Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
/**************************************************************** Docking Boxes core CSS: YOU MUST NOT CHANGE OR OVERRIDE THESE *****************************************************************/.dbx-clone { position:absolute; visibility:hidden; }.dbx-clone, .dbx-clone .dbx-handle-cursor { cursor:move !important; }.dbx-dummy { display:block; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; }.dbx-group, .dbx-box, .dbx-handle { position:relative; display:block; }/**************************************************************** avoid padding, margins or borders on dbx-box, to reduce visual discrepancies between it and the clone. overall, dbx-box is best left as visually unstyled as possible *****************************************************************/.dbx-box { margin:0; padding:0; border:none; }