First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
-- Storing obscenely huge integers as strings since that's how php processes them.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes DROP group_policy, ADD COLUMN group_policy varchar(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'allow_all', ADD CHECK ( group_policy IN ('allow_all', 'whitelist', 'blacklist') );
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
ALTER TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}session_keys ALTER COLUMN source_ip TYPE varchar(39),
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.
First shot at switching to database revision numbers separate from release version number. There are probably bugs, especially related to migration.