($k as $idxkey)
   302               {
   303                 $row[0] = $r[0];
   304                 $row[1] = $r[1];
   305                 if(!isset($row[1]))
   306                 {
   307                   echo('PHP PARSER BUG: $row[1] is set but not set... includes/search.php:'.__LINE__);
   308                   $GLOBALS['template']->footer();
   309                   exit;
   310                 }
   311                 if($row[1] == $idxkey)
   312                   $results[$idxkey] = $row[0];
   313                 else
   314                 {
   315                   if(preg_match('#^([0-9]+)$#', $idxkey))
   316                   {
   317                     $idxkey = intval($idxkey);
   318                     if($row[1] == $idxkey) $results[$idxkey] = $row[0];
   319                   }
   320                 }
   321               }
   322             }
   323           }
   324         }
   325         // Quoted terms
   326         foreach($query['trm'] as $userterm)
   327         {
   328           if(!preg_match('/[\s"\'~`!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\{\}:;<>,.\/\?_-]/', $userterm)) continue;
   329           if(strstr($this->convertCase($r[0]), $this->convertCase($userterm)))
   330           {
   331             // We have a match!
   332             if(!isset($results[$r[1]])) $results[$r[1]] = $r[0];
   333           }
   334         }
   335       } while( $r = $db->fetchrow_num($texts) );
   336     }
   337     // Remove excluded terms
   338     foreach($results as $k => $r)
   339     {
   340       foreach($query['not'] as $not)
   341       {
   342         if(strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($not))) unset($results[$k]);
   343       }
   344     }
   345     if(!$any)
   346     {
   347       // Remove results not containing all terms
   348       foreach($results as $k => $r)
   349       {
   350         foreach($query['any'] as $term)
   351         {
   352           if(!strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($term))) unset($results[$k]);
   353         }
   354       }
   355     }
   356     // Remove results not containing all terms
   357     foreach($results as $k => $r)
   358     {
   359       foreach($query['req'] as $term)
   360       {
   361         if(!strstr($this->convertCase($r), $this->convertCase($term))) unset($results[$k]);
   362       }
   363     }
   364     return $results;
   365   }
   367   function concatQueryTerms($query)
   368   {
   369     $tmp = implode(' ', $query['any']);
   370     unset($query['any']);
   371     $query['any'] = Array(0 => $tmp);
   372     return $query;
   373   }
   375   /**
   376    * Builds a basic assoc array with a more organized version of the query
   377    */
   379   function parseQuery($query)
   380   {
   381     $ret = array(
   382       'any' => array(),
   383       'req' => array(),
   384       'not' => array()
   385       );
   386     $terms = array();
   387     $in_quote = false;
   388     $start_term = 0;
   389     $just_finished = false;
   390     for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen($query); $i++ )
   391     {
   392       $chr = $query{$i};
   393       $prev = ( $i > 0 ) ? $query{ $i - 1 } : '';
   394       $next = ( ( $i + 1 ) < strlen($query) ) ? $query{ $i + 1 } : '';
   396       if ( ( $chr == ' ' && !$in_quote ) || ( $i + 1 == strlen ( $query ) ) )
   397       {
   398         $len = ( $next == '' ) ? $i + 1 : $i - $start_term;
   399         $word = substr ( $query, $start_term, $len );
   400         $terms[] = $word;
   401         $start_term = $i + 1;
   402       }
   404       elseif ( $chr == '"' && $in_quote && $prev != '\\' )
   405       {
   406         $word = substr ( $query, $start_term, $i - $start_term + 1 );
   407         $start_pos = ( $next == ' ' ) ? $i + 2 : $i + 1;
   408         $in_quote = false;
   409       }
   411       elseif ( $chr == '"' && !$in_quote )
   412       {
   413         $in_quote = true;
   414         $start_pos = $i;
   415       }
   417     }
   419     $ticker = 0;
   421     foreach ( $terms as $element => $__unused )
   422     {
   423       $atom =& $terms[$element];
   425       $ticker++;
   427       if ( $ticker == 20 )
   428       {
   429         $this->warn('Some of your search terms were excluded because searches are limited to 20 terms to prevent excessive server load.');
   430         break;
   431       }
   433       if ( substr ( $atom, 0, 2 ) == '+"' && substr ( $atom, ( strlen ( $atom ) - 1 ), 1 ) == '"' )
   434       {
   435         $word = substr ( $atom, 2, ( strlen( $atom ) - 3 ) );
   436         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   437         {
   438           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   439           $ticker--;
   440           continue;
   441         }
   442         if(in_array($word, $ret['req']))
   443         {
   444           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   445           $ticker--;
   446           continue;
   447         }
   448         $ret['req'][] = $word;
   449       }
   450       elseif ( substr ( $atom, 0, 2 ) == '-"' && substr ( $atom, ( strlen ( $atom ) - 1 ), 1 ) == '"' )
   451       {
   452         $word = substr ( $atom, 2, ( strlen( $atom ) - 3 ) );
   453         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   454         {
   455           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   456           $ticker--;
   457           continue;
   458         }
   459         if(in_array($word, $ret['not']))
   460         {
   461           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   462           $ticker--;
   463           continue;
   464         }
   465         $ret['not'][] = $word;
   466       }
   467       elseif ( substr ( $atom, 0, 1 ) == '+' )
   468       {
   469         $word = substr ( $atom, 1 );
   470         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   471         {
   472           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   473           $ticker--;
