Out with the old, in with the new. Welcome to Enano's new installer framework!
* $Id: mclayer.js 162 2007-01-03 16:16:52Z spocke $
* Moxiecode floating layer script.
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2007, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
function MCLayer(id) {
this.id = id;
this.settings = new Array();
this.blockerElement = null;
this.isMSIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
this.events = false;
this.autoHideCallback = null;
MCLayer.prototype = {
moveRelativeTo : function(re, p, a) {
var rep = this.getAbsPosition(re);
var w = parseInt(re.offsetWidth);
var h = parseInt(re.offsetHeight);
var x, y;
switch (p) {
case "tl":
case "tr":
x = rep.absLeft + w;
y = rep.absTop;
case "bl":
case "br":
this.moveTo(x, y);
moveBy : function(dx, dy) {
var e = this.getElement();
var x = parseInt(e.style.left);
var y = parseInt(e.style.top);
e.style.left = (x + dx) + "px";
e.style.top = (y + dy) + "px";
moveTo : function(x, y) {
var e = this.getElement();
e.style.left = x + "px";
e.style.top = y + "px";
show : function() {
MCLayer.visibleLayer = this;
this.getElement().style.display = 'block';
hide : function() {
this.getElement().style.display = 'none';
setAutoHide : function(s, cb) {
this.autoHideCallback = cb;
getElement : function() {
return document.getElementById(this.id);
updateBlocker : function() {
if (!this.isMSIE)
var e = this.getElement();
var b = this.getBlocker();
var x = this.parseInt(e.style.left);
var y = this.parseInt(e.style.top);
var w = this.parseInt(e.offsetWidth);
var h = this.parseInt(e.offsetHeight);
b.style.left = x + 'px';
b.style.top = y + 'px';
b.style.width = w + 'px';
b.style.height = h + 'px';
b.style.display = e.style.display;
getBlocker : function() {
if (!this.blockerElement) {
var d = document, b = d.createElement("iframe");
b.style.cssText = 'display: none; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0';
b.src = 'javascript:false;';
b.frameBorder = '0';
b.scrolling = 'no';
this.blockerElement = b;
return this.blockerElement;
getAbsPosition : function(n) {
var p = {absLeft : 0, absTop : 0};
while (n) {
p.absLeft += n.offsetLeft;
p.absTop += n.offsetTop;
n = n.offsetParent;
return p;
registerEventHandlers : function() {
if (!this.events) {
var d = document;
this.addEvent(d, 'mousedown', MCLayer.prototype.onMouseDown);
this.events = true;
addEvent : function(o, n, h) {
if (o.attachEvent)
o.attachEvent("on" + n, h);
o.addEventListener(n, h, false);
onMouseDown : function(e) {
e = typeof(e) == "undefined" ? window.event : e;
var b = document.body;
var l = MCLayer.visibleLayer;
if (l) {
var mx = l.isMSIE ? e.clientX + b.scrollLeft : e.pageX;
var my = l.isMSIE ? e.clientY + b.scrollTop : e.pageY;
var el = l.getElement();
var x = parseInt(el.style.left);
var y = parseInt(el.style.top);
var w = parseInt(el.offsetWidth);
var h = parseInt(el.offsetHeight);
if (!(mx > x && mx < x + w && my > y && my < y + h)) {
MCLayer.visibleLayer = null;
if (l.autoHideCallback && l.autoHideCallback(l, e, mx, my))
return true;
addCSSClass : function(e, c) {
this.removeCSSClass(e, c);
var a = this.explode(' ', e.className);
a[a.length] = c;
e.className = a.join(' ');
removeCSSClass : function(e, c) {
var a = this.explode(' ', e.className), i;
for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] == c)
a[i] = '';
e.className = a.join(' ');
explode : function(d, s) {
var ar = s.split(d);
var oar = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i<ar.length; i++) {
if (ar[i] != "")
oar[oar.length] = ar[i];
return oar;
parseInt : function(s) {
if (s == null || s == '')
return 0;
return parseInt(s);