changeset 334 c72b545f1304
parent 333 32429702305e
child 335 67bd3121a12e
equal deleted inserted replaced
333:32429702305e 334:c72b545f1304
     1 /*
     2  * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
     3  * Version 1.1.1
     4  * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
     5  *
     6  * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     8  *
     9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    10  * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
    11  */
    13 // This is the main language file for Enano. Feel free to use it as a base for your own translations.
    14 // All text in this file before the first left curly brace and all text after the last curly brace will
    15 // be trimmed. So you can use a limited amount of Javascript in this so that the language can be imported
    16 // via Javascript as well.
    18 var enano_lang = {
    19   categories: [
    20     'adm', 'meta', 'user', 'page', 'comment', 'onpage', 'etc', 'editor', 'history', 'catedit', 'tags', 'delvote', 'ajax', 'sidebar', 'acl',
    21     'perm', 'usercp', 'adminusers',
    22   ],
    23   strings: {
    24     meta: {
    25       adm: 'Administration panel nav menu',
    26       meta: 'Language category strings',
    27       user: 'Login, logout, and authentication',
    28       page: 'Page creation and control',
    29       comment: 'Comment display',
    30       onpage: 'On-page buttons and controls',
    31       etc: 'Miscellaneous strings',
    32       editor: 'Page editor interface',
    33       history: 'Page history and log viewer',
    34       catedit: 'Categorization box and editor',
    35       tags: 'Page tagging interface',
    36       delvote: 'Page deletion vote interface',
    37       ajax: 'On-page AJAX applets',
    38       sidebar: 'Default sidebar blocks and buttons',
    39       acl: 'Access control list editor',
    40       perm: 'Page actions (for ACLs)',
    41       usercp: 'User control panel',
    42       adminusers: 'ACP: User management',
    43       plural: 's',
    44       enano_about_poweredby: '<p>This website is powered by <a href="">Enano</a>, the lightweight and open source CMS that everyone can use. Enano is copyright &copy; 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry. For legal information, along with a list of libraries that Enano uses, please see <a href="">Legal Information</a>.</p><p>The developers and maintainers of Enano strongly believe that software should not only be free to use, but free to be modified, distributed, and used to create derivative works. For more information about Free Software, check out the <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Wikipedia page</a> or the <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Free Software Foundation\'s</a> homepage.</p>',
    45       enano_about_gpl: '<p>This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p><p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.</p><p>You should have received <a href="%gpl_link%">a copy of the GNU General Public License</a> along with this program; if not, write to:</p><p style="margin-left 2em;">Free Software Foundation, Inc.,<br />51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor<br />Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA</p><p>Alternatively, you can <a href="">read it online</a>.</p>',
    46       enano_about_lbl_enanoversion: '<a href="">Enano</a> version:',
    47       enano_about_lbl_webserver: 'Web server:',
    48       enano_about_lbl_serverplatform: 'Server platform:',
    49       enano_about_lbl_phpversion: '<a href="">PHP</a> version:',
    50       enano_about_lbl_mysqlversion: '<a href="">MySQL</a> version:',
    51     },
    52     user: {
    53       login_message_short: 'Please enter your username and password to log in.',
    54       login_message_short_elev: 'Please re-enter your login details',
    55       login_body: 'Logging in enables you to use your preferences and access member information. If you don\'t have a username and password here, you can <a href="%reg_link%">create an account</a>.',
    56       login_body_elev: 'You are requesting that a sensitive operation be performed. To continue, please re-enter your password to confirm your identity.',
    57       login_field_username: 'Username',
    58       login_field_password: 'Password',
    59       login_forgotpass_blurb: 'Forgot your password? <a href="%forgotpass_link%">No problem.</a>',
    60       login_createaccount_blurb: 'Maybe you need to <a href="%reg_link%">create an account</a>.',
    61       login_field_captcha: 'Code in image',
    62       login_nocrypt_title: 'Important note regarding cryptography:',
    63       login_nocrypt_body: 'Some countries do not allow the import or use of cryptographic technology. If you live in one of the countries listed below, you should <a href="%nocrypt_link%">log in without using encryption</a>.',
    64       login_nocrypt_countrylist: 'This restriction applies to the following countries: Belarus, China, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.',
    65       login_usecrypt_title: 'Encryption is currently turned off.',
    66       login_usecrypt_body: 'If you are not in one of the countries listed below, you should <a href="%usecrypt_link%">enable encryption</a> to secure the logon process.',
    67       login_usecrypt_countrylist: 'The cryptography restriction applies to the following countries: Belarus, China, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.',
    68       login_success_title: 'Login successful',
    69       login_success_body: 'You have successfully logged into the %config.site_name% site as "%username%". Redirecting to %redir_target%...',
