Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
+ − // UK lang variables
+ −
+ − tinyMCE.addToLang('devkit',{
+ − title : 'TinyMCE Development Kit',
+ − info_tab : 'Info',
+ − settings_tab : 'Settings',
+ − log_tab : 'Log',
+ − content_tab : 'Content',
+ − command_states_tab : 'Commands',
+ − undo_redo_tab : 'Undo/Redo',
+ − misc_tab : 'Misc',
+ − filter : 'Filter:',
+ − clear_log : 'Clear log',
+ − refresh : 'Refresh',
+ − info_help : 'Press Refresh to view info.',
+ − settings_help : 'Press Refresh to display the settings array for each TinyMCE_Control instance.',
+ − content_help : 'Press Refresh to display the raw and cleaned HTML content for each TinyMCE_Control instance.',
+ − command_states_help : 'Press Refresh to display the current command states from inst.queryCommandState. This list will also mark unsupported commands.',
+ − undo_redo_help : 'Press Refresh to display the global and instance undo/redo levels.',
+ − misc_help : 'Here are various tools for debugging and development purposes.',
+ − debug_events : 'Debug events',
+ − undo_diff : 'Diff undo levels'
+ − });