Enano should now fully support UTF-8 usernames; newly registered users are now granted automatic edit access to their user pages (admins can still use protection on the page)
// Some additional DHTML functionsfunction fetch_offset(obj) { var left_offset = obj.offsetLeft; var top_offset = obj.offsetTop; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) { left_offset += obj.offsetLeft; top_offset += obj.offsetTop; } return { 'left' : left_offset, 'top' : top_offset };}function fetch_dimensions(o) { var w = o.offsetWidth; var h = o.offsetHeight; return { 'w' : w, 'h' : h };}function findParentForm(o){ if ( o.tagName == 'FORM' ) return o; while(true) { o = o.parentNode; if ( !o ) return false; if ( o.tagName == 'FORM' ) return o; } return false;}function ajaxReverseDNS(o, text){ if(text) var ipaddr = text; else var ipaddr = o.innerHTML; rDnsObj = o; rDnsBannerObj = bannerOn('Retrieving reverse DNS info...'); ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=rdns&ip='+ipaddr, function() { if(ajax.readyState == 4) { off = fetch_offset(rDnsObj); dim = fetch_dimensions(rDnsObj); right = off['left'] + dim['w']; top = off['top'] + dim['h']; var thediv = document.createElement('div'); thediv.className = 'info-box'; 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expires="+date.toGMTString();}else var expires = "";document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";}function eraseCookie(name) {createCookie(name,"",-1);}var busyBannerID;function goBusy(msg){ if(!msg) msg = 'Please wait...'; body = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); body = body[0]; body.style.cursor = 'wait'; busyBannerID = bannerOn(msg);}function unBusy(){ body = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); body = body[0]; body.style.cursor = 'default'; bannerOff(busyBannerID);}function setAjaxLoading(){ if ( document.getElementById('ajaxloadicon') ) { document.getElementById('ajaxloadicon').src=scriptPath + '/images/loading.gif'; }}function unsetAjaxLoading(){ if ( document.getElementById('ajaxloadicon') ) { document.getElementById('ajaxloadicon').src=scriptPath + '/images/spacer.gif'; }}/* * Search boxes */function buildSearchBoxes(){ var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); var boxes = new Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++ ) { if ( divs[i].className) { if ( divs[i].className.substr(0, 9) == 'searchbox' ) { boxes.push(divs[i]); 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var off = fetch_offset(input); var top = off['top'] + 'px'; var left = ( parseInt(off['left']) + ( width - 24 ) ) + 'px'; submit.style.top = top; submit.style.left = left; parent.appendChild(submit);}function searchFormSubmit(obj){ var input = obj.previousSibling; if ( input.value == 'Search' || input.value == '' ) return false; var p = obj; while(true) { p = p.parentNode; if ( !p ) break; if ( typeof(p.tagName) != 'string' ) break; else if ( p.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form' ) { p.submit(); } else if ( p.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body' ) { break; } }}/* * AJAX login box (experimental) */var ajax_auth_prompt_cache = false;var ajax_auth_mb_cache = false;var ajax_auth_level_cache = false;function ajaxPromptAdminAuth(call_on_ok, level){ if ( typeof(call_on_ok) == 'function' ) { ajax_auth_prompt_cache = call_on_ok; } if ( !level ) level = USER_LEVEL_MEMBER; ajax_auth_level_cache = level; var loading_win = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> \ <p>Fetching an encryption key...</p> \ <p><small>Not working? Use the <a href="'+makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title)+'">alternate login form</a>.</p> \ <p><img alt="Please wait..." src="'+scriptPath+'/images/loading-big.gif" /></p> \ </div>'; var title = ( level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) ? 'You are requesting a sensitive operation.' : 'Please enter your username and password to continue.'; ajax_auth_mb_cache = new messagebox(MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONLOCK, title, loading_win); ajax_auth_mb_cache.onbeforeclick['OK'] = ajaxValidateLogin; ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup();}function ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(){ ajaxGet(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login', 'act=getkey'), function() { if ( ajax.readyState == 4 ) { var response = String(ajax.responseText); if ( response.substr(0,1) != '{' ) { alert('Invalid JSON response from server: ' + response); return false; } response = parseJSON(response); var level = ajax_auth_level_cache; var form_html = ''; if ( level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { form_html += 'Please re-enter your login details, to verify your identity.<br /><br />'; } form_html += ' \ <table border="0" align="center"> \ <tr> \ <td>Username:</td><td><input tabindex="1" id="ajaxlogin_user" type="text" size="25" /> \ </tr> \ <tr> \ <td>Password:</td><td><input tabindex="2" id="ajaxlogin_pass" type="password" size="25" /> \ </tr> \ <tr> \ <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"> \ <br /><small>Trouble logging in? Try the <a href="'+makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title)+'">full login form</a>.<br />'; if ( level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { form_html += ' \ Did you <a href="'+makeUrlNS('Special', 'PasswordReset')+'">forget your password</a>?<br /> \ Maybe you need to <a href="'+makeUrlNS('Special', 'Register')+'">create an account</a>.