Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( $session->auth_level < USER_LEVEL_ADMIN || $session->user_level < USER_LEVEL_ADMIN )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<h3>Error: Not authenticated</h3><p>It looks like your administration session is invalid or you are not authorized to access this administration page. Please <a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' . $paths->nslist['Special'] . 'Administration', 'level=' . USER_LEVEL_ADMIN, true) . '">re-authenticate</a> to continue.</p>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
$errors[] = 'Users cannot be modified or deleted in demo mode.';
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$q = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix."users_extra WHERE user_id=$user_id;");
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$q = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix."users WHERE user_id=$user_id;");
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<div class="info-box">The user account has been deleted.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Fixed: invalid smartform input to Admin:UserManager when errors present and changing own account; [demo mode] default user can no longer change password
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( !preg_match('#^'.$session->valid_username.'$#', $username) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$errors[] = 'The username you entered contains invalid characters.';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$errors[] = 'Session manager denied public encryption key lookup request';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( !preg_match('/^(?:[\w\d]+\.?)+@((?:(?:[\w\d]\-?)+\.)+\w{2,4}|localhost)$/', $email) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$errors[] = 'You have entered an invalid e-mail address.';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( $user_level < USER_LEVEL_MEMBER || $user_level > USER_LEVEL_ADMIN )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( !preg_match('/@([a-z0-9-]+)(\.([a-z0-9-\.]+))?/', $imaddr_msn) && !empty($imaddr_msn) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( !preg_match('/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9-.]+)([A-z0-9@#\$%\&:;<>,\.\?=\+\(\)\[\]_\/\\\\]*?)$/i', $homepage) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT u.user_level FROM '.table_prefix.'users AS u WHERE u.user_id = ' . $user_id . ';');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo 'Couldn\'t select user data: no rows returned';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
foreach ( $to_update_users as $key => $unused_crap )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$update_sql = 'UPDATE '.table_prefix."users SET $update_sql WHERE user_id=$user_id;";
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
foreach ( $to_update_users_extra as $key => $unused_crap )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$update_sql_extra = 'UPDATE '.table_prefix."users_extra SET $update_sql_extra WHERE user_id=$user_id;";
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<div class="info-box">Your changes have been saved.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
<b>Your request could not be processed due to the following validation errors:</b>
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
SECURITY: Anonymous user can't be edited now; user accounts could be deleted even if errors detected; user CP saving disabled for demo mode
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT u.user_id AS authoritative_uid, u.username, u.email, u.real_name, u.signature, u.account_active, u.user_level, x.* FROM '.table_prefix.'users AS u
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<div class="error-box">The username you entered could not be found.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo 'Internal error: form processor returned false';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
else if ( isset($_POST['action']['clear_sessions']) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<div class="error-box">Sorry Charlie, no can do. You might mess up other people logged into the demo site.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$qb = $db->sql_query('SELECT session_key,salt,auth_level,source_ip,time FROM '.table_prefix.'session_keys WHERE session_key=\''.$sk.'\' AND user_id='.$session->user_id.' AND auth_level='.USER_LEVEL_ADMIN);
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
die('Error selecting session key info block B: '.$db->get_error());
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$qa = $db->sql_query('SELECT session_key,salt,auth_level,source_ip,time FROM '.table_prefix.'session_keys WHERE session_key=\''.md5($session->sid).'\' AND user_id='.$session->user_id.' AND auth_level='.USER_LEVEL_MEMBER);
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
die('Error selecting session key info block A: '.$db->get_error());
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
die('Error: cannot read user session info block A, aborting table clear process');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix.'session_keys;');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<div class="info-box">The session key table has been cleared. Your database should be a little bit smaller now.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<p>From this panel you can modify or delete user accounts.</p>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<small>If your browser supports AJAX, this will provide suggestions for you.</small>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
echo '<p>It\'s a good idea to clean out your session keys table every once in a while, since this helps to reduce database size. During this process you will be logged off and (hopefully) logged back on automatically. If you do this, all users besides you will be logged off, so be sure to do this at a time when traffic is low.</p>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$e = $db->sql_query('SELECT activation_key FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE username=\'' . $db->escape($_GET['user']) . '\'');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if($session->activate_account($_GET['user'], $row['activation_key'])) { echo '<div class="info-box">The user account "'.$_GET['user'].'" has been activated.</div>'; $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix.'logs WHERE time_id=' . $db->escape($_GET['logid'])); }
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
else echo '<div class="warning-box">The user account "'.$_GET['user'].'" has NOT been activated, possibly because the account is already active.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if($session->send_activation_mail($_GET['user'])) { echo '<div class="info-box">The user "'.$_GET['user'].'" has been sent an e-mail with an activation link.</div>'; $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix.'logs WHERE time_id=' . $db->escape($_GET['logid'])); }
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
else echo '<div class="error-box">The user account "'.$_GET['user'].'" has not been activated, probably because of a bad SMTP configuration.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$e = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix.'logs WHERE log_type=\'admin\' AND action=\'activ_req\' AND edit_summary=\'' . $db->escape($_GET['user']) . '\';');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if(!$e) echo '<div class="error-box">Error during row deletion: '.mysql_error().'</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
