1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
5 |
* Version 1.0.3 (Dyrad)
6 |
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
7 |
* Javascript compression library - used to compact the client-side Javascript code (all 72KB of it!) to save some bandwidth
8 |
9 |
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 |
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 |
12 |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
13 |
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
14 |
15 |
* This class was written by Andrea Giammarchi and was downloaded from PHPClasses.org. The information page stated that
16 |
* this class is licensed under the GNU General Public License, the terms of which can be found by reading the file
17 |
* "GPL" included with the Enano package.
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
* JavaScriptCompressor class,
22 |
* removes comments or pack JavaScript source[s] code.
23 |
* ______________________________________________________________
24 |
* JavaScriptCompressor (just 2 public methods)
25 |
* |
26 |
* |________ getClean(jsSource:mixed):string
27 |
* | returns one or more JavaScript code without comments,
28 |
* | by default removes some spaces too
29 |
* |
30 |
* |________ getPacked(jsSource:mixed):string
31 |
* returns one or more JavaScript code packed,
32 |
* using getClean and obfuscating output
33 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
34 |
* Note about $jsSource input varible:
35 |
* this var should be a string (i.e. $jsSource = file_get_contents("myFile.js");)
36 |
* should be an array of strings (i.e. array(file_get_contents("1.js"), file_get_contents("2.js"), ... ))
37 |
* should be an array with 1 or 2 keys:
38 |
* (i.e. array('code'=>file_get_contents("mySource.js")))
39 |
* (i.e. array('code'=>file_get_contents("mySource.js"), 'name'=>'mySource'))
40 |
* ... and should be an array of arrays created with theese rules
41 |
* array(
42 |
* file_get_contents("secret.js"),
43 |
* array('code'=>$anotherJS),
44 |
* array('code'=>$myJSapplication, 'name'=>'JSApplication V 1.0')
45 |
* )
46 |
47 |
* The name used on dedicated key, will be write on parsed source header
48 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
49 |
* Note about returned strings:
50 |
* Your browser should wrap very long strings, then don't use
51 |
* cut and paste from your browser, save output into your database or directly
52 |
* in a file or print them only inside <script> and </script> tags
53 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
54 |
* Note about parser performance:
55 |
* With pure PHP embed code this class should be slow and not really safe
56 |
* for your server performance then don't parse JavaScript runtime for each
57 |
* file you need and create some "parsed" caching system
58 |
* (at least while i've not created a compiled version of theese class functions).
59 |
* Here there's a caching system example: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/3158.html
60 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
61 |
* Note about JavaScript packed compatibility:
62 |
* To be sure about compatibility include before every script JSL Library:
63 |
* http://www.devpro.it/JSL/
64 |
* JSL library add some features for old or buggy browsers, one of
65 |
* those functions is String.replace with function as second argument,
66 |
* used by JavaScript generated packed code to rebuild original code.
67 |
68 |
* Remember that KDE 3.5, Safari and IE5 will not work correctly with packed version
69 |
* if you'll not include JSL.
70 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
71 |
* @Compatibility >= PHP 4
72 |
* @Author Andrea Giammarchi
73 |
* @see http://www.devpro.it/
74 |
* @since 2006/05/31
75 |
* @since 2006/08/01 [requires SourceMap.class.php to parse source faster and better (dojo.js.uncompressed.js file (211Kb) successfull cleaned or packed)]
76 |
* @version 0.8
77 |
* Dependencies:
78 |
* Server: BaseConvert.class.php
79 |
* Server: SourceMap.class.php
80 |
* Client: JSL.js (http://www.devpro.it/JSL/)
81 |
* Convertion is supported by every browser with JSL Library (FF 1+ Opera 8+ and IE5.5+ are supported without JSL too)
82 |
* @copyright Dean Edwards for his originally idea [dean.edwards.name] and his JavaScript packer
83 |
84 |
class JavaScriptCompressor {
85 |
86 |
87 |
* public variables
