Made most special pages "visible"; fixup for non-existent special page redirect in paths.php; rewrote Special:AllPages to have pagination (WiP, Special:SpecialPages is possibly next, depending on whether paginate_array works or not)
Made most special pages "visible"; fixup for non-existent special page redirect in paths.php; rewrote Special:AllPages to have pagination (WiP, Special:SpecialPages is possibly next, depending on whether paginate_array works or not)
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Changed administration login request to use the AJAX login form; made high-level authentication more apparent in the AJAX box; recompiled Oxygen Mint
Changed administration login request to use the AJAX login form; made high-level authentication more apparent in the AJAX box; recompiled Oxygen Mint
echo '<p>Logging in enables you to use your preferences and access member information. If you don\'t have a username and password here, you can <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->nslist['Special'].'Register').'">create an account</a>.</p>';
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
<p><b>Important note regarding cryptography:</b> Some countries do not allow the import or use of cryptographic technology. If you live in one of the countries listed below, you should <a href="<?php if($p=$paths->getParam(0))$u='/'.$p;else $u='';echo makeUrl($paths->page.$u, 'level='.$level.'&use_crypt=0', true); ?>">log in without using encryption</a>.</p>
<p>This restriction applies to the following countries: Belarus, China, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.</p>
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
<p><b>Encrypted logon has been disabled.</b> Unless you live in a country where encryption technology is illegal, you should <a href="<?php if($p=$paths->getParam(0))$u='/'.$p;else $u='';echo makeUrl($paths->page.$u, 'level='.$level.'&use_crypt=1', true); ?>">use encryption when you log on</a> to help protect against password sniffing.</p>
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
Fixed highlighting in search results; changed search algorithm to give more score for terms found in page title; hopefully (hackishly) fixed login_key_cache getting too long
function page_Special_Login_preloader() // adding _preloader to the end of the function name calls the function before $session and $paths setup routines are called
redirect( makeUrl($_POST['return_to'], false, true), 'Login successful', 'You have successfully logged into the '.getConfig('site_name').' site as "'.$session->username.'". Redirecting to ' . $name . '...' );
redirect( makeUrl(getConfig('main_page'), false, true), 'Login successful', 'You have successfully logged into the '.getConfig('site_name').' site as "'.$session->username.'". Redirecting to the main page...' );
redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page'), false, true), 'Logged out', 'You have been successfully logged out, and all cookies have been cleared. You will now be transferred to the main page.', 4);
Redirections to the main page use the redirect() function now
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
$s = ($session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) ? '<p>Oops...it seems that you <em>are</em> the administrator...hehe...you can also <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'IWannaPlayToo', true).'">force account registration to work</a>.</p>' : '';
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
// as with the change pass form, we aren't going to bother checking the confirmation code because if the passwords didn't match
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
// and yet the password got encrypted, that means the user screwed with the code, and if the user screwed with the code and thus
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
//die("Decrypting with params: key $crypt_key, data $data");
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
// ... and check for errors returned from the crypto API
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
$str = 'Because this site requires account activation, you have been sent an e-mail with further instructions. Please follow the instructions in that e-mail to continue your registration.';
$str = 'Because this site requires administrative account activation, you cannot use your account at the moment. A notice has been sent to the site administration team that will alert them that your account has been created.';
$str = 'However, in compliance with the Childrens\' Online Privacy Protection Act, you must have your parent or legal guardian activate your account. Please ask them to check their e-mail for further information.';
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
<small>It needs to score at least <b><?php echo getConfig('pw_strength_minimum'); ?></b> for your registration to be accepted.</small>
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
<input tabindex="3" type="password" name="password_confirm" size="15" onkeyup="validateForm();" /> <small>Enter your password again to confirm.</small>
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
<?php if ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' ): ?>
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
if ( $coppa ) echo 'Your parent or guardian\'s e';
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
if ( ( $x = getConfig('account_activation') ) == 'user' )
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
echo '<br /><small>An e-mail with an account activation key will be sent to this address, so please ensure that it is correct.</small>';
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
<small>Giving your real name is totally optional. If you choose to provide your real name, it will be used to provide attribution for any edits or contributions you may make to this site.</small>
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Please enter the code shown in the image to the right into the text box. This process helps to ensure that this registration is not being performed by an automated bot. If the image to the right is illegible, you can <a href="#" onclick="regenCaptcha(); return false;">generate a new image</a>.<br />
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
If you are visually impaired or otherwise cannot read the text shown to the right, please contact the site management and they will create an account for you.