else echo '<div class="info-box">All activation requests for the user "'.$_GET['user'].'" have been deleted.</div>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT l.log_type, l.action, l.time_id, l.date_string, l.author, l.edit_summary, u.user_coppa FROM '.table_prefix.'logs AS l
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
ON ( u.username = l.edit_summary OR u.username IS NULL )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
WHERE log_type=\'admin\' AND action=\'activ_req\' ORDER BY time_id DESC;');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<tr><th>Date of request</th><th>Requested by</th><th>Requested for</th><th>COPPA user</th><th colspan="3">Actions</th></tr>';
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
* Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for this editor instance. Used to unique-itize Javascript functions and whatnot.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( file_exists( ENANO_ROOT . "/themes/$template->theme/admin_usermanager_form.tpl" ) )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
var link = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwlink');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
var form = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwform');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
setTimeout("var link = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwlink'); var form = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwform'); link.style.display = 'none'; form.style.display = 'block'; domOpacity(form, 0, 100, 500);", 550);
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<!-- BEGINNOT same_user -->document.forms['useredit_{UUID}'].changing_pw.value = 'yes';<!-- END same_user -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
var link = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwlink');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
var form = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwform');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
setTimeout("var link = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwlink'); var form = document.getElementById('userform_{UUID}_pwform'); form.style.display = 'none'; link.style.display = 'block'; domOpacity(link, 0, 100, 500);", 550);
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<!-- BEGINNOT same_user -->document.forms['useredit_{UUID}'].changing_pw.value = 'no';<!-- END same_user -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
if ( form.new_password.value != form.new_password_confirm.value )
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
alert('The passwords you entered did not match.');
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<small>Must be at least 2 characters in length</small>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<input type="text" name="username" value="{USERNAME}" size="40" <!-- BEGIN same_user -->disabled="disabled" <!-- END same_user -->/><!-- BEGIN same_user --> <small>You cannot change your own username. To change your username you must log into a different administrative account.</small><!-- END same_user -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<small>Password strength requirements are not enforced here.</small>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<b>Password will be left unchanged.</b> <a href="#" onclick="userform_{UUID}_chpasswd(); return false;">Reset password...</a>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
To change your password, please use the user preferences panel. <a href="#" onclick="userform_{UUID}_chpasswd_cancel(); return false;">Cancel</a>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<input type="text" name="email" value="{EMAIL}" size="40" <!-- BEGIN same_user -->disabled="disabled" <!-- END same_user -->/><!-- BEGIN same_user --> <small>To change your e-mail address, please use the user preferences panel.</small><!-- END same_user -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<input type="text" name="real_name" value="{REAL_NAME}" size="40" <!-- BEGIN same_user -->disabled="disabled" <!-- END same_user -->/><!-- BEGIN same_user --> <small>To change your real name on file, please use the user preferences panel.</small><!-- END same_user -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<!-- Extended options (anything in enano_users_extra) -->
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<td class="row2"><acronym title="Windows™ Live Messenger">WLM</acronym> handle:<br /><small>If you don't specify the domain (@whatever.com), "@hotmail.com" will be assumed.</small></td>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<td class="row2">Homepage:<br /><small>Please remember the http:// prefix.</small></td>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<td class="row2"><label for="chk_email_public_{UUID}">E-mail address is public</label><br /><small>If this is checked, the user's e-mail address will be displayed on your the page. To protect the address from spambots, it will be encrypted.</small></td>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<td class="row1"><input type="checkbox" id="chk_email_public_{UUID}" name="email_public" <!-- BEGIN email_public -->checked="checked" <!-- END email_public -->size="30" /></td>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<small>If this is unchecked, the existing activation key will be overwritten in the database, thus invalidating any activation e-mails sent to the user.</small>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<td class="row1"><label><input type="checkbox" name="account_active" <!-- BEGIN account_active -->checked="checked" <!-- END account_active -->/> Account is active and enabled</label></td>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<small>If this is changed, the relevant group memberships will be updated accordingly.</small>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<option value="{USER_LEVEL_MEMBER}"<!-- BEGIN ul_member --> selected="selected"<!-- END ul_member -->>Normal member</option>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<option value="{USER_LEVEL_MOD}"<!-- BEGIN ul_mod --> selected="selected"<!-- END ul_mod -->>Moderator</option>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<option value="{USER_LEVEL_ADMIN}"<!-- BEGIN ul_admin --> selected="selected"<!-- END ul_admin -->>Site administrator</option>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<label><input type="checkbox" name="delete_account" onclick="var d = (this.checked) ? 'block' : 'none'; document.getElementById('delete_blurb_{UUID}').style.display = d;" /> Permanently delete this user account when I click Save</label>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<p><b><blink style="color: red;">WARNING!</blink> This will delete your own user account!</b></p>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
<p><small>Even if you delete this user account, the username will be shown in page edit history, comments, and other areas of the site.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Deleting a user account CANNOT BE UNDONE and should only be done in extreme circumstances.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
If the user has violated the site policy, deleting the account will not prevent him from using the site or creating a new account, for that you need to add a new ban rule.</small></p>
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.
Revamped the administrator's user CP, big time. The admin module now uses a smart form and enables all profile fields, including users_extra, to be changed. Passwords are encrypted when sent. The whole CP has been split off into a different file to accomodate the large amount of code.