    70       login_success_body_mainpage: 'the main page',
    71       login_success_short: 'Success.',
    73       login_ajax_fetching_key: 'Fetching an encryption key...',
    74       login_ajax_prompt_title: 'Please enter your username and password to continue.',
    75       login_ajax_prompt_title_elev: 'You are requesting a sensitive operation.',
    76       login_ajax_prompt_body_elev: 'Please re-enter your login details, to verify your identity.',
    77       login_ajax_link_fullform: 'Trouble logging in? Try the <a href="%link_full_form%">full login form</a>.',
    78       login_ajax_link_forgotpass: 'Did you <a href="%forgotpass_link%">forget your password</a>?',
    79       login_ajax_loggingin: 'Logging in...',
    81       err_key_not_found: 'Enano couldn\'t look up the encryption key used to encrypt your password. This most often happens if a cache rotation occurred during your login attempt, or if you refreshed the login page.',
    82       err_key_not_found_cleared: 'It seems that the list of encryption keys used for login information has reached its maximum length, thus preventing new keys from being inserted. The list has been automatically cleared. Please try logging in again; if you are still unable to log in, please contact the site administration.',
    83       err_key_wrong_length: 'The encryption key was the wrong length.',
    84       err_too_big_for_britches: 'You are trying to authenticate at a level that your user account does not permit.',
    85       err_invalid_credentials: 'You have entered an invalid username or password. Please enter your login details again.',
    86       err_invalid_credentials_lockout: ' You have used up %fails% out of %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts. After you have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts, you will be locked out from logging in for %config.lockout_duration% minutes.',
    87       err_invalid_credentials_lockout_captcha: ' You have used up %lockout_fails% out of %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts. After you have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts, you will have to enter a visual confirmation code while logging in, effective for %config.lockout_duration% minutes.',
    88       err_backend_fail: 'You entered the right credentials and everything was validated, but for some reason Enano couldn\'t register your session. This is an internal problem with the site and you are encouraged to contact site administration.',
    89       err_locked_out: 'You have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% allowed login attempts. Please wait %time_rem% minute%plural% before attempting to log in again%captcha_blurb%.',
    90       err_locked_out_captcha_blurb: ', or enter the visual confirmation code shown above in the appropriate box',
    92       logout_success_title: 'Logged out',
    93       logout_success_body: 'You have been successfully logged out, and all cookies have been cleared. You will now be transferred to the main page.',
    94       logout_confirm_title: 'Are you sure you want to log out?',
    95       logout_confirm_body: 'If you log out, you will no longer be able to access your user preferences, your private messages, or certain areas of this site until you log in again.',
    96       logout_confirm_title_elev: 'Are you sure you want to de-authenticate?',
    97       logout_confirm_body_elev: 'If you de-authenticate, you will no longer be able to use the administration panel until you re-authenticate again. You may do so at any time using the Administration button on the sidebar.',
    98       logout_err_title: 'An error occurred during the logout process.',
    99       // Unused at this point
   100       logout_err_not_loggedin: 'You don\'t seem to be logged in.',
   102       keepalive_info_title: 'About the keep-alive feature',
   103       keepalive_info_body: 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.<br /><br />For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.<br /><br />Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".<br /><br /><b>For more information:</b><br /><a href="" onclick="; return false;">Overview of Enano\'s security model</a>',
   105       type_guest: 'Guest',
   106       type_member: 'Member',
   107       type_mod: 'Moderator',
   108       type_admin: 'Administrator',
   110       msg_elev_timed_out: '<b>Your administrative session has timed out.</b> <a href="%login_link%">Log in again</a>',
   112       reg_err_captcha: 'The confirmation code you entered was incorrect.',
   113       reg_err_disabled_title: 'Registration disabled',
   114       reg_err_disabled_body: 'The administrator has disabled the registration of new accounts on this site.',
   115       reg_err_disabled_body_adminblurb: ' seems that you <em>are</em> the can also <a href="%reg_link%">force account registration to work</a>.',
   116       reg_err_username_invalid: 'Your username must be at least two characters in length and may not contain any of the following characters: &lt; &gt; _ &amp; ? \' " % / \\.',
   117       // Not exactly an error
   118       reg_err_password_good: 'The password you entered is valid.',
   119       reg_err_alert_password_tooshort: 'Your password must be 6 characters or greater in length.',
   120       reg_err_alert_password_nomatch: 'The passwords you entered do not match.',
   121       reg_err_missing_key: 'Couldn\'t look up public encryption key',
   123       reg_msg_greatercontrol: 'A user account enables you to have greater control over your browsing experience.',
   124       reg_msg_table_title: 'Create a user account',
