Finished pagination code (was incomplete in previous revision) and added a few hacks for an upcoming theme
+ − function dbx_set_key()
+ − {
+ − //initialise the docking boxes manager
+ − var manager = new dbxManager('main'); //session ID [/-_a-zA-Z0-9/]
+ −
+ − //onstatechange fires when any group state changes
+ − manager.onstatechange = function()
+ − {
+ − //copy the state string to a local var
+ − var state = this.state;
+ −
+ − //remove group name and open/close state tokens
+ − state = state.replace(/sbedit_(left|right)=/ig, '').replace(/[\-\+]/g, '');
+ −
+ − //split into an array
+ − state = state.split('&');
+ −
+ − //output field
+ − var field = document.getElementById('divOrder_Left');
+ − field.value = state[0];
+ − var field = document.getElementById('divOrder_Right');
+ − field.value = state[1];
+ −
+ − //return value determines whether cookie is set
+ − return false;
+ − };
+ −
+ − //create new docking boxes group
+ − var sbedit_left = new dbxGroup(
+ − 'sbedit_left', // container ID [/-_a-zA-Z0-9/]
+ − 'vertical', // orientation ['vertical'|'horizontal']
+ − '7', // drag threshold ['n' pixels]
+ − 'no', // restrict drag movement to container axis ['yes'|'no']
+ − '10', // animate re-ordering [frames per transition, or '0' for no effect]
+ − 'no', // include open/close toggle buttons ['yes'|'no']
+ − 'open', // default state ['open'|'closed']
+ − 'open', // word for "open", as in "open this box"
+ − 'close', // word for "close", as in "close this box"
+ − 'click-down and drag to move this box', // sentence for "move this box" by mouse
+ − 'click to %toggle% this box', // pattern-match sentence for "(open|close) this box" by mouse
+ − 'use the arrow keys to move this box', // sentence for "move this box" by keyboard
+ − ', or press the enter key to %toggle% it', // pattern-match sentence-fragment for "(open|close) this box" by keyboard
+ − '%mytitle% [%dbxtitle%]' // pattern-match syntax for title-attribute conflicts
+ − );
+ −
+ − //create new docking boxes group
+ − var sbedit_right = new dbxGroup(
+ − 'sbedit_right', // container ID [/-_a-zA-Z0-9/]
+ − 'vertical', // orientation ['vertical'|'horizontal']
+ − '7', // drag threshold ['n' pixels]
+ − 'no', // restrict drag movement to container axis ['yes'|'no']
+ − '10', // animate re-ordering [frames per transition, or '0' for no effect]
+ − 'no', // include open/close toggle buttons ['yes'|'no']
+ − 'open', // default state ['open'|'closed']
+ − 'open', // word for "open", as in "open this box"
+ − 'close', // word for "close", as in "close this box"
+ − 'click-down and drag to move this box', // sentence for "move this box" by mouse
+ − 'click to %toggle% this box', // pattern-match sentence for "(open|close) this box" by mouse
+ − 'use the arrow keys to move this box', // sentence for "move this box" by keyboard
+ − ', or press the enter key to %toggle% it', // pattern-match sentence-fragment for "(open|close) this box" by keyboard
+ − '%mytitle% [%dbxtitle%]' // pattern-match syntax for title-attribute conflicts
+ − );
+ − }