88 |
* stats:string after every compression has some informations
89 |
* version:string version of this class
90 |
91 |
var $stats = '',
92 |
$version = '0.8';
93 |
94 |
/** 'private' variables, any comment sorry */
95 |
var $__startTime = 0,
96 |
$__sourceLength = 0,
97 |
$__sourceNewLength = 0,
98 |
$__totalSources = 0,
99 |
$__sources = array(),
100 |
$__delimeter = array(),
101 |
$__cleanFinder = array("/(\n|\r)+/", "/( |\t)+/", "/(\n )|( \n)|( \n )/", "/[[:space:]]+(\)|})/", "/(\(|{)[[:space:]]+/", "/[[:space:]]*(;|,|:|<|>|\&|\||\=|\?|\+|\-|\%)[[:space:]]*/", "/\)[[:space:]]+{/", "/}[[:space:]]+\(/"),
102 |
$__cleanReplacer = array("\n", " ", "\n", "\\1", "\\1", "\\1", "){", "}("),
103 |
$__BC = null,
104 |
$__SourceMap = null;
105 |
106 |
107 |
* public constructor
108 |
* creates a new BaseConvert class variable (base 36)
109 |
110 |
function JavaScriptCompressor() {
111 |
$this->__SourceMap = new SourceMap();
112 |
$this->__BC = new BaseConvert('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
113 |
$this->__delimeter = array(
114 |
array('name'=>'doublequote', 'start'=>'"', 'end'=>'"', 'noslash'=>true),
115 |
array('name'=>'singlequote', 'start'=>"'", 'end'=>"'", 'noslash'=>true),
116 |
array('name'=>'singlelinecomment', 'start'=>'//', 'end'=>array("\n", "\r")),
117 |
array('name'=>'multilinecomment', 'start'=>'/*', 'end'=>'*/'),
118 |
array('name'=>'regexp', 'start'=>'/', 'end'=>'/', 'match'=>"/^\/[^\n\r]+\/$/", 'noslash'=>true)
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
* public method
124 |
* getClean(mixed [, bool]):string
125 |
* compress JavaScript removing comments and somespaces (on by default)
126 |
* @param mixed view example and notes on class comments
127 |
128 |
function getClean($jsSource) {
129 |
return $this->__commonInitMethods($jsSource, false);
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
* public method
134 |
* getPacked(mixed):string
135 |
* compress JavaScript replaceing words and removing comments and some spaces
136 |
* @param mixed view example and notes on class comments
137 |
138 |
function getPacked($jsSource) {
139 |
return $this->__commonInitMethods($jsSource, true);
140 |
141 |
142 |
/** 'private' methods, any comment sorry */
143 |
function __addCleanCode($str) {
144 |
return preg_replace($this->__cleanFinder, $this->__cleanReplacer, trim($str));
145 |
146 |
function __addClean(&$arr, &$str, &$start, &$end, $clean) {
147 |
148 |
array_push($arr, $this->__addCleanCode(substr($str, $start, $end - $start)));
149 |
150 |
array_push($arr, substr($str, $start, $end - $start));
151 |
152 |
function __clean(&$str) {
153 |
$len = strlen($str);
154 |
$type = '';
155 |
$clean = array();
156 |
$map = $this->__SourceMap->getMap($str, $this->__delimeter);
157 |
for($a = 0, $b = 0, $c = count($map); $a < $c; $a++) {
158 |
$type = &$map[$a]['name'];
159 |
switch($type) {
160 |
case 'code':
161 |
case 'regexp':
162 |
case 'doublequote':
163 |
case 'singlequote':
164 |
$this->__addClean($clean, $str, $map[$a]['start'], $map[$a]['end'], ($type === 'code'));
165 |
if($type !== 'regexp')
166 |
array_push($clean, "\n");
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
return preg_replace("/(\n)+/", "\n", trim(implode('', $clean)));
171 |
172 |
function __commonInitMethods(&$jsSource, $packed) {
173 |
$header = '';
174 |
$this->__startTime = $this->__getTime();
175 |
$this->__sourceLength = 0;
176 |
177 |
for($a = 0, $b = $this->__totalSources; $a < $b; $a++)
178 |
$this->__sources[$a]['code'] = $this->__clean($this->__sources[$a]['code']);
179 |
$header = $this->__getHeader();
180 |
for($a = 0, $b = $this->__totalSources; $a < $b; $a++)
181 |
$this->__sources[$a] = &$this->__sources[$a]['code'];
182 |
$this->__sources = implode(';', $this->__sources);
183 |
184 |
$this->__sources = $this->__pack($this->__sources);
185 |
$this->__sourceNewLength = strlen($this->__sources);
186 |
187 |
return $header.$this->__sources;
188 |
189 |
function __getHeader() {
190 |
return implode('', array(
191 |
'/* ',$this->__getScriptNames(),'JavaScriptCompressor ',$this->version,' [www.devpro.it], ',
192 |
'thanks to Dean Edwards for idea [dean.edwards.name]',
193 |
" */\r\n"
194 |
195 |
196 |
function __getScriptNames() {
197 |
$a = 0;
198 |
$result = array();
199 |
for($b = $this->__totalSources; $a < $b; $a++) {
200 |
if($this->__sources[$a]['name'] !== '')
201 |
