Fixed non-object reference in databaseless template, added locking for Javascript paginator, made comments on AES key size more clear in constants, and disallowed "anonymous" and IP addresses for admin username in install.php; Loch Ness release candidate
// UK lang variables
tab_general : 'General',
tab_appearance : 'Appearance',
tab_advanced : 'Advanced',
general : 'General',
title : 'Title',
preview : 'Preview',
constrain_proportions : 'Constrain proportions',
langdir : 'Language direction',
langcode : 'Language code',
long_desc : 'Long description link',
style : 'Style',
classes : 'Classes',
ltr : 'Left to right',
rtl : 'Right to left',
id : 'Id',
image_map : 'Image map',
swap_image : 'Swap image',
alt_image : 'Alternative image',
mouseover : 'for mouse over',
mouseout : 'for mouse out',
misc : 'Miscellaneous',
example_img : 'Appearance preview image',
missing_alt : 'Are you sure you want to continue without including an Image Description? Without it the image may not be accessible to some users with disabilities, or to those using a text browser, or browsing the Web with images turned off.'