   474           continue;
   475         }
   476         if(in_array($word, $ret['req']))
   477         {
   478           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   479           $ticker--;
   480           continue;
   481         }
   482         $ret['req'][] = $word;
   483       }
   484       elseif ( substr ( $atom, 0, 1 ) == '-' )
   485       {
   486         $word = substr ( $atom, 1 );
   487         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   488         {
   489           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   490           $ticker--;
   491           continue;
   492         }
   493         if(in_array($word, $ret['not']))
   494         {
   495           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   496           $ticker--;
   497           continue;
   498         }
   499         $ret['not'][] = $word;
   500       }
   501       elseif ( substr ( $atom, 0, 1 ) == '"' && substr ( $atom, ( strlen($atom) - 1 ), 1 ) == '"' )
   502       {
   503         $word = substr ( $atom, 1, ( strlen ( $atom ) - 2 ) );
   504         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   505         {
   506           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   507           $ticker--;
   508           continue;
   509         }
   510         if(in_array($word, $ret['any']))
   511         {
   512           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   513           $ticker--;
   514           continue;
   515         }
   516         $ret['any'][] = $word;
   517       }
   518       else
   519       {
   520         $word = $atom;
   521         if ( strlen ( $word ) < 4 )
   522         {
   523           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.');
   524           $ticker--;
   525           continue;
   526         }
   527         if(in_array($word, $ret['any']))
   528         {
   529           $this->warn('One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.');
   530           $ticker--;
   531           continue;
   532         }
   533         $ret['any'][] = $word;
   534       }
   535     }
   536     return $ret;
   537   }
   539   function highlightResults($query, $starttag = '<b>', $endtag = '</b>')
   540   {
   541     $query['trm'] = array_merge($query['any'], $query['req']);
   542     //die('<pre>'.print_r($query, true).'</pre>');
   543     foreach($query['trm'] as $q)
   544     {
   545       foreach($this->results as $k => $r)
   546       {
   547         $startplace = 0;
   548         //$this->results[$k] = htmlspecialchars($this->results[$k]);
   549         for($i = 0; $i < strlen($r); $i++)
   550         {
   551           $word = substr($r, $i, strlen($q));
   552           if($this->convertCase($word) == $this->convertCase($q))
   553           {
   554             $word = $starttag . $word . $endtag;
   555             $this->results[$k] = substr($r, 0, $i) . $word . substr($r, $i + strlen($q), strlen($r)+999999);
   556             $startplace = $i - 75;
   557             if($startplace < 0) $startplace = 0;
   558             $this->results[$k] = '...'.trim(substr($this->results[$k], $startplace, strlen($word) + 150)).'...';
   559             continue 2;
   560           }
   561         }
   562       }
   563     }
   564   }
   566 }
   568 /**
   569  * Developer-friendly way to do searches. :-) Uses the MySQL FULLTEXT index type.
   570  * @package Enano
   571  * @subpackage Search
   572  */
   574 class MySQL_Fulltext_Search {
   576   /**
   577    * Performs a search.
   578    * @param string The search query
   579    * @return resource MySQL result resource - this is an UNBUFFERED query.
   580    */
   582   function search($query)
   583   {
   584     global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
   586     $fulltext_col = 'MATCH(t.page_id,t.namespace,,t.page_text) AGAINST (\'' . $db->escape($query) . '\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
   587     $sql = "SELECT t.page_text,CONCAT('ns=',t.namespace,';pid=',t.page_id) AS page_identifier, $fulltext_col AS score, CHAR_LENGTH(t.page_text) AS length FROM ".table_prefix."page_text AS t
   588               LEFT JOIN ".table_prefix."pages AS p
   589                 ON ( p.urlname=t.page_id AND p.namespace=t.namespace)
   590               WHERE $fulltext_col > 0
   591                 AND p.visible=1
   592               ORDER BY score DESC;";
   593     $q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query($sql);
   594     if ( !$q )
   595       $db->_die();
   597     return $q;
   598   }
   600   function highlight_result($query, $result)
   601   {
   602     global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
   603     $search = new Searcher();
   604     $parsed_query = $search->parseQuery($query);
   605     return $this->highlight_result_inner($query, $result);
   606   }
   608   function highlight_result_inner($query, $fulltext, $starttag = '<b>', $endtag = '</b>')
   609   {
   610     $result = false;
   611     $query['trm'] = array_merge($query['any'], $query['req']);
   612     //die('<pre>'.print_r($query, true).'</pre>');
   613     foreach($query['trm'] as $q)
   614     {
   615       $startplace = 0;
   616       //$this->results[$k] = htmlspecialchars($this->results[$k]);
   617       for($i = 0; $i < strlen($r); $i++)
   618       {
   619         $word = substr($r, $i, strlen($q));
   620         if($this->convertCase($word) == $this->convertCase($q))
   621         {
   622           $word = $starttag . $word . $endtag;
   623           $result = substr($fulltext, 0, $i) . $word . substr($r, $i + strlen($q), strlen($r)+99999999);
   624           $startplace = $i - 75;
   625           if($startplace < 0) $startplace = 0;
   626           $result = '...'.trim(substr($result, $startplace, strlen($word) + 150)).'...';
   627           continue 2;
   628         }
   629       }
   630     }
   631     return $result;
   632   }
   634 }
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