   125       reg_msg_table_subtitle: 'Please tell us a little bit about yourself.',
   126       reg_msg_username_checking: 'Checking availability...',
   127       reg_msg_username_available: 'This username is available.',
   128       reg_msg_username_unavailable: 'This username is already taken.',
   129       reg_msg_password_length: 'Your password must be at least six characters in length.',
   130       reg_msg_password_score: 'It needs to score at least <b>%config.pw_strength_minimum%</b> for your registration to be accepted.',
   131       reg_msg_password_needmatch: 'The passwords you entered do not match.',
   132       reg_msg_email_activuser: 'An e-mail with an account activation key will be sent to this address, so please ensure that it is correct.',
   133       reg_msg_realname_optional: 'Giving your real name is totally optional. If you choose to provide your real name, it will be used to provide attribution for any edits or contributions you may make to this site.',
   134       reg_msg_captcha_pleaseenter: 'Please enter the code shown in the image to the right into the text box. This process helps to ensure that this registration is not being performed by an automated bot. If the image to the right is illegible, you can <a %regen_flags%>generate a new image</a>.',
   135       reg_msg_captcha_blind: 'If you are visually impaired or otherwise cannot read the text shown to the right, please contact the site management and they will create an account for you.',
   136       reg_msg_success_title: 'Registration successful',
   137       reg_msg_success_body: 'Thank you for registering, your user account has been created.',
   138       reg_msg_success_activ_none: 'You may now <a href="%login_link%">log in</a> with the username and password that you created.',
   139       reg_msg_success_activ_user: 'Because this site requires account activation, you have been sent an e-mail with further instructions. Please follow the instructions in that e-mail to continue your registration.',
   140       reg_msg_success_activ_admin: 'Because this site requires administrative account activation, you cannot use your account at the moment. A notice has been sent to the site administration team that will alert them that your account has been created.',
   141       reg_msg_success_activ_coppa: 'However, in compliance with the Childrens\' Online Privacy Protection Act, you must have your parent or legal guardian activate your account. Please ask them to check their e-mail for further information.',
   143       reg_lbl_field_username: 'Preferred username:',
   144       reg_lbl_field_password: 'Password:',
   145       reg_lbl_field_password_confirm: 'Enter your password again to confirm.',
   146       reg_lbl_field_email: 'E-mail address:',
   147       reg_lbl_field_email_coppa: 'Your parent or guardian\'s e-mail address:',
   148       reg_lbl_field_realname: 'Real name:',
   149       reg_lbl_field_captcha: 'Visual confirmation',
   150       reg_lbl_field_captcha_code: 'Code:',
   152       reg_coppa_title: 'Before you can register, please tell us your age.',
   153       reg_coppa_link_atleast13: 'I was born <b>on or before</b> %yo13_date% and am <b>at least</b> 13 years of age',
   154       reg_coppa_link_not13: 'I was born <b>after</b> %yo13_date% and am <b>less than</b> 13 years of age',
   155     },
   156     usercp: {
   157       avatar_err_disabled_title: 'Avatar support is disabled.',
   158       avatar_err_disabled_body: 'The administrator has not enabled avatar support for this site.',
   159       avatar_table_title: 'Avatar settings',
   160       avatar_label_current: 'Current avatar:',
   161       avatar_image_alt: '%username%\'s avatar',
   162       avatar_image_none: 'You don\'t have an avatar currently.',
   163       avatar_lbl_change: 'Change your avatar:',
   164       avatar_lbl_keep: 'Keep my current avatar',
   165       avatar_lbl_remove: 'Delete my avatar',
   166       avatar_lbl_set_http: 'Upload a new avatar from the Web',
   167       avatar_lbl_set_file: 'Upload a new avatar from my computer',
   168       avatar_lbl_url: 'URL to image:',
   169       avatar_lbl_url_desc: 'This must start with the <tt>http://</tt> prefix and must be a valid URL. The image will be copied from the existing URL to this server - dynamic avatars are not supported.',
   170       avatar_lbl_file: 'Upload file:',
   171       avatar_lbl_file_desc: 'Your browser needs to support file uploads for this option to work.',
   172       avatar_limits: 'The image cannot be more than %config.avatar_max_size% bytes in size. The maximum dimensions are %config.avatar_max_width% &#215; %config.avatar_max_height% pixels. Allowed formats are PNG, GIF, and JPEG.',
   173       avatar_delete_success: 'Your avatar has been deleted.',
   174       avatar_bad_write: 'Either the remote server had trouble finding the image, or your image exceeded the allowed file size.',
   175       avatar_bad_filetype: 'The file you selected is invalid. You must choose a file in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format.',
   176       avatar_disallowed_animation: 'You have chosen an animated image, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-animated image.',
   177       avatar_corrupt_image: 'The image you selected is corrupt. Please choose another image.',
   178       avatar_too_large: 'The image you uploaded exceeds the maximum dimensions (%config.avatar_max_width% &#215; %config.avatar_max_height%px) allowed on this site. Please choose another image.',
   179       avatar_move_failed: 'Your image was accepted, but there was a problem moving the image file to the correct location.',