array_push($result, $this->__sources[$a]['name']);
202 |
203 |
$a = count($result);
204 |
if($a-- > 0)
205 |
$result[$a] .= ' with ';
206 |
return $a < 0 ? '' : implode(', ', $result);
207 |
208 |
function __getSize($size, $dec = 2) {
209 |
$toEval = '';
210 |
$type = array('bytes', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb');
211 |
$nsize = $size;
212 |
$times = 0;
213 |
while($nsize > 1024) {
214 |
$nsize = $nsize / 1024;
215 |
$toEval .= '/1024';
216 |
217 |
218 |
if($times === 0)
219 |
$fSize = $size.' '.$type[$times];
220 |
else {
221 |
222 |
$fSize = number_format($size, $dec, '.', '').' '.$type[$times];
223 |
224 |
return $fSize;
225 |
226 |
function __getTime($startTime = null) {
227 |
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
228 |
$newtime = (float)$usec + (float)$sec;
229 |
if($startTime !== null)
230 |
$newtime = number_format(($newtime - $startTime), 3);
231 |
return $newtime;
232 |
233 |
function __pack(&$str) {
234 |
$container = array();
235 |
$str = preg_replace("/(\w+)/e", '$this->__BC->toBase($this->__wordsParser("\\1",$container));', $this->__clean($str));
236 |
$str = str_replace("\n", '\n', addslashes($str));
237 |
return 'eval(function(A,G){return A.replace(/(\\w+)/g,function(a,b){return G[parseInt(b,36)]})}("'.$str.'","'.implode(',', $container).'".split(",")));';
238 |
239 |
function __setStats() {
240 |
$this->stats = implode(' ', array(
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
function __sourceManager(&$jsSource) {
250 |
$b = count($jsSource);
251 |
$this->__sources = array();
252 |
253 |
$this->__sourcePusher($jsSource, '');
254 |
elseif(is_array($jsSource) && $b > 0) {
255 |
256 |
$this->__sourcePusher($jsSource['code'], (isset($jsSource['name']) ? $jsSource['name'] : ''));
257 |
else {
258 |
for($a = 0; $a < $b; $a++) {
259 |
if(is_array($jsSource[$a]) && isset($jsSource[$a]['code'], $jsSource[$a]['name']))
260 |
$this->__sourcePusher($jsSource[$a]['code'], trim($jsSource[$a]['name']));
261 |
262 |
$this->__sourcePusher($jsSource[$a], '');
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
$this->__totalSources = count($this->__sources);
267 |
268 |
function __sourcePusher(&$code, $name) {
269 |
$this->__sourceLength += strlen($code);
270 |
array_push($this->__sources, array('code'=>$code, 'name'=>$name));
271 |
272 |
function __wordsParser($str, &$d) {
273 |
if(is_null($key = array_shift($key = array_keys($d,$str))))
274 |
$key = array_push($d, $str) - 1;
275 |
return $key;
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
* BaseConvert class,
281 |
* converts an unsigned base 10 integer to a different base and vice versa.
282 |
* ______________________________________________________________
283 |
* BaseConvert
284 |
* |
285 |
* |________ constructor(newBase:string)
286 |
* | uses newBase string var for convertion
287 |
* | [i.e. "0123456789abcdef" for an hex convertion]
288 |
* |
289 |
* |________ toBase(unsignedInteger:uint):string
290 |
* | return base value of input
291 |
* |
292 |
* |________ fromBase(baseString:string):uint
293 |
* return base 10 integer value of base input
294 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
295 |
* REMEMBER: PHP < 6 doesn't work correctly with integer greater than 2147483647 (2^31 - 1)
296 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
297 |
* @Compatibility >= PHP 4
298 |
* @Author Andrea Giammarchi
299 |
* @Site http://www.devpro.it/
300 |
* @Date 2006/06/05
301 |
* @Version 1.0
302 |
303 |
304 |
class BaseConvert {
305 |
306 |
var $base, $baseLength;
307 |
308 |
function BaseConvert($base) {
309 |
$this->base = &$base;
310 |
$this->baseLength = strlen($base);
311 |
312 |
313 |
function toBase($num) {
314 |
$module = 0; $result = '';
315 |
while($num) {
316 |
$result = $this->base{($module = $num % $this->baseLength)}.$result;
317 |
$num = (int)(($num - $module) / $this->baseLength);
318 |
319 |
return $result !== '' ? $result : $this->base{0};
320 |
321 |
322 |
function fromBase($str) {
323 |
$pos = 0; $len = strlen($str) - 1; $result = 0;
324 |
while($pos < $len)
325 |
$result += pow($this->baseLength, ($len - $pos)) * strpos($this->base, $str{($pos++)});
326 |
return $len >= 0 ? $result + strpos($this->base, $str{($pos)}) : null;
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
* SourceMap class,
332 |
* reads a generic language source code and returns its map.
