Fixed non-object reference in databaseless template, added locking for Javascript paginator, made comments on AES key size more clear in constants, and disallowed "anonymous" and IP addresses for admin username in install.php; Loch Ness release candidate
// Import external list url javascript
var url = tinyMCE.getParam("template_external_list_url");
if (url != null) {
// Fix relative
if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.indexOf('://') == -1)
url = tinyMCE.documentBasePath + "/" + url;
document.write('<sc'+'ript language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"></sc'+'ript>');
var TPU = { //Template Popup Utils
currentTemplateHTML : null,
templates : [],
inst : tinyMCE.getInstanceById(tinyMCE.getWindowArg('editor_id')),
plugin : tinyMCE.getWindowArg('pluginObj'),
data : tinyMCE.selectedInstance.getData('template'),
init : function() {
document.forms[0].insert.value = tinyMCE.getLang('lang_' +, 'Insert', true);
if ( == "update")
document.getElementById('warning').innerHTML = tinyMCE.getLang('lang_template_warning');
loadTemplatePaths : function() {
var tsrc, sel, x, u;
tsrc = tinyMCE.getParam("template_templates", false);
sel = document.getElementById('tpath');
// Setup external template list
if (!tsrc && typeof(tinyMCETemplateList) != 'undefined') {
for (x=0, tsrc = []; x<tinyMCETemplateList.length; x++)
tsrc.push({title : tinyMCETemplateList[x][0], src : tinyMCETemplateList[x][1], description : tinyMCETemplateList[x][2]});
for (x=0; x<tsrc.length; x++) {
u = tsrc[x].src;
// Force absolute
if (u.indexOf('://') == -1 && u.indexOf('/') != 0)
u = tinyMCE.documentBasePath + "/" + u;
tsrc[x].src = u;
TPU.templates = tsrc;
for (x = 0; x < tsrc.length; x++)
sel.options[sel.options.length] = new Option(tsrc[x].title, tsrc[x].src);
selectTemplate : function(o) {
var x, d = window.frames['templatesrc'].document;
this.currentTemplateHTML = this.plugin._replaceValues(this.getFileContents(o.value));
// Force complete document
if (!/<body/gi.test(this.currentTemplateHTML)) {
this.currentTemplateHTML = '<html xmlns="">' +
'<head>' +
'<title>blank_page</title>' +
'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />' +
'</head>' +
'<body>' +
this.currentTemplateHTML +
'</body>' +
// Write HTML to preview iframe
d.body.innerHTML = this.currentTemplateHTML;
// Display description
for (x = 0; x < TPU.templates.length; x++) {
if (TPU.templates[x].src == o.value) {
document.getElementById('tmpldesc').innerHTML = TPU.templates[x].description;
insertTemplate : function() {
var sel, opt;
sel = document.getElementById('tpath');
opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
// Is it a template or snippet
if (TPU.currentTemplateHTML.indexOf('mceTmpl'))
tinyMCEPopup.execCommand('mceTemplate', false, {title : opt.text, tsrc : opt.value, body : TPU.currentTemplateHTML});
tinyMCEPopup.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, TPU.currentTemplateHTML);
getFileContents : function(u) {
var x, d, t = 'text/plain';
function g(s) {
x = 0;
try {
x = new ActiveXObject(s);
} catch (s) {
return x;
x = window.ActiveXObject ? g('Msxml2.XMLHTTP') || g('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new XMLHttpRequest();
// Synchronous AJAX load file
x.overrideMimeType && x.overrideMimeType(t);"GET", u, false);
return x.responseText;
resizeInputs : function() {
var wHeight, wWidth, elm;
if (!self.innerWidth) {
wHeight = document.body.clientHeight - 160;
wWidth = document.body.clientWidth - 40;
} else {
wHeight = self.innerHeight - 160;
wWidth = self.innerWidth - 40;
elm = document.getElementById('templatesrc');
if (elm) { = Math.abs(wHeight) + 'px'; = Math.abs(wWidth - 5) + 'px';