   180       avatar_upload_success: 'Your avatar has been updated.',
   181       avatar_file_too_large: 'The image you uploaded exceeds the maximum file size allowed for avatars on this site.',
   182     },
   183     onpage: {
   184       lbl_pagetools: 'Page tools',
   185       lbl_page_article: 'article',
   186       lbl_page_admin: 'administration page',
   187       lbl_page_system: 'system message',
   188       lbl_page_file: 'uploaded file',
   189       lbl_page_help: 'documentation page',
   190       lbl_page_user: 'user page',
   191       lbl_page_special: 'special page',
   192       lbl_page_template: 'template',
   193       lbl_page_project: 'project page',
   194       lbl_page_category: 'category',
   196       btn_discussion: 'discussion (%num_comments%)',
   197       btn_discussion_unapp: 'discussion (%num_comments% total, %num_unapp% unapp.)',
   198       btn_edit: 'edit this page',
   199       btn_viewsource: 'view source',
   200       btn_history: 'history',
   201       btn_moreoptions: 'more options',
   203       btn_rename: 'rename',
   204       btn_printable: 'view printable version',
   205       btn_votedelete: 'vote to delete this page',
   206       btn_votedelete_reset: 'reset deletion votes',
   207       lbl_wikimode: 'page wiki mode:',
   208       btn_wikimode_on: 'on',
   209       btn_wikimode_off: 'off',
   210       btn_wikimode_global: 'global',
   211       lbl_protect: 'protection:',
   212       btn_protect_on: 'on',
   213       btn_protect_off: 'off',
   214       btn_protect_semi: 'semi',
   215       btn_clearlogs: 'clear page logs',
   216       btn_deletepage: 'delete this page',
   217       btn_deletepage_votes: ' (<b>%num_votes%</b> vote%plural%)',
   218       lbl_password: 'page password:',
   219       btn_password_set: 'set',
   220       btn_acl: 'manage page access',
   221       btn_admin: 'administrative options',
   223       tip_article: 'View the page contents, all of the page contents, and nothing but the page contents (alt-a)',
   224       tip_comments: 'View the comments that other users have posted about this page (alt-c)',
   225       tip_edit: 'Edit the contents of this page (alt-e)',
   226       tip_viewsource: 'View the source code (wiki markup) that this page uses (alt-e)',
   227       tip_history: 'View a log of actions taken on this page (alt-h)',
   228       tip_rename: 'Change the display name of this page (alt-r)',
   229       tip_delvote: 'Vote to have this page deleted (alt-d)',
   230       tip_resetvotes: 'Clear the list of votes for deletion against this page (alt-y)',
   231       tip_printable: 'View a version of this page that is suitable for printing',
   232       tip_protect_on: 'Prevents all non-administrators from editing this page. [alt-i]',
   233       tip_protect_off: 'Allows everyone to edit this page. [alt-o]',
   234       tip_protect_semi: 'Allows only users who have been registered for 4 days to edit this page. [alt-p]',
   235       tip_flushlogs: 'Remove all edit and action logs for this page from the database. IRREVERSIBLE! (alt-l)',
   236       tip_deletepage: 'Delete this page. This is always reversible unless the logs are cleared. (alt-k)',
   237       tip_adminoptions: 'Administrative options for this page',
   238       tip_moreoptions: 'Additional options for working with this page',
   239       tip_password: 'Require a password in order for this page to be viewed',
   240       tip_aclmanager: 'Manage who can do what with this page (alt-m)',
   242     },
   243     comment: {
   244       lbl_subject: 'Subject',
   245       lbl_mod_options: 'Moderator options:',
   246       heading: 'Article comments',
   247       btn_send_privmsg: 'Send private message',
   248       btn_add_buddy: 'Add to buddy list',
   249       btn_edit: 'edit',
   250       btn_delete: 'delete',
   251       btn_mod_approve: 'Approve',
   252       btn_mod_unapprove: 'Unapprove',
   253       btn_mod_delete: 'Delete',
   254       btn_save: 'save',
   256       msg_comment_posted: 'Your comment has been posted. If it does not appear right away, it is probably awaiting approval.',
   258       msg_count_zero: 'There are <span id="comment_count_inner">no</span> comments on this %page_type%.',
   259       msg_count_one: 'There is <span id="comment_count_inner">1</span> comment on this %page_type%.',
   260       msg_count_plural: 'There are <span id="comment_count_inner">%num_comments%</span> comments on this %page_type%.',
   262       msg_count_unapp_mod: '<span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">%num_unapp%</span> of those are unapproved.',
   263       msg_count_unapp_one: 'However, there is <span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">1</span> additional comment awaiting approval.',
   264       msg_count_unapp_plural: 'However, there are <span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">%num_unapp%</span> additional comments awaiting approval.',
   266       msg_note_unapp: '(Unapproved)',
   268       msg_delete_confirm: 'Do you really want to delete this comment?',
   270       postform_title: 'Got something to say?',
   271       postform_blurb: 'If you have comments or suggestions on this article, you can shout it out here.',
   272       postform_blurb_unapp: 'Before your post will be visible to the public, a moderator will have to approve it.',
   273       postform_blurb_captcha: 'Because you are not logged in, you will need to enter a visual confirmation before your comment will be posted.',
   274       postform_blurb_link: 'Leave a comment...',
   275       postform_field_name: 'Your name/screen name:',
   276       postform_field_subject: 'Comment subject:',