333 |
* ______________________________________________________________
334 |
* The SourceMap goals is to create a map of a generic script/program language.
335 |
* The getMap method returns an array/list of arrays/dictionary/objects
336 |
* of source map using delimeters variable to map correctly:
337 |
* - multi line comments
338 |
* - single line comments
339 |
* - double quoted strings
340 |
* - single quoted strings
341 |
* - pure code
342 |
* - everything else (for example regexp [/re/] with javascript), just adding a correct delimeter
343 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
344 |
* What about the delimeter
345 |
* It's an array/list of arrays/dictionary/obects with some properties to find what you're looking for.
346 |
347 |
* parameters are:
348 |
* - name, the name of the delimeter (i.e. "doublequote")
349 |
* - start, one or mode chars to find as start delimeter (i.e. " for double quoted string)
350 |
* - end, one or mode chars to find as end delimeter (i.e. " for double quoted string) [end should be an array/list too]
351 |
352 |
* optional parameters are:
353 |
* - noslash, if true find the end of the delimeter only if last char is not slashed (i.e. "string\"test" find " after test)
354 |
* - match, if choosed language has regexp, verify if string from start to end matches used regexp (i.e. /^\/[^\n\r]+\/$/ for JavaScript regexp)
355 |
356 |
* If end parameter is an array, match and noslash are not supported (i.e. ["\n", "\r"] for end delimeter of a single line comment)
357 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
358 |
* What about SourceMap usage
359 |
* It should be a good solution to create sintax highlighter, parser,
360 |
* verifier or some other source code parsing procedure
361 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
362 |
* What about SourceMap performance script/languages
363 |
* I've created different version of this class to test each script/program language performance too.
364 |
* Python with or without Psyco is actually the faster parser.
365 |
* However with this PHP version this class has mapped "dojo.js.uncompressed.js" file (about 211Kb) in less than 0.5 second.
366 |
* Test has been done with embed class and PHP as module, any accelerator was used for this PHP test.
367 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------
368 |
* @Compatibility >= PHP 4
369 |
* @Author Andrea Giammarchi
370 |
* @Site http://www.devpro.it/
371 |
* @Date 2006/08/01
372 |
* @LastMOd 2006/08/01
373 |
* @Version 0.1
374 |
* @Application Last version of JavaScriptCompressor class use this one to map source code.
375 |
376 |
class SourceMap {
377 |
378 |
379 |
* public method
380 |
* getMap(&$source:string, &$delimeters:array):array
381 |
* Maps the source code using $delimeters rules and returns map as an array
382 |
* NOTE: read comments to know more about map and delimeter
383 |
384 |
* @param string generic source code
385 |
* @param array array with nested array with code rules
386 |
387 |
function getMap(&$source, &$delimeters) {
388 |
389 |
# "unsigned" integer variables
390 |
$sourcePosition = 0;
391 |
$delimetersPosition = 0;
392 |
$findLength = 0;
393 |
$len = 0;
394 |
$tempIndex = 0;
395 |
$sourceLength = strlen($source);
396 |
$delimetersLength = count($delimeters);
397 |
398 |
# integer variables
399 |
$tempPosition = -1;
400 |
$endPosition = -1;
401 |
402 |
# array variables
403 |
$map = array();
404 |
$tempMap = array();
405 |
$tempDelimeter = array();
406 |
407 |
while($sourcePosition < $sourceLength) {
408 |
$endPosition = -1;
409 |
for($delimetersPosition = 0; $delimetersPosition < $delimetersLength; $delimetersPosition++) {
410 |
$tempPosition = strpos($source, $delimeters[$delimetersPosition]['start'], $sourcePosition);
411 |
if($tempPosition !== false && ($tempPosition < $endPosition || $endPosition === -1)) {
412 |
