Improved and enabled HTML optimization algorithm; enabled gzip compression; added but did not test at all the tag cloud class in includes/tagcloud.php, this is still very preliminary and not ready for any type of production use
<!-- Stuff related to toolbars and clickable buttons. Used mostly in the page toolbar on most pages. --><!-- VAR toolbar_start --> <div class="toolbar"> <ul><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_start --><!-- VAR toolbar_button --> <li> <a title="{TITLE}" {FLAGS}> <img alt="{TITLE}" src="{IMAGE}" /> <!-- BEGIN show_title --> <span>{TITLE}</span> <!-- END show_title --> </a> </li><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_button --><!-- VAR toolbar_label --> <li> <span>{TITLE}</span> </li><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_label --><!-- VAR toolbar_end --> </ul> </div><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_end --><!-- VAR toolbar_vert_start --> <div class="toolbar_vert"> <ul><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_start --><!-- VAR toolbar_vert_button --> <li> <a title="{TITLE}" {FLAGS}> <img alt="{TITLE}" src="{IMAGE}" /> <span>{TITLE}</span> </a> </li><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_button --><!-- VAR toolbar_vert_label --> <li> <span>{TITLE}</span> </li><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_label --><!-- VAR toolbar_vert_end --> </ul> </div><!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_end -->