   277       postform_field_comment: 'Comment:',
   278       postform_field_captcha_title: 'Visual confirmation:',
   279       postform_field_captcha_blurb: 'Please enter the confirmation code seen in the image on the right into the box. If you cannot read the code, please click on the image to generate a new one. This helps to prevent automated bot posting.',
   280       postform_field_captcha_label: 'Confirmation code:',
   281       postform_field_captcha_cantread_js: 'If you can\'t read the code, click on the image to generate a new one.',
   282       postform_field_captcha_cantread_nojs: 'If you can\'t read the code, please refresh this page to generate a new one.',
   283       postform_btn_submit: 'Submit comment',
   285       on_friend_list: 'On your friend list',
   286       on_foe_list: 'On your foe list',
   287     },
   288     adm: {
   289       cat_general: 'General',
   290       cat_content: 'Content',
   291       cat_appearance: 'Appearance',
   292       cat_users: 'Users',
   293       cat_security: 'Security',
   294       cat_plugins: 'Plugin configuration',
   296       page_general_config: 'General configuration',
   297       page_file_uploads: 'File uploads',
   298       page_file_types: 'Allowed file types',
   299       page_plugins: 'Manage plugins',
   300       page_db_backup: 'Backup database',
   302       page_manager: 'Manage pages',
   303       page_editor: 'Edit page content',
   304       page_pg_groups: 'Manage page groups',
   306       page_themes: 'Manage themes',
   308       page_users: 'Manage users',
   309       page_user_groups: 'Edit user groups',
   310       page_coppa: 'COPPA support',
   311       page_mass_email: 'Mass e-mail',
   313       page_security_log: 'Security log',
   314       page_ban_control: 'Ban control',
   316       btn_home: 'Administration panel home',
   317       btn_logout: 'Log out of admin panel',
   318       btn_keepalive_off: 'Turn on keep-alive',
   319       btn_keepalive_on: 'Turn off keep-alive',
   320       btn_keepalive_about: 'About keep-alive',
   321       btn_keepalive_loading: 'Loading keep-alive button...',
   323       err_not_auth_title: 'Error: Not authenticated',
   324       err_not_auth_body: 'It looks like your administration session is invalid or you are not authorized to access this administration page. Please <a href="%login_link%">re-authenticate</a> to continue.',
   325     },
   326     editor: {
   327       msg_revert_confirm: 'Do you really want to revert your changes?',
   328       msg_discard_confirm: 'Do you really want to discard your changes?',
   329       msg_unload: 'If you do, any changes that you have made to this page will be lost.',
   330       btn_graphical: 'graphical editor',
   331       btn_wikitext: 'wikitext editor',
   332       lbl_edit_summary: 'Edit summary:',
   333       lbl_minor_edit: 'This is a minor edit',
   334       btn_save: 'Save changes',
   335       btn_preview: 'Show preview',
   336       btn_revert: 'Revert changes',
   337       btn_cancel: 'Cancel and return to page',
   338       btn_closeviewer: 'Close viewer',
   339       preview_blurb: '<b>Reminder:</b> This is only a preview - your changes to this page have not yet been saved.',
   340       msg_save_success_title: 'Changes saved',
   341       msg_save_success_body: 'Your changes to this page have been saved. Redirecting...',
   342     },
   343     history: {
   344       summary_clearlogs: 'Automatic backup created when logs were purged',
   345       page_subtitle: 'History of edits and actions',
   346       heading_edits: 'Edits:',
   347       heading_other: 'Other changes:',
   348       no_entries: 'No history entries in this category.',
   349       btn_compare: 'Compare selected revisions',
   350       col_diff: 'Diff',
   351       col_datetime: 'Date/time',
   352       col_user: 'User',
   353       col_summary: 'Edit summary',
   354       col_minor: 'Minor',
   355       col_actions: 'Actions',
   356       col_action_taken: 'Action taken',
   357       col_extra: 'Extra info',
   358       extra_reason: 'Reason:',
   359       extra_oldtitle: 'Old title:',
   360       tip_rdns: 'Click cell background for reverse DNS info',
   361       action_view: 'View',
   362       action_contrib: 'User contribs',
   363       action_restore: 'Restore',
   364       action_revert: 'Revert action',
   365       log_protect: 'Protected page',
   366       log_unprotect: 'Unprotected page',
   367       log_semiprotect: 'Semi-protected page',
   368       log_rename: 'Renamed page',
   369       log_create: 'Created page',
   370       log_delete: 'Deleted page',
   371       log_uploadnew: 'Uploaded new file version',
   372       lbl_comparingrevisions: 'Comparing revisions:',
   373     },
   374     page: {
   375       protect_lbl_success_title: 'Page protected',
   376       protect_lbl_success_body: 'The protection setting has been applied. <a href="%page_link%">Return to the page</a>.',
   377       protect_err_need_reason: 'Error: you must enter a reason for protecting this page.',
   378       protect_lbl_reason: 'Reason for protecting the page:',
   379       protect_lbl_level: 'Protecion level to be applied:',
   380       protect_lbl_level_none: 'No protection',
   381       protect_lbl_level_semi: 'Semi-protection',
   382       protect_lbl_level_full: 'Full protection',
   383       protect_btn_submit: 'Protect page',
   385       rename_err_need_name: 'Error: you must enter a new name for this page.',
   386       rename_lbl: 'Please enter a new name for this page:',
   387       rename_btn_submit: 'Rename page',
   388       rename_success_title: 'Page renamed',