$endPosition = $tempPosition;
413 |
$tempIndex = $delimetersPosition;
414 |
415 |
416 |
if($endPosition !== -1) {
417 |
$sourcePosition = $endPosition;
418 |
$tempDelimeter = &$delimeters[$tempIndex];
419 |
$findLength = strlen($tempDelimeter['start']);
420 |
if(is_array($tempDelimeter['end'])) {
421 |
$delimetersPosition = 0;
422 |
$endPosition = -1;
423 |
for($len = count($tempDelimeter['end']); $delimetersPosition < $len; $delimetersPosition++) {
424 |
$tempPosition = strpos($source, $tempDelimeter['end'][$delimetersPosition], $sourcePosition + $findLength);
425 |
if($tempPosition !== false && ($tempPosition < $endPosition || $endPosition === -1)) {
426 |
$endPosition = $tempPosition;
427 |
$tempIndex = $delimetersPosition;
428 |
429 |
430 |
if($endPosition !== -1)
431 |
$endPosition = $endPosition + strlen($tempDelimeter['end'][$tempIndex]);
432 |
433 |
$endPosition = $sourceLength;
434 |
array_push($map, array('name'=>$tempDelimeter['name'], 'start'=>$sourcePosition, 'end'=>$endPosition));
435 |
$sourcePosition = $endPosition - 1;
436 |
437 |
elseif(isset($tempDelimeter['match'])) {
438 |
$tempPosition = strpos($source, $tempDelimeter['end'], $sourcePosition + $findLength);
439 |
$len = strlen($tempDelimeter['end']);
440 |
if($tempPosition !== false && preg_match($tempDelimeter['match'], substr($source, $sourcePosition, $tempPosition - $sourcePosition + $len))) {
441 |
$endPosition = isset($tempDelimeter['noslash']) ? $this->__endCharNoSlash($source, $sourcePosition, $tempDelimeter['end'], $sourceLength) : $tempPosition + $len;
442 |
array_push($map, array('name'=>$tempDelimeter['name'], 'start'=>$sourcePosition, 'end'=>$endPosition));
443 |
$sourcePosition = $endPosition - 1;
444 |
445 |
446 |
else {
447 |
448 |
$endPosition = $this->__endCharNoSlash($source, $sourcePosition, $tempDelimeter['end'], $sourceLength);
449 |
else {
450 |
$tempPosition = strpos($source, $tempDelimeter['end'], $sourcePosition + $findLength);
451 |
if($tempPosition !== false)
452 |
$endPosition = $tempPosition + strlen($tempDelimeter['end']);
453 |
454 |
$endPosition = $sourceLength;
455 |
456 |
array_push($map, array('name'=>$tempDelimeter['name'], 'start'=>$sourcePosition, 'end'=>$endPosition));
457 |
$sourcePosition = $endPosition - 1;
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
$sourcePosition = $sourceLength - 1;
462 |
463 |
464 |
$len = count($map);
465 |
if($len === 0)
466 |
array_push($tempMap, array('name'=>'code', 'start'=>0, 'end'=>$sourceLength));
467 |
else {
468 |
for($tempIndex = 0; $tempIndex < $len; $tempIndex++) {
469 |
if($tempIndex === 0 && $map[$tempIndex]['start'] > 0)
470 |
array_push($tempMap, array('name'=>'code', 'start'=>0, 'end'=>$map[$tempIndex]['start']));
471 |
elseif($tempIndex > 0 && $map[$tempIndex]['start'] > $map[$tempIndex-1]['end'])
472 |
array_push($tempMap, array('name'=>'code', 'start'=>$map[$tempIndex-1]['end'], 'end'=>$map[$tempIndex]['start']));
473 |
array_push($tempMap, array('name'=>$map[$tempIndex]['name'], 'start'=>$map[$tempIndex]['start'], 'end'=>$map[$tempIndex]['end']));
474 |
if($tempIndex + 1 === $len && $map[$tempIndex]['end'] < $sourceLength)
475 |
array_push($tempMap, array('name'=>'code', 'start'=>$map[$tempIndex]['end'], 'end'=>$sourceLength));
476 |
477 |
478 |
return $tempMap;
479 |
480 |
481 |
function __endCharNoSlash(&$source, $position, &$find, &$len) {
482 |
$temp = strlen($find);
483 |
do {
484 |
$position = strpos($source, $find, $position + 1);
485 |
}while($position !== false && !$this->__charNoSlash($source, $position));
486 |
if($position === false) $position = $len - $temp;
487 |
return $position + $temp;
488 |
489 |
490 |
function __charNoSlash(&$source, &$position) {
491 |
$next = 1; $len = $position - $next;
492 |
while($len > 0 && $source{$len} === '\\') $len = $position - (++$next);
493 |
return (($next - 1) % 2 === 0);
494 |
495 |
496 |
?> |