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Dramatically cleaned up HTML in registration form; cheat code to activate Bill Gates easter egg is now "William Henry Gates III"... OOPS!! hehe
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
v = 'aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7';
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
v = 'dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087';
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
var aes_testpassed = ( ct == v && md5_vm_test() );
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
alert('The key is messed up\nType: '+typeof(cryptkey)+len);
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
alert('The new password must be 6 characters or greater in length.');
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
Fixed some rather major bugs in the registration system, this will need a release followup
document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
Fixed some rather major bugs in the registration system, this will need a release followup
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
<?php if ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' ): ?>
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
<tr><td colspan="2"><small>You only need to enter your current password if you are changing your e-mail address or changing your password.</small></td></tr>
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
$q = 'SELECT time_id,date_string,page_id,namespace,author,edit_summary,minor_edit,page_id,namespace FROM '.table_prefix.'logs WHERE author=\''.$user.'\' AND action=\'edit\' ORDER BY time_id DESC;';
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
$q = 'SELECT log_type,time_id,action,date_string,page_id,namespace,author,edit_summary,minor_edit,page_id,namespace FROM '.table_prefix.'logs WHERE author=\''.$user.'\' AND action!=\'edit\' ORDER BY time_id DESC;';
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
else if ( $r['action'] == 'rename' ) echo 'Renamed page; old title was: '.htmlspecialchars($r['edit_summary']);
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
else if ( $r['action'] == 'create' ) echo 'Created page';
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
else if ( $r['action'] == 'delete' ) echo 'Deleted page';
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
if ( $r['minor_edit'] ) echo '<b> - minor edit</b>';
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
if ( !preg_match('/^([a-z0-9_-]+)$/i', $_POST['theme']) )
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
if ( !preg_match('/^([a-z0-9_-]+)$/i', $_POST['style']) )
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Made most special pages "visible"; fixup for non-existent special page redirect in paths.php; rewrote Special:AllPages to have pagination (WiP, Special:SpecialPages is possibly next, depending on whether paginate_array works or not)
Made most special pages "visible"; fixup for non-existent special page redirect in paths.php; rewrote Special:AllPages to have pagination (WiP, Special:SpecialPages is possibly next, depending on whether paginate_array works or not)
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
if ( !$hash || !preg_match('#^([0-9a-f]*){32,32}$#i', $hash) )
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(salt) AS len FROM ' . table_prefix . 'session_keys WHERE session_key = \'' . $db->escape($hash) . '\' AND source_ip = \'' . $db->escape($ip) . '\';');
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
$q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . 'session_keys SET salt = \'' . $code . '\' WHERE session_key = \'' . $db->escape($hash) . '\' AND source_ip = \'' . $db->escape($ip) . '\';');
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
$db->_die('SpecialUserFuncs generating new CAPTCHA confirmation code');
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
Major improvements in the security of the CAPTCHA system (no SQL injection or anything like that); fixed denied form submission due to _af_acting on form object wrongly switched to true
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT username,temp_password_time FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id='.$user_id.' AND temp_password=\'' . $encpass . '\';');
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
echo "<p>ERROR: Your password did not pass the complexity score requirement. You need $min_score points to pass; your password received a score of $inp_score. <a href=\"$url\">Go back</a></p>";
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
$pw_blurb = ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' && intval(getConfig('pw_strength_minimum')) > -10 ) ? '<br /><small>Your password needs to have a score of at least <b>'.getConfig('pw_strength_minimum').'</b>.</small>' : '';
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Fully implemented password complexity enforcement; added encryption for passwords on registration form; some baby steps taken towards supporting international usernames - this is not working very well, we might need a hackish fix; TODO: implement password strength meter into installer UI and get international usernames 100% working
Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
Vastly improved compatibility with older versions of IE, particularly 5.0, through the use of a kill switch that turns off all AJAX functions
echo '<p>An e-mail has been sent to the e-mail address on file for your username with a new password in it. Please check your e-mail for further instructions.</p>';
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
if ( !in_array($startletter, $startletters) && $startletter != 'chr' )
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
// Why 3.3714%? 100 percent / 28 cells, minus a little (0.2% / cell) to account for cell spacing
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
$q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query('SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.reg_time, u.email, u.user_level, u.reg_time, x.email_public FROM '.table_prefix.'users AS u
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
ORDER BY ' . $sort_sqllet . ' ' . $target_order . ';');
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
. '<p>Find a member: ' . $template->username_field('finduser') . ' <input type="submit" value="Go" /><br /><small>You may use the following wildcards: * to match multiple characters, ? to match a single character.</small></p>'
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
echo ( isset($_GET['finduser']) ) ? '<p>Sorry - no users that matched your query could be found. Please try some different search terms.</p>' : '<p>Sorry - no users with usernames that start with that letter could be found.</p>';
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
* Class for formatting results for the memberlist.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
$class = ( isPage($userpage) ) ? ' title="Click to view this user\'s userpage"' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent" title="This user hasn\'t created a userpage yet, but you can still view profile details by clicking this link."';
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.