   390       flushlogs_warning_stern: '<h3>You are about to <span style="color: red;">destroy</span> all logged edits and actions on this page.</h3><p>Unlike deleting or editing this page, this action is <u>not reversible</u>! You should only do this if you are desparate for database space.</p><p>Do you really want to continue?</p>',
   391       flushlogs_btn_submit: 'Flush logs',
   393       delvote_warning_stern: '<h3>Your vote counts.</h3><p>If you think that this page is not relavent to the content on this site, or if it looks like this page was only created in an attempt to spam the site, you can request that this page be deleted by an administrator.</p><p>After you vote, you should leave a comment explaining the reason for your vote, especially if you are the first person to vote against this page.</p>',
   395       delvote_count_zero: 'So far, no one has voted for the deletion of this page.',
   396       delvote_count_one: 'So far, one person has voted to delete this page.',
   397       delvote_count_plural: 'So far, %delvotes% people have voted to delete this page.',
   398       delvote_btn_submit: 'Vote to delete this page',
   399       delvote_reset_btn_submit: 'Reset votes',
   401       delete_warning_stern: '<h3>You are about to <span style="color: red;">destroy</span> this page.</h3><p>While the deletion of the page itself is completely reversible, it is impossible to recover any comments or category information on this page. If this is a file page, the file along with all older revisions of it will be permanently deleted. Also, any custom information that this page is tagged with, such as a custom name, protection status, or additional settings such as whether to allow comments, will be permanently lost.</p><p>Are you <u>absolutely sure</u> that you want to continue?<br />You will not be asked again.</p>',
   402       delete_btn_submit: 'Delete this page',
   403       delete_lbl_reason: 'Reason for deleting:',
   405       wikimode_success_redirect: 'Wiki mode for this page has been set. Redirecting you to the page...',
   406       wikimode_level_on: 'Wiki features will be enabled.',
   407       wikimode_level_off: 'Wiki features will be disabled.',
   408       wikimode_level_global: 'Wiki features will be synchronized to the global setting.',
   409       wikimode_heading: 'You are changing wiki mode for this page.',
   410       wikimode_warning: 'If you want to continue, please click the button below.',
   411       wikimode_blurb_disable: 'Because this will disable the wiki behavior on this page, several features, most notably the ability for users to vote to have this page deleted, will be disabled as they are not relevant to non-wiki pages. In addition, users will not be able to edit this page unless an ACL rule specifically permits them.',
   412       wikimode_blurb_enable: 'Because this will enable the wiki behavior on this page, users will gain the ability to freely edit this page unless an ACL rule specifically denies them. If your site is public and gets good traffic, you should be aware of the possiblity of vandalism, and you need to be ready to revert malicious edits to this page.',
   413       wikimode_btn_submit: 'Set wiki mode',
   415       detag_err_page_exists: 'The detag action is only valid for pages that have been deleted in the past.',
   416       detag_success_title: 'Page detagged',
   417       detag_success_body: 'All stale tags have been removed from this page.',
   419       err_custompage_function_missing_title: 'Page backend not found',
   420       err_custompage_function_missing_body: 'The administration page you are looking for was properly registered using the page API, but the backend function (<tt>%function_name%</tt>) was not found. If this is a plugin page, then this is almost certainly a bug with the plugin.',
   421       err_redirects_exceeded: 'The maximum number of internal redirects has been exceeded.',
   422       err_redirect_to_nonexistent: 'This page redirects to another page that doesn\'t exist.',
   423       err_redirect_infinite_loop: 'This page infinitely redirects with another page (or another series of pages), and the infinite redirect was trapped.',
   424       err_redirect_to_special: 'This page redirects to a Special or Administration page, which is not allowed.',
   425       err_access_denied_title: 'You don\'t have permission to view this page.',
   426       err_access_denied_body: '<p>Your user account doesn\'t have the necessary permission to view this page. There are a number of possible reasons for this:</p>
   427                                <ul>
   428                                  <li>You aren\'t logged in. Some pages are restricted to logged-in users.</li>
   429                                  <li>The page you\'re trying to view is protected so that only members of a specific usergroup are allowed to read it.</li>
   430                                </ul>
   431                                <p>If you would like to inquire further about this message, you may contact the %site_administration%.</p>',
   432       err_access_denied_siteadmin: 'site administrator',
   433       msg_this_is_a_redirector: '<b>This page is a <i>redirector</i>.</b><br />
   434                     This means that this page will not show its own content by default. Instead it will display the contents of the page it redirects to.<br /><br />
   435                     To create a redirect page, make the <i>first characters</i> in the page content <tt>#redirect [[Page_ID]]</tt>. For more information, see the
   436                     Enano <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Wiki formatting guide</a>.<br /><br />
