2007-08-29 Dan Implemented some extra functionality for friends/foes in comments; fixed lack of table_prefix in stats.php line 63
2007-08-10 Dan Finished pagination code (was incomplete in previous revision) and added a few hacks for an upcoming theme
2007-07-29 Dan Modified Text_Wiki parser to fully support UTF-8 strings; several other UTF-8 fixes, international characters seem to work reasonably well now
2007-07-25 Dan Various bugfixes and cleanups, too much to remember... see the diffs for what got changed :-)
2007-07-21 Dan Made the move to Loch Ness, and got some basic page grouping functionality working. TODO: fix some UI issues in Javascript ACL editor and change non-JS ACL editor to work with page groups too
2007-06-28 Dan Rewrote change theme dialog; a few minor stability fixes here and there; fixed IE + St Patty background image
2007-06-26 Dan Updated all version numbers back to Banshee; a few preliminary steps towards full UTF-8 support in page URLs
2007-06-23 Dan Emergency version change to 1.0rc3 to fix XSS vulnerabilities
2007-06-13 dan Adding /includes
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