descriptionThe stable branch of Enano CMS - currently version 1.0.x.
ownerDan Fuhry
last changeWed, 13 Mar 2013 00:18:23 -0400 (2013-03-13)
2013-03-13 Dan Fuhry Compatibility band-aids default tip
2011-07-13 Dan Fuhry Release: 1.0.6pl4
2011-07-13 Dan Fuhry Release prep 1.0.6pl4 1.0.6pl4
2011-07-13 Dan Fuhry SECURITY: Fixed several XSS vulns reported by Secunia, mostly in Private Messaging. Also backported CSRF protection API from 1.1.x, and protected Private Messaging and logout functions.
2010-11-16 Dan Fuhry Retagged current-stable
2010-11-16 Dan Fuhry Tagged release: 1.0.6pl3
2010-11-16 Dan Fuhry Version bump to 1.0.6pl3 (the real release number) 1.0.6pl3 current-stable
2010-11-16 Dan Fuhry Version bump to 1.0.6pl2
2010-11-16 Dan Fuhry SECURITY: Fix SQL injection in banlist check
2010-06-28 Dan Fuhry Tagged release: 1.0.6pl2
2011-07-13 1.0.6pl4
2010-11-16 current-stable
2010-11-16 1.0.6pl3
2010-06-28 1.0.6pl2
2009-08-22 1.0.6pl1
2009-01-17 1.0.6
2008-11-27 1.0.5
2008-03-17 1.0.4
2007-12-13 1.0.3
2007-12-01 1.0.2
2013-03-13 default