   437                     This page redirects to %redirect_target%.'
   438     },
   439     catedit: {
   440       title: 'Select which categories this page should be included in.',
   441       no_categories: 'There are no categories on this site yet.',
   442       catbox_lbl_categories: 'Categories:',
   443       catbox_lbl_uncategorized: '(Uncategorized)',
   444       catbox_link_edit: 'edit categorization',
   445       catbox_link_showcategorization: 'show page categorization',
   446     },
   447     tags: {
   448       catbox_link: 'show page tags',
   449       lbl_page_tags: 'Page tags:',
   450       lbl_no_tags: 'No tags on this page',
   451       btn_add_tag: '(add a tag)',
   452       lbl_add_tag: 'Add a tag:',
   453       btn_add: '+ Add',
   454     },
   455     delvote: {
   456       lbl_votes_one: 'There is one user that thinks this page should be deleted.',
   457       lbl_votes_plural: 'There are %num_users% users that think this page should be deleted.',
   458       lbl_users_that_voted: 'Users that voted:',
   459       btn_deletepage: 'Delete page',
   460       btn_resetvotes: 'Reset votes',
   461     },
   462     ajax: {
   463       // Client-side messages
   464       protect_prompt_reason: 'Reason for (un)protecting:',
   465       rename_prompt: 'What title should this page be renamed to?\nNote: This does not and will never change the URL of this page, that must be done from the admin panel.',
   466       delete_prompt_reason: 'Please enter your reason for deleting this page.',
   467       delete_confirm: 'You are about to REVERSIBLY delete this page. Do you REALLY want to do this?\n\n(Comments and categorization data, as well as any attached files, will be permanently lost)',
   468       delvote_confirm: 'Are you sure that you want to vote that this page be deleted?',
   469       delvote_reset_confirm: 'This action will reset the number of votes against this page to zero. Do you really want to do this?',
   470       clearlogs_confirm: 'You are about to DESTROY all log entries for this page. As opposed to (example) deleting this page, this action is completely IRREVERSIBLE and should not be used except in dire circumstances. Do you REALLY want to do this?',
   471       clearlogs_confirm_nag: 'You\'re ABSOLUTELY sure???',
   472       changestyle_select: '[Select]',
   473       changestyle_title: 'Change your theme',
   474       changestyle_pleaseselect_theme: 'Please select a theme from the list.',
   475       changestyle_lbl_theme: 'Theme:',
   476       changestyle_lbl_style: 'Style:',
   477       changestyle_success: 'Your theme preference has been changed.\nWould you like to reload the page now to see the changes?',
   478       killphp_confirm: 'Are you really sure you want to do this? Some pages might not function if this emergency-only feature is activated.',
   479       killphp_success: 'Embedded PHP in pages has been disabled.',
   480       lbl_moreoptions_nojs: 'More options for this page',
   482       // Server-side responses
   483       rename_too_short: 'The name you entered is too short. Please enter a longer name for this page.',
   484       rename_success: 'The page "%page_name_old%" has been renamed to "%page_name_new%". You are encouraged to leave a comment explaining your action.\n\nYou will see the change take effect the next time you reload this page.',
   485       clearlogs_success: 'The logs for this page have been cleared. A backup of this page has been added to the logs table so that this page can be restored in case of vandalism or spam later.',
   486       delete_need_reason: 'Invalid reason for deletion passed. Please enter a reason for deleting this page.',
   487       delete_success: 'This page has been deleted. Note that there is still a log of edits and actions in the database, and anyone with admin rights can raise this page from the dead unless the log is cleared. If the deleted file is an image, there may still be cached thumbnails of it in the cache/ directory, which is inaccessible to users.',
   488       delvote_success: 'Your vote to have this page deleted has been cast.\nYou are encouraged to leave a comment explaining the reason for your vote.',
   489       delvote_already_voted: 'It appears that you have already voted to have this page deleted.',
   490       delvote_reset_success: 'The number of votes for having this page deleted has been reset to zero.',
   491       password_success: 'The password for this page has been set.',
   492       password_disable_success: 'The password for this page has been disabled.',
   494     },
   495     sidebar: {
   496       title_navigation: 'Navigation',
   497       title_tools: 'Tools',
   498       title_search: 'Search',
   499       title_links: 'Links',
   501       btn_home: 'Home',
   502       btn_createpage: 'Create a page',
   503       btn_uploadfile: 'Upload file',
   504       btn_specialpages: 'Special pages',
   505       btn_administration: 'Administration',
   506       btn_editsidebar: 'Edit the sidebar',
   507       btn_search_go: 'Go',
   509       btn_userpage: 'User page',
   510       btn_mycontribs: 'My contributions',
   511       btn_preferences: 'Preferences',
   512       btn_privatemessages: 'Private messages',
   513       btn_groupcp: 'Group control panel',
   514       btn_register: 'Create an account',
   515       btn_login: 'Log in',
   516       btn_logout: 'Log out',
   517       btn_changestyle: 'Change theme',
   518     },
   519     acl: {
   520       err_access_denied: 'You are not authorized to view or edit access control lists.',
   521       err_missing_template: 'It seems that (a) the file acledit.tpl is missing from this theme, and (b) the JSON response is working.',
   522       err_user_not_found: 'The username you entered was not found.',
   523       err_bad_group_id: 'The group ID you submitted is not valid.',
   524       err_demo: 'Editing access control lists is disabled in the administration demo.',
   525       err_zero_list: 'Supplied rule list has a length of zero',
   526       err_pleaseselect_targettype: 'Please select a target type.',