</small>'; } form_html += ' \ </td> \ </tr> \ </table> \ <input type="hidden" id="ajaxlogin_crypt_key" value="' + response.key + '" /> \ <input type="hidden" id="ajaxlogin_crypt_challenge" value="' + response.challenge + '" /> \ </form>'; ajax_auth_mb_cache.updateContent(form_html); $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.tabindex = '3'; if ( typeof(response.username) == 'string' ) { $('ajaxlogin_user').object.value = response.username; $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.focus(); } else { $('ajaxlogin_user').object.focus(); } $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onblur = function(e) { if ( !shift ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.focus(); }; $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onkeypress = function(e) { if ( !e && IE ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.click(); }; } });}function ajaxValidateLogin(){ var username,password,auth_enabled,crypt_key,crypt_data,challenge_salt,challenge_data; username = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_user'); if ( !username ) return false; username = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_user').value; password = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_pass').value; auth_enabled = false; disableJSONExts(); // // Encryption test // var str = ''; for(i=0;i<keySizeInBits/4;i++) { str+='0'; } str = hexToByteArray(str); var ct = rijndaelEncrypt(str, str, 'ECB'); ct = byteArrayToHex(ct); var v; switch(keySizeInBits) { case 128: v = '66e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e'; break; case 192: v = 'aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7'; break; case 256: v = 'dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087'; break; } auth_enabled = ( ct == v && md5_vm_test() ); if ( !auth_enabled ) { alert('Login error: encryption sanity check failed\n'); return true; } crypt_key = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_crypt_key').value; challenge_salt = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_crypt_challenge').value; var crypt_key_md5 = hex_md5(crypt_key); challenge_data = hex_md5(password + challenge_salt) + challenge_salt; password = stringToByteArray(password); crypt_key = hexToByteArray(crypt_key); crypt_data = rijndaelEncrypt(password, crypt_key, 'ECB'); crypt_data = byteArrayToHex(crypt_data); var json_data = { 'username' : username, 'crypt_key' : crypt_key_md5, 'challenge' : challenge_data, 'crypt_data' : crypt_data, 'level' : ajax_auth_level_cache }; window.console.debug(json_data); json_data = toJSONString(json_data); window.console.debug(json_data); json_data = encodeURIComponent(json_data); window.console.debug(json_data); var loading_win = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> \ <p>Logging in...</p> \ <p><img alt="Please wait..." src="'+scriptPath+'/images/loading-big.gif" /></p> \ </div>'; ajax_auth_mb_cache.updateContent(loading_win); ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login', 'act=ajaxlogin'), 'params=' + json_data, function() { if ( ajax.readyState == 4 ) { var response = ajax.responseText; if ( response.substr(0,1) != '{' ) { alert('Invalid JSON response from server: ' + response); ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); return false; } response = parseJSON(response); switch(response.result) { case 'success': if ( typeof(ajax_auth_prompt_cache) == 'function' ) { ajax_auth_prompt_cache(response.key); } break; case 'success_reset': var conf = confirm('You have logged in using a temporary password. Before you can log in, you must finish resetting your password. Do you want to reset your real password now?'); if ( conf ) { var url = makeUrlNS('Special', 'PasswordReset/stage2/' + response.user_id + '/' + response.temppass); window.location = url; } else { ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); } break; case 'error': alert(response.error); ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); break; default: alert(ajax.responseText); break; } } }); return true;}// This code is in the public domain. Feel free to link back to http://jan.moesen.nu/function sprintf(){ if (!arguments || arguments.length < 1 || !RegExp) { return; } var str = arguments[0]; var re = /([^%]*)%('.|0|\x20)?(-)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?(%|b|c|d|u|f|o|s|x|X)(.*)/; var a = b = [], numSubstitutions = 0, numMatches = 0; while (a = re.exec(str)) { var leftpart = a[1], pPad = a[2], pJustify = a[3], pMinLength = a[4]; var pPrecision = a[5], pType = a[6], rightPart = a[7]; //alert(a + '\n' + [a[0], leftpart, pPad, pJustify, pMinLength, pPrecision); numMatches++; if (pType == '%') { subst = '%'; } else { numSubstitutions++; if (numSubstitutions >= arguments.length) { alert('Error! Not enough function arguments (' + (arguments.length - 1) + ', excluding the string)\nfor the number of substitution parameters in string (' + numSubstitutions + ' so far).'); } var param = arguments[numSubstitutions]; var pad = ''; if (pPad && pPad.substr(0,1) == "'") pad = leftpart.substr(1,1); else if (pPad) pad = pPad; var justifyRight = true; if (pJustify && pJustify === "-") justifyRight = false; var minLength = -1; if (pMinLength) minLength = parseInt(pMinLength); var precision = -1; if (pPrecision && pType == 'f') precision = parseInt(pPrecision.substring(1)); var subst = param; if (pType == 'b') subst = parseInt(param).toString(2); else if (pType == 'c') subst = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(param)); else if (pType == 'd') subst = parseInt(param) ? parseInt(param) : 0; else if (pType == 'u') subst = Math.abs(param); else if (pType == 'f') subst = (precision > -1) ? Math.round(parseFloat(param) * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision): parseFloat(param); else if (pType == 'o') subst = parseInt(param).toString(8); else if (pType == 's') subst = param; else if (pType == 'x') subst = ('' + parseInt(param).toString(16)).toLowerCase(); else if (pType == 'X') subst = ('' + parseInt(param).toString(16)).toUpperCase(); } str = leftpart + subst + rightPart; } return str;}/** * Insert a DOM object _after_ the specified child. * @param object Parent node * @param object Node to insert * @param object Node to insert after */function insertAfter(parent, baby, bigsister){ try { if ( parent.childNodes[parent.childNodes.length-1] == bigsister ) parent.appendChild(baby); else parent.insertBefore(baby, bigsister.nextSibling); } catch(e) { alert(e.toString()); if ( window.console ) { // Firebug support window.console.warn(e); } }}/** * Validates an e-mail address. * @param string E-mail address * @return bool */function validateEmail(email){ return ( email.match(/^(?:[\w\d]+\.?)+@((?:(?:[\w\d]\-?)+\.)+\w{2,4}|localhost)$/) ) ? true : false;}