+ − Enano Banshee - TODO
+ − ------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − [x] COPPA compliance
+ − [x] Add in Moderators group
+ − [x] Create default ACL rule for mods
+ − [x] Fix invalid HTML in SF.net logo
+ − [x] Clean up the wikitext parser - a lot. It needs some serious work.
+ − We need a way to detect whether the text is mostly HTML, and if
+ − so, then leave stuff like automatic adding of <p> and <br /> out
+ − of the picture. Continue to parse wikilinks.
+ − [x] Probably the way to do this is to have a wrapper for (or modified version of) sanitize_html that uses the existing
+ − XML pseudo-parser. Have it look for certain key block-level elements (div, p, table, blockquote, pre), and wrap <litewiki>
+ − tags around those areas to have the wiki parser only parse internal links, image includes, external links, and basic
+ − formatting items. Hopefully use Text_Wiki to handle the lite formatting. Need better TinyMCE compatibility, especially
+ − in IE. (thanks to Christine Emmanuel for partly bringing this to my attention)
+ − [x] Add a system_group column and if it's set to 1, give (at least) a
+ − stern warning before deleting the group. Maybe disable the delete
+ − button altogether? (delete button disabled)
+ − [x] SQL exporter: fix structure exporting when an auto column is defined
+ − and it's a named key (see pun_search_words)
+ − [x] Possibly add these fields: AIM, Yahoo, MSN, XMPP messenger icons, then homepage, location, occupation, hobbies, allow public e-mail display
+ − [x] Put it in a user_extra table [XX NO!! and have an option to enable or disable these fields in the admin panel XX]
+ − [Y] Delay until RC3 or Banshee?
+ − [x] When added, put a box on the user page that shows the information
+ − [x] Fields on user's preferences page
+ − [x] Fix "this page" bug in ACL editor
+ − [x] The problem itself got fixed BUT there seem to be deeper problems related to scope selection
+ − This needs to be FIXED and WORKING PERFECTLY in Banshee!
+ − [x] Change the string shown on a successful re-auth into elevated privileges
+ − [x] ...and write a function that converts a numeric userlevel to a string
+ − [x] Make Special:Login remember parameters (target level, target page) even on auth fail
+ − [x] Register users_extra table in system tables list (already done?)
+ − [x] Trigger form submit on press of enter in Dynano login form
+ − [x] Rewrite the change theme dialog - it's archaic code that hasn't changed since beta 1!
+ − [] Come up with some alternative to the "formatting help" link (**IN 1.1**)
+ − [] By 1.1, all JWS code should be phased out and removed!
+ − [x] Get the new page ID cleaner code working 100% perfectly - this is the core of Enano and should be completely bug free
+ − Update 6/28: Is this done? Probably is, we need some QA done on it though
+ −
+ −
+ − Enano Clurichaun - TODO
+ − ------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − [x] Finish rewriting userprefs panel
+ − Remaining components:
+ − [x] Signature
+ − [x] Real name
+ − [x] When a user's level is set to Moderator or Administrator, automatically add them to the respective group
+ − [x] Fix de-authentication button in admin panel
+ − [x] Merge newer artwork into installer; make trademark notices
+ − [x] Case-insensitive usernames for login
+ − [x] Mass e-mail function in admin panel
+ −
+ − Enano Leprechaun - TODO
+ − ------------------------------------------
+ − [x] Make a frontend for creating/managing usergroups in the admin panel
+ − [x] Make a frontend for group mods to add/remove group members in a new special page
+ − [x] Create ACL editing frontends - preferably a "Manage access" button on every page and in the user admin panel
+ − [x] Need no-Javascript version of ACL editor
+ − [x] Make absolutely everything check for the proper access - do a complete audit of index.php and pageutils.php
+ − [x] Also need to check RenderMan::getPage, and require view_source privileges to get pages without wiki
+ − formatting or without PHP/HTML code
+ − [x] Check permissions for uploaded files and category editing - if the category is protected and the user doesn't have
+ − even_when_protected rights, lock down the category from adding/removing articles
+ − [x] For this to work, need SessionManager's ability to calculate effective permissions for a page implemented
+ − [x] Update installation schema to create the default Everyone, Administrators, and Moderators groups and insert the
+ − admin user into Moderators and Administrators
+ − [x] Update the upgrade schema - last point plus add in table creation for e_groups, e_group_members, and e_acl
+ − [x] AJAX: Access control list editor
+ − [x] Write a template parsing class in Javascript
+ − [x] Use JSON to transport template data, permission types, etc. to the javascript client
+ − [x] Use JSON to send the updated permissions back to the server
+ − [x] File uploads: Rewrite Special:UploadFile to work with new storage system
+ − [x] Implement password reset
+ − [x] Fix empty group bug in javascripted ACL editor
+ −
+ − Delayed:
+ −
+ − [x] REWRITE Special:Preferences - settle for nothing less than perfect on this one! (DELAYED until RC2 - put password reset issues in known bugs)
+ − [ ] Implement ACL presets (DELAYED until RC2)
+ −
+ − Website-related:
+ −
+ − [ ] Enano website: add versioning rules page (like linux: x.y.z: x is major release, y is minor, and z is revision; if y is odd then its a beta)
+ − [ ] Enano website: create codename tracker page (PARTIALLY DONE)
+ −