Implemented cron image into Oxygen and St Patty as promised; fixed way-outdated version numbers in plugins
+ − <?php
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Parses for table markup.
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − *
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − *
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − *
+ − * @license LGPL
+ − *
+ − * @version $Id: Table.php,v 1.3 2005/02/23 17:38:29 pmjones Exp $
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Parses for table markup.
+ − *
+ − * This class implements a Text_Wiki_Parse to find source text marked as a
+ − * set of table rows, where a line start and ends with double-pipes (||)
+ − * and uses double-pipes to separate table cells. The rows must be on
+ − * sequential lines (no blank lines between them) -- a blank line
+ − * indicates the beginning of a new table.
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − *
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − *
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − class Text_Wiki_Parse_Table extends Text_Wiki_Parse {
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * The regular expression used to parse the source text and find
+ − * matches conforming to this rule. Used by the parse() method.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var string
+ − *
+ − * @see parse()
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $regex = '/\n((\|\|).*)(\n)(?!(\|\|))/Us';
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Generates a replacement for the matched text.
+ − *
+ − * Token options are:
+ − *
+ − * 'type' =>
+ − * 'table_start' : the start of a bullet list
+ − * 'table_end' : the end of a bullet list
+ − * 'row_start' : the start of a number list
+ − * 'row_end' : the end of a number list
+ − * 'cell_start' : the start of item text (bullet or number)
+ − * 'cell_end' : the end of item text (bullet or number)
+ − *
+ − * 'cols' => the number of columns in the table (for 'table_start')
+ − *
+ − * 'rows' => the number of rows in the table (for 'table_start')
+ − *
+ − * 'span' => column span (for 'cell_start')
+ − *
+ − * 'attr' => column attribute flag (for 'cell_start')
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
+ − *
+ − * @return A series of text and delimited tokens marking the different
+ − * table elements and cell text.
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function process(&$matches)
+ − {
+ − // our eventual return value
+ − $return = '';
+ −
+ − // the number of columns in the table
+ − $num_cols = 0;
+ −
+ − // the number of rows in the table
+ − $num_rows = 0;
+ −
+ − // rows are separated by newlines in the matched text
+ − $rows = explode("\n", $matches[1]);
+ −
+ − // loop through each row
+ − foreach ($rows as $row) {
+ −
+ − // increase the row count
+ − $num_rows ++;
+ −
+ − // start a new row
+ − $return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array('type' => 'row_start')
+ − );
+ −
+ − // cells are separated by double-pipes
+ − $cell = explode("||", $row);
+ −
+ − // get the number of cells (columns) in this row
+ − $last = count($cell) - 1;
+ −
+ − // is this more than the current column count?
+ − // (we decrease by 1 because we never use cell zero)
+ − if ($last - 1 > $num_cols) {
+ − // increase the column count
+ − $num_cols = $last - 1;
+ − }
+ −
+ − // by default, cells span only one column (their own)
+ − $span = 1;
+ −
+ − // ignore cell zero, and ignore the "last" cell; cell zero
+ − // is before the first double-pipe, and the "last" cell is
+ − // after the last double-pipe. both are always empty.
+ − for ($i = 1; $i < $last; $i ++) {
+ −
+ − // if there is no content at all, then it's an instance
+ − // of two sets of || next to each other, indicating a
+ − // span.
+ − if ($cell[$i] == '') {
+ −
+ − // add to the span and loop to the next cell
+ − $span += 1;
+ − continue;
+ −
+ − } else {
+ −
+ − // this cell has content.
+ −
+ − // find any special "attr"ibute cell markers
+ − if (substr($cell[$i], 0, 2) == '> ') {
+ − // right-align
+ − $attr = 'right';
+ − $cell[$i] = substr($cell[$i], 2);
+ − } elseif (substr($cell[$i], 0, 2) == '= ') {
+ − // center-align
+ − $attr = 'center';
+ − $cell[$i] = substr($cell[$i], 2);
+ − } elseif (substr($cell[$i], 0, 2) == '< ') {
+ − // left-align
+ − $attr = 'left';
+ − $cell[$i] = substr($cell[$i], 2);
+ − } elseif (substr($cell[$i], 0, 2) == '~ ') {
+ − $attr = 'header';
+ − $cell[$i] = substr($cell[$i], 2);
+ − } else {
+ − $attr = null;
+ − }
+ −
+ − // start a new cell...
+ − $return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array (
+ − 'type' => 'cell_start',
+ − 'attr' => $attr,
+ − 'span' => $span
+ − )
+ − );
+ −
+ − // ...add the content...
+ − $return .= trim($cell[$i]);
+ −
+ − // ...and end the cell.
+ − $return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array (
+ − 'type' => 'cell_end',
+ − 'attr' => $attr,
+ − 'span' => $span
+ − )
+ − );
+ −
+ − // reset the span.
+ − $span = 1;
+ − }
+ −
+ − }
+ −
+ − // end the row
+ − $return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array('type' => 'row_end')
+ − );
+ −
+ − }
+ −
+ − // wrap the return value in start and end tokens
+ − $return =
+ − $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array(
+ − 'type' => 'table_start',
+ − 'rows' => $num_rows,
+ − 'cols' => $num_cols
+ − )
+ − )
+ − . $return .
+ − $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array(
+ − 'type' => 'table_end'
+ − )
+ − );
+ −
+ − // we're done!
+ − return "\n$return\n\n";
+ − }
+ − }
+ − ?>