   527       err_pleaseselect_username: 'Please enter a username.',
   529       radio_usergroup: 'A usergroup',
   530       radio_user: 'A specific user',
   531       radio_scope_thispage: 'Only this page',
   532       radio_scope_wholesite: 'The entire website',
   533       radio_scope_pagegroup: 'A group of pages',
   535       lbl_scope: 'What should this access rule control?',
   536       lbl_welcome_title: 'Manage page access',
   537       lbl_welcome_body: 'Please select who should be affected by this access rule.',
   538       lbl_editwin_title_create: 'Create access rule',
   539       lbl_editwin_title_edit: 'Editing permissions',
   540       lbl_editwin_body: 'This panel allows you to edit what the %target_type% "<b>%target%</b>" can do on <b>%scope_type%</b>. Unless you set a permission to "Deny", these permissions may be overridden by other rules.',
   541       lbl_deleterule: 'Delete this rule',
   542       lbl_save_success_title: 'Permissions updated',
   543       lbl_save_success_body: 'The permissions for %target_name% on this page have been updated successfully. If you changed permissions that affect your user account, you may not see changes until you reload the page.',
   544       lbl_delete_success_title: 'Rule deleted',
   545       lbl_delete_success_body: 'The access rules for %target_name% on this page have been deleted.',
   546       lbl_field_deny: 'Deny',
   547       lbl_field_disallow: 'Disallow',
   548       lbl_field_wikimode: 'Wiki mode',
   549       lbl_field_allow: 'Allow',
   550       lbl_help: '<p><b>Permission types:</b></p><ul><li><b>Allow</b> means that the user is allowed to access the item</li><li><b>Wiki mode</b> means the user can access the item if wiki mode is active (per-page wiki mode is taken into account)</li><li><b>Disallow</b> means the user is denied access unless something allows it.</li><li><b>Deny</b> means that the user is denied access to the item. This setting overrides all other permissions.</li></ul>',
   552       scope_type_wholesite: 'this entire site',
   553       scope_type_thispage: 'this page',
   554       scope_type_pagegroup: 'this group of pages',
   556       target_type_user: 'user',
   557       target_type_group: 'group',
   559       msg_guest_howto: 'To edit permissions for guests, select "a specific user", and enter Anonymous as the username.',
   560       msg_deleterule_confirm: 'Do you really want to delete this rule?',
   561       msg_closeacl_confirm: 'Do you really want to close the ACL manager?',
   563       btn_success_dismiss: 'dismiss',
   564       btn_success_close: 'close manager',
   565       btn_deleterule: 'Delete rule',
   566       btn_createrule: 'Create rule',
   567       btn_returnto_editor: 'Return to ACL editor',
   568       btn_returnto_userscope: 'Return to user/scope selection',
   569     },
   570     perm: {
   571       read: 'Read page(s)',
   572       post_comments: 'Post comments',
   573       edit_comments: 'Edit own comments',
   574       edit_page: 'Edit page',
   575       view_source: 'View source',
   576       mod_comments: 'Moderate comments',
   577       history_view: 'View history/diffs',
   578       history_rollback: 'Rollback history',
   579       history_rollback_extra: 'Undelete page(s)',
   580       protect: 'Protect page(s)',
   581       rename: 'Rename page(s)',
   582       clear_logs: 'Clear page logs (dangerous)',
   583       vote_delete: 'Vote to delete',
   584       vote_reset: 'Reset delete votes',
   585       delete_page: 'Delete page(s)',
   586       tag_create: 'Tag page(s)',
   587       tag_delete_own: 'Remove own page tags',
   588       tag_delete_other: 'Remove others\' page tags',
   589       set_wiki_mode: 'Set per-page wiki mode',
   590       password_set: 'Set password',
   591       password_reset: 'Disable/reset password',
   592       mod_misc: 'Super moderator (generate SQL backtraces, view IP addresses, and send large numbers of private messages)',
   593       edit_cat: 'Edit categorization',
   594       even_when_protected: 'Allow editing, renaming, and categorization even when protected',
   595       upload_files: 'Upload files',
   596       upload_new_version: 'Upload new versions of files',
   597       create_page: 'Create pages',
   598       php_in_pages: 'Embed PHP code in pages',
   599       edit_acl: 'Edit access control lists',
   600     },
   601     adminusers: {
   602       avatar_heading: 'Avatar settings',
   603       avatar_image_none: 'This user does not currently have an avatar.',
   604       avatar_lbl_change: 'Change avatar:',
   605       avatar_lbl_keep: 'Keep current setting',
   606       avatar_lbl_remove: 'Delete this user\'s avatar',
   607       avatar_lbl_set_http: 'Replace avatar using a new image from a URL',
   608       avatar_lbl_set_file: 'Replace avatar using a new image from my computer',
   609     },
   610     etc: {
   611       redirect_title: 'Redirecting...',
   612       redirect_body: 'Please wait while you are redirected.',
   613       redirect_timeout: 'If you are not redirected within %timeout% seconds, please <a href="%redirect_url%">click here</a>.',
   614       // Generic "Save Changes" button
   615       save_changes: 'Save changes',
   616       // Generic "Cancel changes" button
   617       cancel_changes: 'Cancel changes',
   618       // Generic wizard buttons
   619       wizard_next: 'Next >',
   620       wizard_back: '< Back',
   621       wizard_previous: '< Previous',
   622       // Generic "Notice:" label
   623       lbl_notice: 'Notice:',
   624       // Generic "Access denied"
   625       access_denied: 'Access to the specified file, resource, or action is denied.',
   626       access_denied_short: 'Access denied',
   627       return_to_page: 'Return to the page',
   628       invalid_request_short: 'Invalid request',
   629       // Message box buttons
   630       ok: 'OK',
   631       cancel: 'Cancel',
   632       yes: 'Yes',
   633       no: 'No'
   634     }
   635   }
   636 };
   638 // All done! :-)